I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1394: Siphon tower

   Chapter 1394 Siphon Tower

   Not to mention this kind of disabled person who not only makes his own rights and power disappear, but also becomes a disabled person who is inferior to ordinary people. Who wants to? That eighth-order new human is willing?

   Therefore, the 8th-order new human beings who can end the apocalypse can't wait to destroy it!

  Su Sigui quietly looked at Hideto Nakama's face of despair, and after a while he said, "Get up."


   "I tell you to get up, stand up."

   "You...you won't kill me?"

   "When did I say I was going to kill you?"

   "Then you just... oh okay." Nakama Hideto's face became a little embarrassed, he quickly stood up from the ground, he suddenly found that this eighth-order new human being was very easy to get along with.

   He got up from the ground, stood up as Su Sigui said, and then listened to her ask: "What are you saying is true?"


   "Don't worry, I won't kill you, I just want to know the answer."

"Yes, it is."

   "If the reducing agent of the finished product can really end the end of the world, what should we do?"

   "This is very simple, just need some devices, such as a siphon tower, you...you come with me, I will show you something."

   Nakama Hideto calmed down and took Su Sigui towards an exit.

Su Sigui followed him to a warehouse that seemed to be abandoned. Under the leadership of Hideto Nakama, he opened the door and walked in. There was a pile of debris inside. Hideto Nakama walked up and came to the door. At the highest point where the clutter was piled up, the clutter on it was cleaned up, revealing a huge piece of equipment covered with dust.

"This thing is a siphon tower, it's a weapon of war, familiar to many, a weather weapon, it can briefly change the weather in about a Tokyo city area, dilute the clouds with a bottle of only five milliliters of purifier, and then Artificial rainfall, and then, as long as the zombies touch the rainwater, they will be dissolved by these rainwater mixed with purifying agents, turning them into a corpse!"

   Hideto Nakama's tone became excited again, but Su Sigui was shocked by his words.

   His words kept ringing in Su Sigui's mind, and then gradually combined into four words.

  God Rain Project!

"You... What's the matter with you?" Hideto Nakama saw Su Sigui suddenly in a daze, and suddenly felt a very bad feeling in his heart. His vague sixth sense told him that if a person who is much stronger than himself is in his own hands Suddenly showing a similar expression in front of him may have bad things waiting for him.

   "Who is 1161?" After a while, Su Sigui suddenly asked such a question, which made Hideto Nakama unable to respond for a while.

   "Ah? Nani... hoo~ Soder~"

Subconsciously, he uttered his own language, and he quickly turned into Chinese, suppressing his doubts and replied, "I don't know who 1161 is. We are different from the people on the first floor. We don't have a name on the second floor because we don't have a name. Once our real names are known, we won't survive the next day, we usually call them by numbers, I'm 1171, 1161 is a colleague of mine."

   "The reducing agent was discovered by him, right?"

   "Yeah? I said it, you... what's wrong with you?"

   "No problem, where is he now? Take me to find him." Su Sigui said, with a strange look in his eyes.

   But Nakama Hideto shook his head and said, "You can't find him."


"He is dead."


"The reducing agent was discovered by him. At the beginning, the two of us started to study reducing agents together, and experimented with a lot of order helpers. However, when we checked the number of order helpers two years ago, we found that the number of order helpers was wrong. I also found out that we were researching reducing agents, and since that day, I haven't seen him, and I don't dare to ask, but I know that he is dead, because there are people who suddenly disappeared from this institute. Quite a lot, but I've never heard of anyone on the ground, and a few months ago someone found a morgue full of corpses, but it was blocked behind, maybe 1161's body was in the morgue."

Saying that, Hideto Nakama turned his gaze to the glassware not far away, froze for a while, and then continued: "There used to be only me and 1161 here, but now it's just me, the compatriots who were killed by you outside. It's all because of my connections, to cover for me, by the way, you know what this research institute does, right?"

   "Manufacturing Order Guardian, is there another Omega Order Guardian in a semi-finished state?"

"That is the gene sequence of the Order Guardian. There are five gene sequences to unlock, the lowest Alpha, the highest Epsilon, and Omega I don't know if there is any, but what is unlocking the Order Guardian of the Omega sequence. It's just a pretense, it's not an order guard at all, but a lucky person picked up a corpse, and the so-called Omega order guard is a new eighth-order human who is about to enter the ninth order, and was found during a coma."

   "What?" Su Sigui narrowed his eyes. Another ninth-order new human?

   "Has someone evolved to the ninth level?"

"Yes, but it is very inappropriate to say that it is a new human being. It is a resting person. The ninth-order resting person who has just evolved from the eighth-order to the ninth-order and entered a coma period can find only five suitable genome sequences from the human body. Of course, There are more than five genome sequences in the human body. There are many genome sequences in each of them, 100,000 million or more, but most of them are untouchable. There are only five suitable ones. The sixth omega cannot be found at all. How to unlock it is the most difficult, that Omega Order Guard is just doing some articles on a ninth-order rester, so that the rester and those Order Guards will obey the commander-in-chief."

   "Do you know who that resting man is?"

   "I... I don't know, I haven't seen it at all. The resting person was locked in the embryonic chamber and couldn't touch the air. Once exposed to the air, it may be possible to recover."

   "Touch the air and it will revive..."

   "Yes, yes, uh... don't scare me, you you you... what kind of expression do you have."

   "That's over."

  After Hideto Nakama said this, Su Sigui immediately thought of Tang Ye and others on the other end. They didn't know it at all. I'm afraid they will let them go directly when they find the so-called Omega Order Guard...

   "What? You're not the only one?"

   "You guessed it right, besides me, there are many new rank-eight human beings. You've heard of the City of Bright Moon."

"I heard... wait, you are... You brought so many new eighth-order human beings here? They don't know this, you don't want to die! That's the ninth-order rester! Let that thing out and we're all done. !"

   (end of this chapter)

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