I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1351: Borrowed and repaid 3

   Chapter 1351 Borrowing and Repaying 3

   "Keep an eye on her, don't lose her!"

   "I shot directly, I should be able to kill her in seconds, but I don't know what material the container of the purifying agent is made of, I'm afraid it will dry and shatter!"

   "Don't take too long to block her way for me."

   "I'll go to that shelter, in case you fail, I still have a chance."


Xu Mengyun ran and couldn't control the pedestrians on the street. Under the screams of people, she didn't know how many cars and stalls next to her were knocked over. At this time, she looked up and saw a motorcycle passing from above her head. He flew out horizontally, the front and rear wheels were turning wildly, over his head, and smashed to his side.

   "Huh? Where did you get the motorcycle?"

Seeing the motorcycle smashed towards him, Yuan'e couldn't help but wonder. Just now, his attention had been on Xu Mengyun, but he didn't pay attention to the people around him. When I was there, I didn't see anyone.

He stretched out a hand to pick it up. The motorcycle was hitting him as he was moving, but at the moment when Er's hand just touched the body of the motorcycle, his expression suddenly changed. Now, in the next second, with a "bang", as the roof he stepped on collapsed in an instant, the sturdy crack extended wildly along the ground like a giant dragon, and the crack seemed to be opened by a huge evil beast. He swallowed his own **** mouth and swallowed many people in. A series of shrill screams came out from the ground, becoming hollow and mixed with a trace of echoes.

The storm was artificially set off, and a large number of buildings were destroyed in an instant. The frame structure supporting their bodies could not withstand this force at all. A lot of cement and steel bars were swept up into the sky by this storm, and then fell from the sky. Now, there was a big hole in the ground of the street, and many unlucky people died because of it.

As for Yu'e, he also flew out at the moment of catching the motorcycle, smashing the ground into a mess. In the dust, his face was full of surprises. He did not expect that the power exerted by this motorcycle would be so powerful. Big, completely beyond his imagination!

   And, the texture of this motorcycle is also very good, his strength did not tear it apart!

   Originally thought that the motorcycle that smashed at him was at most a seventh-order sixth-order new human being thrown over, and he didn't care, but now, it really caught him off guard.


   "Good guy!"

As the motorcycle not far from him caught fire and exploded in front of him, the red light briefly obscured his vision. He couldn't help roaring, and quickly stood up from the pile of cement and stone. All the pieces of **** fell down the road, knocked away the dilapidated walls in front of him, jumped up and returned to where he was just now, looking in the direction Xu Mengyun was heading, the next second, his eyes suddenly narrowed. up.

   "People are gone!"


   "Made! Lao Tzu lost the man!"

   "What's the matter with you? Can you lose a sixth-order?"

   "I don't know what's going on. I'm chasing and chasing a motorcycle that appears out of nowhere, smashing I and flying out, and when I get up, I find it's gone!"

   "Anyone with other forces?"

   "I don't know who it is, I have been staring at the woman, not paying attention to other places."

"Fuck! Forget it, you are waiting there, it should be another group of forces who came to save the woman, and I don't know who she is, so many are close to the sky! We still have a short way to reach you. Now, we'll go block her house together later."

   "That's fine."

After a few words of communication with Jima using an EEG, Yuan'er continued to release his perception, trying to find Xu Mengyun's position, but shrugged his nose, and there was a tinge in the air that made him instinctively feel disgusted. Some people who survived in the corners could not help but covered their noses and shouted: "Where is the sour smell?"

This sour smell is very strange. It is a bit like a bottle of old vinegar, but it is different. Compared with real vinegar, the strange smell in the air is more unpleasant than vinegar. It smells purely sour to humans, but in It's not sour anymore, it's completely pungent!

  The irritating smell stimulates Lange's disgusting nerves as a zombie all the time, driving him to leave here!

   At the same time, this smell also blocked some of the perception of Angie to a certain extent, making him lose the target to track.

   He stood where he was before, watching everything below for a while, before shouting unwillingly, "Damn Mad!"

What he did not expect at all was that in a small building with only the second floor about 100 meters away from him, a wet Xu Mengyun looked around and felt a chill in her heart. Around her, there were three powerful new humans standing separately. In different positions, all her paths were cut off, and these three people were all eighth-order new human beings. One of them was the other party who caught her here. It was also at that time that she knew that these few days have been There is an eighth-order zombie staring at him, and those strange flying insects that he has never seen himself are part of that zombie!

  I can hide myself from the sight and perception of an eighth-order zombie and turn myself here. That guy's strength is already ready to be revealed, a genuine eighth-order new human, and the other two, will the new human level still be lower?

   At this moment, she completely entered a desperate situation! The real wing is hard to escape!

   A strong sense of powerlessness also swept her heart at this moment, and there was no one who could save her. Even if the other party was only a new human of the eighth order, the probability of her successfully escaping from the opponent's hands was less than 0.0001%!

   It can be said that there is absolutely no chance!

   She was a little regretful, why did she take such a risk? Originally, she just wanted to use this method to blind the eyes of those guys. Once it succeeds, it can be said that she will not know it, but the time is too short, and there are too few things she can consider.

She shook her clothes. Before she was carried here by the eighth-order powerhouse, she was pushed into a bathtub filled with some kind of brown liquid, and then she stayed here. She didn't know the liquid. What was it, but it was sticky and had a strong sour smell, which made her feel uncomfortable. If two of the three eighth-order new humans around were men, she would have taken off her clothes long ago.

   Not far from her, there was a swivel chair with its back facing her. The back of this swivel chair was so large that it completely covered the body of the person sitting on it, and only the feet with Erlang's legs were crossed.

   (end of this chapter)

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