I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1379: instinctual jealousy

   Chapter 1379 Instinct jealousy

Along the way, the order guard next to him gave Gong Xiao the feeling of a guiding robot. He didn't say a word during the whole process, and Gong Xiao could only follow. No matter what he asked, the other party would not answer, unless she did something necessary. A few words are spoken, but no more than two words are uttered at a time.

Gong Xiao didn't know how many times he "passed by" with the people working in these huge square facilities. Finally, they came to the end of this space and walked to the silver gate at the other end, the same as before. , the red light swept across the face of the orderly guard, and it quickly turned on, and it still flashed red when it swept to Gong Xiao.

"This place is so big, can I still have a chance to go out in the future?" She asked next to her, thinking that the order guard would not answer this question at all, but this time, to her surprise, the order coordinator Wei opened his mouth to answer.

   "Whoever enters here, no one can get out."

  's tone was equally indifferent, but Gong Xiao was surprised that this guy actually answered his own question and said so many words at once!

   What a surprise! What a surprise!

   "It's a bit surprising that you actually answered, but why can't you go out? Am I always in this place from now on?" Gong Xiao said in surprise, and then threw another question.

   But this time, the order guard did not answer. She took Gong Xiao through the gate in front of her. Inside, it was a different scene.

  It is no longer like the previous space, with a bare ceiling and huge square machines standing on the ground.

She saw a few people walking around here, but all of them were women, and many devices were vacant. The black panel seemed to tell that there were actually many people here before her arrival, most likely from here The controller drove all the men here to another place to avoid meeting him.

   Moreover, in the previous space, the staff working in the square equipment seemed to be all men, and there were basically no women in sight.

There are no longer those huge black square devices, but long oval-shaped working devices that connect the floor to the ceiling, and next to each such device hangs a circular glass container with an unknown fluorescent green liquid inside. .

Those female staff members who were holding research reports or some unknown artifacts in their hands were all stunned when they saw Gong Xiao. They were stunned as if their souls had been temporarily taken away by some kind of force. It took a while to respond.

   Gong Xiao saw that many female members had incredible expressions on their faces, and some were full of jealousy and envy, and she could even feel the strong murderous intent coming from somewhere.

   What did she think of, she is an ordinary person now, she quickly showed a pitiful look, she felt that she was closer to the order and guarded.

   "That...I...the place where I clone people? Why doesn't it feel like it?" She whispered to the order guard next to her.

   But to her disappointment, the question did not get a reply from the other party.

The female staff quickly recovered after being stunned for a while, noticed the order guard next to Gong Xiao, and quickly lowered their heads and resumed their work. They realized that in front of those monsters, they were waiting for others. Don't be fooled by Gong Xiao's face!

  Otherwise, it is very likely to pay the price of life!

   Seeing that those women were no longer paying attention to him, Gong Xiao couldn't help but "sigh of relief".

   She looked at the unknown devices around her, and couldn't help thinking in her heart, "What are these for?"

She kept receiving questions from her peers in her mind, but Gong Xiao learned the order guard next to her and didn't say a word until Tang Ye started to ask, and she replied, "I'm not sure, first Look again."

   However, the order guard didn't show her too many things. Soon, she followed the other party to the final destination, which was an office. There was a woman in the office who was using a computer to do something.

   When the door opened, the woman immediately stood up from the chair and looked at the order guard: "It's finally here, leave it to me."

The orderly guard also didn't answer, just turned to look at Gong Xiao, the meaning was obvious, but at the moment of her action, the woman quickly set her eyes on Gong Xiao, this look, the whole person Immediately stunned, there was inconceivable in his eyes.

This kind of feeling of being directly refreshed the upper limit of human appearance, except for those who have seen Gong Xiao with their own eyes, no one can understand what it feels like, although this woman also received a message before that to confront the palace. Xiao was ready to be shocked by her, but the moment she saw her, the jealousy in her heart suddenly began to grow wildly!

   In this world, how can there be such a person, how can she live so far with such a person?

   In this apocalypse, beautiful things can't exist for too long at all. The handsome girls and boys she knows now end up miserably. That's what the so-called beauties are.

  The only ones who can live to this day are those who are regarded as slaves, or the order-guarding protists who are staying in the culture vessel!

However, this jealous mood soon disappeared. Women always have a fascinated pursuit of their own beauty, and they are crazy about it. She is no exception. The beauty of others will make her instinctively jealous. Thinking that what the other party will encounter next will be more tragic than death, and that kind of jealousy will disappear.

Rather than having a peerless appearance, she would rather sit here and live a good life, with enough food every day, and the price she paid was to do something against people, but in this apocalypse, human rights do not exist at all, no For yourself, or for others?

   She quickly took a few deep breaths and nodded to the order guards next to Gong Xiao. She knew what these order guards were, and she was too lazy to say anything, they were just a bunch of killing machines.

  The orderly guard did not stop, turned and left here without looking back.

   And the woman sat down again, moved the mouse to operate on the computer for a while, then stood up and looked at Gong Xiao.

   Gong Xiao, who has been looking at this woman, looks like she is about thirty years old, but the other party is a fifth-order new human. After ten years, it is basically known that the new human's lifespan has also been extended.

  According to some scientists who have studied this aspect, the lifespan of the eighth-order new human beings is about two hundred and seventy years. This woman is now at least forty years old.

   (end of this chapter)

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