I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1380: immoral thing

   Chapter 1380 Immoral things

  The woman turned off the computer, walked over to Gong Xiao, looked at it for a while, nodded, but shook her head sympathetically.

   "You look good, but wearing this face is your greatest misfortune."

   "Well, it's really unfortunate." Gong Xiao also looked depressed. But the woman next to him also laughed and asked in a playful tone: "Then why don't you end it yourself? What? Are you reluctant? Do you think this face will bring you a lot of luck? Yes? Don't you think it's your pride?"

"Actually, you are wrong. Your face will bring great danger even before the end of the world, let alone the end of the world? Maybe before the end of the world, you can rely on your face to live in this world. When the water starts, it will bring you a lot of good luck, there may be a licking dog lying at your feet, eager for your attention, but in the end times, it will only bring disaster!"

"Don't be in a hurry to refute, now, it's your disaster, from the moment you enter here, you will lose all your freedom, lose consciousness day after day, year after year, locked in a narrow glass jar, in fact It's no different from being dead, the only difference is that you're still alive."

Before Gong Xiao finished speaking, she quietly listened to the woman's mouth babbling, with strong malice, targeting her face, but she was not angry, on the contrary, she was very excited. Would love to see the envy, jealousy, and hatred on the faces of these same-sex but not of the same kind.

   How can this be angry?

   But in order to be an ordinary person, she kept her head down the whole time and didn't say a word, she just didn't understand where this woman got her confidence?

After the woman finished speaking, she suddenly sighed: "Oh, forget it, you won't understand if I tell you this now, come with me first, I will show you the situation here, you have three days, Cherish the time you have left."

   "Okay, come with me."

She waved her hand and motioned for Gong Xiao to follow her. The other party was also very obedient. She nodded and followed. The woman took her out of the office and walked to a certain place in the workshop, opened a small door, and they walked. into a wide corridor.

Immediately afterwards, Gong Xiao followed her into a certain room. The woman took out a set of clothes and some bags of toiletries from the hanging cabinet on the side, handed them to Gong Xiao and said, "Before this, you Need to do some cleaning, turn right from the front to enter the bathroom, there is hot water in it, wash it well, don't blame me for not reminding you, especially the underarms under the joints and the private parts of the lower body should focus on cleaning, otherwise wait for the next You can't stand when something bad happens during a match."

   "What match?" Gong Xiao asked suspiciously.

  The woman replied impatiently: "You will know in a moment, you don't need to ask so much."


   Gong Xiao could only nod his head, and then took the things the woman gave him and entered the bathroom as she instructed to take a bath.

Not long after, she came out with wet hair, the woman wanted to say something, but when she saw Gong Xiaoshi at this moment, even as a female human being, she couldn't help but "bang bang" in her heart. A very strange feeling began to breed, making her in a hurry for a while.

   "Why are you so... this... okay, come with... me."

   She walked out the door with Gong Xiao, who had just finished bathing, but after that, she always looked back at Gong Xiao unconsciously, but quickly retracted her gaze.


   At this moment, Gong Xiao suddenly screamed, and the woman in front hurriedly turned around and looked left and right. She originally thought that Gong Xiao was frightened by something, but she didn't find anything, so she couldn't help frowning in doubt.

"It's okay, it's just a cold war." Gong Xiao replied, in fact, only she knows what happened just now. Just a second ago, Tang Ye's brain computer suddenly appeared in her mind, and it came very suddenly, even if she was The eighth order was also taken aback.

   "Hey, you still kill both men and women?"

   "You... when did you see my point of view?"

   "Just now?"

   "Boss, honestly, did you just take a peek?"

   "You guess it yourself."


   Tang Ye on the other side had a weird smile on his face, he did indeed do some immoral things just now, but is there a problem? This is no problem, Gong Xiao's entire body is created by himself, which is equivalent to a certain item created by himself, but everything he knows is clear, but it is indeed a bit wretched, but there is no problem at all.

Gong Xiao didn't focus on this issue. She followed the woman in front of her through the criss-cross corridors and came to another huge space. This entire research institute, I don't know how many such research space there are. Each research space The equipment placed is different. The front two are the black square equipment and the oval-shaped research equipment with fluorescent green liquid. In this research space, there is only one huge one-piece equipment. The long workbench occupies the ground of this space. Occasionally, I can see what a few female researchers are doing. When I see Gong Xiao, I am a little dazed.

   "What are you looking at? Work hard!"

The woman on the side of    also reminded the dazed staff from time to time, with dissatisfaction on their faces, and the staff who heard her voice quickly looked away, pretending not to see Gong Xiao.

  The woman brought Gong Xiao to the very center of this huge facility. Looking from Gong Xiao's line of sight, there was a containment entrance in the center. The woman pointed to that place and said to Gong Xiao, "Go in."

   Gong Xiao nodded, but after taking a few steps, he couldn't help but turn his head, and asked worriedly, "Is there any danger inside?"

   "No, don't worry, no matter how serious it is, it will only cause skin allergies."

   "That's it, then I'm relieved."

Gong Xiao didn't say anything else, went up the steps carefully, walked in, and the woman also came to the console not far away, took the microphone next to her, nodded to another staff member next to her, and then said Said into the microphone: "You dragged your clothes and put them on the stand next to you, and then there is a small door on your left, you go in."

The woman pressed a button, and Gong Xiao's figure appeared on the screen in front of her. After hearing her words, Gong Xiao obeyed obediently, and then touched the smooth wall on the side and drilled into the small hole that was just enough for a person to pass through. Door.

   "Let's start." The woman said to the staff next to her.

   Following her words, the staff member swiped on the console a few times with his fingers, and the door into which Gong Xiao entered closed with a hiss.

   (end of this chapter)

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