I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1400: What do you mean?

   Chapter 1400 What do you mean?

   The azure blue eyes looked at Tang Ye, and Chen Bieli's face was immediately filled with anger!

   "You... damn!"

She roared angrily and seemed to have lost all reason. The pair of huge wings on her back vibrated as her hands waved. Wherever she looked, the surrounding things seemed to be covered with a layer of fog. Then, Tang Karma saw the debris around him and those wall fragments quickly turn gray!


   With a loud bang, a large steel plate fell from above, carrying a lot of dirt! And what Chen Bieli could see disappeared out of thin air!

  Tang Ye seemed to have lost his gravity and floated toward the back, and then was wrapped in a large number of tentacles, and his face was also covered with a layer of gray!

The tentacles wrapped around him retracted to the back, and disappeared for no apparent reason. Chen Bieli took a breath, and his eyes regained some clarity, but when the scene just played back in her mind, she couldn't help but "Huh?" a sound.

   But soon she felt something and looked back suddenly. I saw a blood-colored giant knife wrapped in thick black mist and smashed open on the spot! There were a lot of black spots where the blade passed by. Of course, she could see with her eyesight that after those inconspicuous black spots were generated, a lot of dust around them was sucked in by these black spots, like a bottomless pit!

   She knows what it is, it's a symbol of strength reaching its limit!

   Her eyes looked at the ever-enlarged blade. After a while, the blood-colored blade was stained with a little frost, but the time was still too short, so she could only wave her wings to protect herself!


A sound resembling a bell rang out, and Chen Bieli flew out backwards. The red feathers fluttered around like jewels, smashing the thick pillars. Then, there was another "Boom". The ceiling full of cracks slanted down in large chunks, and the surrounding walls collapsed one after another, which was impossible to stop. Huge cracks appeared on the ground, exposing the cooling pipes and rock formations below, but these things There is no way to stop the powerful destructive power that erupts beyond the eighth-order existence!

The    crack seems to have no resistance, all the way down, pulling out a long gap!


   A strange syllable came out of Chen Bieli's mouth. With a wave of the wings behind her, she took her body up into the air. The huge wings hit the surrounding gravel and kept falling, and the scene was a mess!

   Wherever she looked, the gray-white object swept all the way to Tang Ye along where it could block her sight! The large number of tentacles protruding from the ground were not broken at all, but were directly molecularized and disappeared without a trace on the spot!

However, after the disappearance of a large number of tentacles, a large number of tentacles will re-grow. Each tentacle opened its **** mouth full of fangs, twisting its body and attacking Chen Bieli, but most of them were grayed on the spot before they had a chance to get close. disappear.

However, Tang Ye breathed a sigh of relief. He just regarded Chen Bieli as a ninth-order existence with full strength, but after the knife he swung out just now, he found that Chen Bieli seemed to be still in some kind of weakness, and his strength was only higher than that of him. Strengthen yourself a little bit, this time not only will this clone not be wasted in vain, it will not be too embarrassing, and it will still be steady!

   It’s just…

  Tang Ye glanced at the pink plush elastic on his wrist, and cursed again, "Bad luck!"

It took a few days for this thing to be seen again, and as a result, he ran into a heavyweight opponent. He was naturally not afraid of him, but this thing was just a very ordinary item, and it was too fragile in the past. Too much is that the other party's eyes are a little poisonous. That ability is the same as his own black mist, a bit supernatural!

   This is really what can kill people with eyes!

Tang Ye moved at a high speed, avoiding the gray part, but his speed was fast. Facing an opponent of the same level as him, his speed naturally couldn't shake the opponent's eyes. In the end, Tang Ye could only wave his hand. , sacrifice a lot of tentacles to get into it, and perform a copycat teleport again and again!

   "I know you, you are Li Henian, we have met, why are you here?"

   "I should ask you this sentence!"

   "Hehe, I didn't expect you to be a zombie, really..."

   "I didn't expect you to have reached the ninth level. I thought you were just an ordinary person who likes quiet time."

Tang Ye sneered, and turned around and the large number of tentacles that regrewed in front of him engulfed his body again. The ground around him was chipped away layer after layer like another invisible seed. The tentacles disappeared and grew quickly. This is like a weird otherworld!

Chen Bieli was aware of everything around him, and every time he noticed Tang Ye reappearing, he would quickly look somewhere. As soon as he came and went, many parts of Tang Ye's body turned gray, but zombies are zombies after all. The place disappears, but it will grow in the next instant. Instead, it is Chen Bieli, who is accidentally swallowed up by a huge flesh flap, and ushered in a pollution frenzy that is even crazier than the corpse tide!


  A large number of tentacles began to wrap around Chen Bieli, Tang Ye saw her huge pair of wings retracted little by little, and then all the bright red was covered by a piece of black!

  All tentacles were uprooted under Tang Ye's control, and they used up everything to wrap Chen Bieli into a huge sphere! All the tentacles began to solidify and merged with other tentacles. Soon, sharp teeth grew on the surface of the sphere!

  Tang Ye stopped and frowned. Of course, things were not that simple. He heard a strange syllable from the sphere, and immediately saw that the pure black that belonged to the tentacles began to melt and thin inside.

   He didn't talk nonsense, a large amount of black mist overflowed from his body, condensed into black lights, and blasted towards the sphere with a strong aura of destruction!

   But at the same time, the sphere exploded, Tang Ye's face sank, and he became hideous. He only saw the bright red covering the sky in all directions without any angle of view!


Tang Ye didn't make any defensive or evasive gestures, and went directly to the patch of red composed of countless red feathers. The pink plush elastic on his wrist was swallowed up by flesh and blood. When the patch of red covered his face, And a large number of red spots appeared on the front of the body, more and more red spots, melting off his face, shoulders, stomach, thighs.

   After a while, Tang Ye's front seemed to have a layer of skin scraped off, but he quickly recovered.

   But at this moment, his footsteps paused, the condensed black light in his hand dissipated, and he looked at Chen Bieli suspiciously: "What do you mean?"

  PS: It's just playful! !

   (end of this chapter)

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