I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1342: something else done

   Chapter 1342 Something else to do

  Under the interaction of the power of the two people, it was transmitted from their hands to their feet, and then from their feet to the ground, so the already dirty ground quickly shattered and dented!

  Finally, the samurai sword in Kimura Yukang's hand couldn't withstand the power of two new eighth-order human beings, and it shattered with a "bang".

   "Ugh! Broken!"

   shouted a series of syllables from Kimura Yujang's mouth, his face struggled, and he lifted the broken samurai sword and smashed it **** Chu Zha's chest, creating a wound, and blood flowing from it.

   "It hurts a bit!"

  Chu Zha sneered, stretched out his hand, grabbed the opponent's neck suddenly, picked it up, and smashed it **** the ground!


  Kimura Yukang wanted to stand up, but was kicked out by Chu Zha in the next second.

   He touched the long wound on his chest that was cut by Kimura Yuma with a broken knife, and the pain from it made the expression on his face a little terrifying.

   "I'm not in the mood to continue playing with you."

   He watched the woman enter the old residential building before, as if he wanted to write down the place, and then before Kimura Yukang stood up, he covered his wound and left quickly.

Seeing this scene, Kimura Yujiang heaved a sigh of relief and did not chase after him. He picked up the pieces of his samurai sword and quickly left here. The purpose of his stay here was to prevent someone from following the woman. Now that the person has left, he also You must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise someone will come here to check what happened in a while, and your identity cannot be revealed and seen, otherwise, it will really be a disaster for the Eastern Ying people.

   And he didn't know that in the dark, there was a zombie watching the woman's every move in a direction that he couldn't even think of until he died.

As expected, the woman stayed in the old residential building for a while, and then ran out again. She observed her surroundings and made sure that no one was following her before walking towards her real destination. , but even now, she still hasn't let go of her vigilance.

As she moved, there were more and more people around, and the streets became more and more crowded. She guessed that everyone here knew her. As for why there was such a guess, it was because before women did not I know how much harassment I have been subjected to, and here, people just glanced at her, but looked away the next second. Isn't this kind of reaction a familiar face after staying in a certain place for a long time?

He controlled the flying insects that emerged from his body and followed her closely. However, as soon as she came to a place called "Beautiful Clothes Street", her face became strange. It is a very prosperous place, famous for its clothing business. The shops outside the building are also official. After the woman enters, she can see from the perspective shared by the flying insects that the woman walks into the "Beautiful Clothes Street" crisscrossing it. I turned right on the street, and finally saw the front of a building. It was an arched building. There was an "n" at the bottom of the middle. There was a gate. The red paint on the building had come off a lot. Deep, but stopped after the woman had walked a certain distance.

   In Lue's perception, behind the gate, there are many people, most of them are ordinary people, and only a small part of the rest are new human beings. In addition to the sixth-order new human being a woman, there is also a seventh-order new human.

   The figure of the child laughing and playing came into Yuan'e's ears, and his vision was blocked by the door, but he basically knew what was going on inside.

   "So he's a good guy..."

He murmured such a sentence, but this is not the point. He will not give up his purpose for the good deed of the opposite direction. The real reason why he did not control the flying insects to enter with the woman is because behind the gate , there is a same class as him!


   On the other side, the A-Fu people who had just left hadn't gone far before they stopped suddenly. They looked at each other and said somewhat unconfidently, "Should you not leave?"

   "Won't go very far! Chase!"

  A Beng covered his ears: "I have something to do again."

   "Hey, why hasn't Brother Xu arrived yet?"

   "He's a little far away from us, let's go first."



Near the mining hospital, Tang Ye pressed the eighth-order new human being in front of him against the wall with one hand. There was panic in the other's eyes. People kept passing by from behind Tang Ye, but their eyes seemed to be blind, as if there were none at all. Seeing him and Tang Ye, even the soldiers who appeared from time to time hurried past him, but they didn't see what was happening in front of them, and walked over naturally.

   "I'm here! You are blind!"

He opened his mouth and shouted, but the sound seemed to be audible only to himself. Not even a single person turned his eyes to this side. He didn't know what was going on. The scene in front of him was so weird. He couldn't help but feel a deep fear in his heart.

   And the man in front of him kept looking at him, as if his heart was about to jump from his throat.

   What the **** happened and why can’t these people see themselves? Why can't they hear me?

   "Stop yelling, it's useless, next question, are there only two people who know Xi Qing?"


   He replied quickly, and then continued: "Li Henian, calm down, you won't feel better if you kill me. I know you have many strong men, but you don't like trouble, do you?"

   "Of course." Tang Ye nodded without denying it.

   "Then let me go, and I'll pretend nothing happens."

   "No, I still have things to ask, and I'll let you go when I'm done."

   "You..." The other party's face was a little angry, but he quickly thought of something and compromised, and asked helplessly: "Then what else do you want to ask?"

Tang Ye thought for a while, didn't ask immediately, but looked at the place where Su Si returned before. Now that she has left, she doesn't know where she went. It should be that she already has a plan in her mind and now she is going to execute it. His goal was the purifying agent that Lin Jie said, and his own goal was Lin Jie, and the purifying agent should be given to Xu Haihui and the others.

   "What was the name of that Xi Qing before?"

   "She didn't tell me."

   "That's fine, are you sure that the person Lin Jie found is her?"

   "There is a high probability that she has been hiding from Lin Jie. She has used the name Xi Qing for more than ten years, since before the end of the world."

  Tang Ye was silent for a while, his silence brought great pressure to the heart of the new eighth-order human in front of him, because he had no idea what Tang Ye was thinking now.

   After more than ten seconds, Tang Ye suddenly said something that made his heart contract sharply.

   "Those two are dead. From now on, only you and I know that Lin Jie should be looking for Xi Qing."

   (end of this chapter)

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