I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1401: leave the institute

   Chapter 1401 Leaving the Institute

Originally, according to Tang Ye's own expectations, the red feathers rushing towards him could at least poke him into a piece of mud, but Tang Ye clearly felt just now that this patch of red was clearly under control and was consumed. More than 90% of the power, in the same way, he also felt the other party's actions, so he couldn't help but wonder.

Chen Bieli in the distance didn't speak. She looked at Tang Ye with complicated eyes, and finally sighed. At the same time, on the surface, an unprecedented earthquake occurred at the Yunxia Base. From the beginning to the vicinity of the Hua E headquarters, most of the buildings were shaken and collapsed, causing extremely serious economic losses. No one knew what was going on with this sudden earthquake. Feather birds clump together to form a thick red cloud!

   "What the **** happened?"

   "Is it finally the end? Let's all die! If we die together, it's all over!"

   "I've had enough!"

I don’t know how many lives this huge earthquake took away. Many people finally broke their defenses at this moment. Those who survived could not endure such torture and even committed suicide on the spot. This scene made many people look sad. They were silent, not knowing why they and others continued like this?

   "This earthquake came? There has never been such an earthquake since ancient times. What happened?"

   "The tremor came from more than 1,000 meters underground, and it didn't seem to be caused by the movement of the plate."

   "Where's the consul?"

   "I have already sent someone to look for him, and now I don't know where he is, and I can't get in touch with anyone."

   "Who can tell the madness of those red-feathered birds?"

   "Could the earthquake have something to do with those birds?"


  The red-feathered birds flying from all directions not only poured in, but also melted into the huge red cloud, covering the blue sky, and the shadow shrouded the earth, giving people an extremely uneasy feeling of depression.

Under the ground, in the research institute, the wings on Chen Bieli's back began to be retracted inward, and a large number of red feathers fell from her body like snow. In a short time, the whole ground was covered with a layer. Ruby Red, after a while, she turned into an ordinary person, she looked just like the gentle sister next door, but the blue glowing eyes were unusually conspicuous, she did not continue to shoot, after retracting her wings, She went in a certain direction, and the direction she was going was the place where Su Sigui was going before.

   Tang Ye wasn't stupid enough to hunt him down, he was asking for trouble, but the doubts in his heart were even stronger.

He looked at Chen Bieli's back, and the colors that represented the other party were becoming less and less in his eyes. When she was about to completely disappear her figure at the corner of a pile of rubble, she suddenly looked back at herself, and that look made Tang Karma's heart skipped a beat, and then he became even more puzzled.

   Her eyes always gave him a feeling of deja vu, but he couldn't find any key points, and he couldn't grasp any key points.

"What exactly are you trying to express?" The strange look Chen Bieli showed to himself at the end made Tan Yue's thoughts flash through his mind, but he didn't think about it for a long time, and hurriedly walked towards the place where Su Sigui was. Fortunately, there was a thick wall of flesh and blood around her, so Su Sigui was fine.

Tang Ye pushed away the huge shard pressed against the meat wall, dragged Su Sigui inside out, and walked towards the elevator shaft where they came in. After the ninth-order existence, the search has become fragile. Now The entire ground has been slanted, the ceiling has more breaks, revealing a thermostat, and from time to time a large amount of dust flows down like a waterfall, blocking the road ahead.

But these things couldn't stop him. After a while, Tang Ye took Su Sigui to the elevator shaft. Because he and Chen Bieli fought, the elevator shaft was completely exposed, and a whole row of walls collapsed, as if they had been peeled off. Like a peeled banana.

   Perception extended upwards, and he found that Li Manyan and several people above were cleaning up the gravel that had fallen and blocked a section of the elevator shaft because of the collapse.

   "Hey, the boss is here, is the battle over?" Li Man felt that Tang Ye was below him, and couldn't help asking doubtfully.

   "Should it be?" Ha Zhen said hesitantly.

  Li Man glanced down. Because of the serious damage, the lights of the research institute could not be seen under the elevator shaft. He shouted to the bottom: "Boss, wait a minute!"

After shouting, he nodded to Yan Xing next to him. Several people got into the small hole made by Jiang Hui. Li Man stretched out a tentacle and pierced through the gravel that was blocking the elevator shaft. The huge gravel was lost. Support, bang and smash down.

  Tang Ye's brain computer sounded in his head, Li Man did not withdraw his tentacles immediately, he motioned Qiuyue to others and took the lead to climb up quickly, while Li Man's tentacles began to stretch down, and finally reached out in front of Tang Ye.

  Tang Ye put Su Sigui on this tentacle, and Li Man pulled it up. After a while, he also climbed up.

Different from when they came down, the crowd clearly felt that the vertical angle of the elevator shaft had changed when they returned to the ground along the elevator shaft. When he came out, he saw a scene like the end of the day.

   "Is there an earthquake here?"

   "Should be, the aftermath just now even made it hard for me to breathe."

   "What happened to those birds?"

   The sky above his head was covered with a thick layer of red clouds. Tang Ye and his group were in the shadows. Except for Tang Ye himself, everyone else was greatly puzzled. The state of these red feathered birds was obviously very wrong at this time.

   Everything in front of him made Tang Ye wonder again, what does Chen Bieli mean?

Those red feather birds are definitely related to Chen Bieli. In front of the Pingnan base, there are red feather birds leading him to some places from time to time. I didn't think there was anything before, just a little interest, but now that I think about it, there are question marks everywhere. .

   Looking at the first-level sample examination room that was beyond recognition, Tang Ye felt unwillingness for no reason. He still had a lot of things to figure out, so he just came out.

   Who was the previous owner of that research institute?

Does    have anything to do with Ning Yuer?

  Why is Chen Bieli in that place? and also! Why is she suddenly a rester of the ninth order, and the color of her eyes doesn't look like a rester!

Not long after Tang Ye and the others came out, the red-feathered birds in the sky seemed to be affected by something and began to spread out. Soon, the thick red cloud became thinner with the passage of time. At the same time, Yunxia People from the two major forces at the base also noticed that this place was related to the abnormality just now, and a large number of soldiers rushed here.

   (end of this chapter)

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