I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1352: warn

   Chapter 1352 Warning

The building where Xu Mengyun was in was still in a state of shaking due to the damage caused by the Angie. It took about ten seconds or so before the short earthquake ended. The two-story building also successfully withstood the damage caused by the earthquake. , very tenaciously persevered, and did not collapse.

   The faces of the three rank eight new human powerhouses around her were calm, as if they had determined from the very beginning that this building would not collapse due to the destruction of the rank 8 zombies.

After the earthquake passed, Xu Mengyun took a deep breath and asked solemnly to the person sitting in the swivel chair, "Who are you and why did you bring me here?" Although she knew that her current situation was not optimistic, she still Forced herself to calm down, because panic is useless, but... she couldn't help but squeeze the zombie skin in her hand. The zombie skin is not important, she can throw it away to others at any time, what is really important is the inside thing!

The legs that were moved down and put up casually were wearing black trousers with stripes on them. It could be seen that they were men's trousers. It should be a man. Following Xu Mengyun's question, the legs under the swivel chair kicked to the ground. The swivel chair turned around and faced Xu Mengyun!

   After seeing the person sitting on the swivel chair, the pupils in Xu Mengyun's eyes suddenly shrank! She is familiar with that person!

"Hi, long time no see."

   After seeing the person's true appearance, Xu Mengyun could no longer suppress the anger in her heart: "Wang Zhixing, it's you!"

   The person on the swivel chair is the philanthropist who just separated from her!

  Wang Zhixing!

However, Wang Zhixing at this time was completely different from what he had shown in the previous three days. The temperament on his body directly made Xu Mengyun feel unfamiliar. If the previous Wang Zhixing had a bookish air and a scent of clear bamboo on his body, He seems to be a very kind and gentle person, so the current Wang Zhixing is completely a high-ranking person who acts simply and decisively, and is fierce and decisive!

   "Of course it's me."

Wang Zhixing smiled, then raised a hand to his chin in front of Xu Mengyun, pinched his index finger and thumb, and even took out a transparent mold cover with a beard from his chin. He held it in his hand. A piece of paper towel, dipped in the water from the water cup on the transfer armrest, wiped it on his face, the eyebrows and eyeliner painted on were smeared off, and his facial features gradually showed a female appearance. Then, he lifted his hand to his head and put it on The mold sleeve of the short hair on the head was also removed, and the long blue silk was scattered.

   Where is Wang Zhixing who is a male, it is clearly Su Sigui!

   Xu Mengyun also recognized the other party at this moment, the mayor of the City of Bright Moon!

   This made her speechless for a moment. Su Sigui had a playful look in his eyes, as if mocking something: "Actually, your makeup skills are good, but in front of experts, you still have too many flaws."

"Okay, I'm chatting with you here. I said that I believe that I will be rewarded in the near future, whether I borrow it or pay it back. Right now, you only have two choices. First, hand over the wallet. You can take away the zombie skin, and we will not hurt you. Second, I will grab it myself, but it will be empty of money and people."

   "You..." Xu Mengyun was in a hurry, but she was interrupted by Su Sigui just as she spoke.

   "Well, don't rush to choose, think about the children in your asylum, it doesn't matter if you die, they can't tell."

   "You... you are mean!"

  Xu Mengyun was very angry, and she was about to act immediately, but with the long knife of the eighth-order new human being next to her, it was like a basin of cold water pouring down on her head, which made her calm down a lot.

She looked at Su Sigui, who was sitting on a swivel chair not far away. Beneath his beautiful appearance, he was actually an out-and-out devil. When he was observing the children in the asylum, she really thought that Su Sigui was doing Children want to know their real lives, in case they are entertaining children, not really in good will to adopt or orphaned by war.

   In fact, Su Sigui's purpose is to determine whether he has any feelings for the children, and then threaten him with them!

  In this way, even if there are two choices, because of Su Sigui's words, it becomes a choice!

   She wouldn't doubt Su Sigui's ruthlessness, no one who can reach the current eighth-order new human being is a kind person!

   "Don't think about it for too long, I will only give you one minute, after this time, I will treat you as your second choice, and start the timer now."

   Said, Su Sigui pressed the stopwatch on the phone, and every second of the beating was like a talisman for the king of hell.

  Xu Mengyun fell silent, and after a while, she asked, "How do you know that I have got the purifier?"

"I'm not sure? But it's confirmed now. To be honest, I didn't expect you to be so daring to take action now, don't care how I know, I'm not idle in your place, okay? Now, there are thirty seconds left, what is your choice?"

   "I can't give it to you. It carries too many things, and it also makes me owe a lot of lives. Many people sacrifice themselves for it. How can I give it to you?"

   "You're talking about those Dongying people, right? But I don't care how much they pay. I don't trust people easily. There are many things that I have to take care of myself."

   "No! You don't even know how many people there are! You know, and you don't know, they all paid a huge price for this thing!"

   "It's all said! I don't care! You still have five seconds to choose! After that, I don't want to continue chatting with you!"

   "I picked the first one!"

   "Alright, bring it here! Be nice." Su Sigui stretched out his hand and smiled.

Xu Mengyun did not immediately hand over the purifying agent wrapped in zombie skins, but sneered: "I can give it to you, but how can you guarantee that those children will not be in danger?" Xu Mengyun will not forget what happened today, except Li Henian sent to watch With the eighth-order zombie of his own, does the ghost know if there are strong people from other forces who already know about his asylum?

Su Sigui also smiled, shook his head and said: "You can rest assured, no one will do such a thing, people like us are all the same, we are doing bad people, but we are happy to be good people in the world More and more, just like you, killing those children will not bring any benefits to yourself, but will only bring yourself a bad name."

"you sure?"


  Xu Mengyun struggled for a while, but in desperation, she could only spread out the zombie skin in her hand. In the middle, there was a small bottle of orange liquid, about five milliliters.

She picked up the small bottle carefully, handed it to Su Sigui, and said with a warning tone: "I hope you are telling the truth, if something happens to the children, no matter what the cost, I will you die!"

   (end of this chapter)

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