I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1395: destroy!

   Chapter 1395 Destruction!

   "No, come with me!"

"Where are you going?"

   "Escape, you must hurry, or I will die here."

   Hideto Nakama's words reminded Su Sigui of the elevator shaft that everyone used as a landing platform. He was speechless for a while. This guy is exactly the same as Hideto Nakama he knew in his previous life.

   "Don't be too busy, you can't get out."

   "Why can't you get out?"

   "That elevator is damaged."

   "Don't you think there is only one exit here? Don't worry, I know of at least two, which are not even known to the current chief."

   "Then how did you know?"

   "1161 told me."

  Su Sigui glanced in the direction she came from. She seemed to be far away from Tang Ye and the others. She couldn't feel their breath, so she could only follow Hideto Nakama.

This guy doesn't know how familiar he is with this place. He walked through the complicated passages in the crisscross route, and finally found the door of the electric valve room. Doubt life.

   "Is another exit here?"

   "In your Chinese language, this is called the universe within." Hideto Nakama said a phrase that Su Sigui was most familiar with. This guy used this phrase a lot before the end of the world.

Saying that, Hideto Nakama opened the small door of the electric valve room, which was a bit unexpected from Su Sigui's expectations. It was not as wide as she imagined, but like an ordinary electric valve room, there was a row inside. The drain valve switch and an innumerable number of wires are bundled together.

"you are not……"

"It's not over yet." Nakama Hideto came to the fire box hanging on the side, grabbed the handle with the electric wire with his hand, opened the door with a pull, and then took off the fire extinguishing tank inside and placed it on both sides. , reaching for it again.

   Only then did Su Sigui realize that there was a groove on the aluminum plate behind the fire extinguisher. Hideto Nakama grabbed the opening, and a deep passage appeared in front of him.

   "Come in, go away, leave the others alone!"

   Nakama Hideto turned around and said something to Su Sigui, and climbed into the passage first.

  Su Sigui didn't respond, she looked at the deep passage in front of her, faintly, she felt the blood energy of the eighth-order new human beings in it.

   Condensed for a while, she followed, entered the deep passage, and quickly crawled forward.

   "We have to hurry up, or it will be too late, no... I have to get rid of something!" The passage was about ten meters long, and soon Hideto Nakama climbed out with Su Sigui.

As soon as he got out, Nakama Hideto couldn't wait to go somewhere, got into a push pipe, and opened a small door. Inside the door, there was a huge space, surrounded by one by one that could be installed. Glassware for the next adult, but most of the glassware was empty, and there were only two glassware on site with two people in it.

  Su Sigui took a closer look, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. The people in the two glassware, one was Ning Tianlang, and the other was a female order guard.

  The former Order Guard Ning Tianlang and the modern Order Guard were housed in two glass vessels respectively. Both Order Guards have the same feature, that is, there is an obvious silver line around their necks!

   "What are you doing?"

  Su Sigui saw Hideto Nakama running to an operating console, which was when Su Sigui noticed that there was a huge platform in the very center, which seemed to be used for testing something.

   "You must kill them both, or there will be a big mess in the future."

As Hideto Nakama spoke, he placed his finger on a certain button. Then, Su Sigui saw a huge glass partition emerge from the ceiling, and the glassware containing two orderly guards was sent in. As the iron clip above was released, the two glassware fell steadily on the ground, and the glass partition lowered from the ceiling completely shrouded the platform.

  The center of the platform and the ceiling above were opened at the same time, and a lifting platform protruded from the bottom of the platform. Above it was a glass jar containing orange liquid. Su Sigui knew that these were the reducing agents that were still in the semi-finished state!

  This tank of reducing agent was sent into the ceiling by the lifting platform, and then closed two by two, and a pipe was stretched out to establish a connection with it.

  【The destruction process is starting, please enter the correct command. 】

A harsh but icy mechanical sound came from above. Hideto Nakama skillfully entered a string of passwords, and then flipped the Enter key. Following his movement, in the center of the huge platform, the one who was pretending to guard the order The glassware exploded on the spot, and the liquid inside flowed out.

Su Sigui's eyes narrowed slightly, she seemed to have thought of what Hideto Nakama was going to do, and the other party turned his head to look at her at this time and said, "I don't think you have seen how the reducing agent solved the problem. Eighth-order zombies, watch it, this will be a great scene!"

After    Nakama Hideto finished speaking, he walked to the operation panel next to him, pressed a lot of keys, and then fixed his eyes on the situation of the two order guards.

When the glass vessel broke, without the support of the liquid inside and the entire vessel, the two eighth-order order guards who were still in a sleeping state collapsed directly to the ground, but after a while, their eyes opened and the veins on their foreheads throbbed. , After a while, all the blood vessels on their skin bulged, and finally burst open, and a large amount of blood began to splatter around, dyeing part of the surrounding glass partitions black and red.

Su Sigui saw that after this scene, the bodies of the two order helpers began to swell up. The skin on Ning Tianlang's back couldn't withstand the sudden change, and was torn by invisible force, leaving neat muscle fibers. One after another snapped, and then, the **** spine stood out. It was getting longer, but as Ning Tianlang's spine grew longer, his body couldn't adapt at all.

In a short period of time, the spine grew by more than two meters and protruded upward. Then, four huge flesh **** opened, and its face was also torn every inch. Bone spurs along the Broken skin grows!

   This Ning Tianlang has turned into a bloodthirsty zombie!

   And the other orderly guard next to it, the beautiful face also turned ugly in an instant, and the flesh on his neck was abruptly lifted!

  A lot of blood spattered out, and the flat belly began to swell, and in no time, she changed from a peerless beauty to a butcher with a big belly and rows of teeth around her neck!

"It's now!"

   Seeing that the two order guards have been corpse, Nakama Hideto pressed the panel again with his finger, and the entire panel turned red in an instant!

   (end of this chapter)

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