I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1402: eye

   Chapter 1402 Eyes

   "President Li, we will leave first, take care." Yu Jianghui said to Tang Ye, his attitude became a little humble, and he didn't even dare to look at Tang Ye when he spoke.

  Tang Ye didn't pay attention to him either, nodding casually.

   Qiuyue took out a few evolutionary crystals and fed it to Su Sigui, frowning again and again as she saw the slightly gray-white wound pierced through her back.

   "I hope the mayor can survive this time." She whispered a prayer, nodded to Tang Ye, and all the powerhouses of the Bright Moon City quickly left with Su Sigui.

"Have you left?" Tang Ye said to himself as he looked at the group of red-feathered birds that were far away from the horizon. In his perception, the powerful aura of Chen Bieli from the institute was far away, and he didn't know where it went. .

He looked at the heavily armored soldiers who were coming towards him, and waved his hand. Those soldiers seemed to be immobilized. They were stunned for a few seconds before continuing to walk. The direction has been changed, and the street circles back and forth in a big circle, sometimes stopping somewhere to say a few words.

  Tang Ye sent A Fu an EEG, and it didn't take long for other royal court powerhouses to come one after another.

   "There are still some living mouths below, bring them all up, be careful not to be found by others, and clean up those new born ones by the way."

   Tang Ye ordered these and left here, and Geert and the others who rushed over also began to search for living people in the severely damaged research institute according to his request.

Under the search of a group of eight-level powerhouses, one or one of the people who survived in the research institute was rescued, but after interrogation, these people did not have a very thorough understanding of the research institute. It is a peripheral member who works on the first floor. It is the staff on the second floor who really know the situation of the research institute. However, the staff on the second floor have all become zombies, and they have experienced two ninth-order powerhouses. Destruction, even if someone on the second floor was lucky enough to escape the claws of Qu Yangming, it would be difficult to survive the pressure of the ninth-order powerhouse.

In the next few days, Tang Ye also knew what happened to Yunxia Base when he was fighting against Chen Bieli. The huge earthquake shattered the two-kilometer-long corpse wall in the west. The system was greatly impacted, and the work was done directly. If there was a corpse tide attack during the period when the repair was not completed, then the west side would be the weakest part of the most Yunxia base!

In the same way, because he and Chen Bieli are fighting at a position of 1,700 meters underground, with a thirteen-level H steel frame as a buffer, the impact force on the top Yunxia base can be said to be the smallest, causing only a level of 8.4. However, in the east coastal area, a huge tsunami was set off, causing the once most prosperous magic capital in the east to be submerged by the sea, and a wasteland city in the nearby Lan'o area dented a three-diameter diameter. Kilometers of giant pits!

   There is one more thing Tang Ye doesn't know if it is true or not. Some experts in East China said that the earthquake affected Shengguang and reduced the time of a day in China mainland by 0.013 seconds.


   "Is the mayor alright?"

   "The wound on the back has healed a lot, and it looks like it should be fine..."

   "Why haven't you woken up yet?"

   "I don't know either, the things that follow can only be left to fate."

   "Let it be? Are you kidding me?"

   "It's no use yelling at me. I can't do anything right now. What can I do?"

   "You... Forget it, go back first, I'll go in and take a look."

   "You better not go in. The mayor needs to rest now. Although her back injury is almost healed, the things on her skin have not disappeared."

"I see."

After Qiuyue left, Xu Tianyu looked at the door and hesitated to open it for a while, but he still did not choose to go in. He frowned with worry, he sat on the board chair next to him, the blue sky represented beauty, but Couldn't bring his mind back to its usual leisurely pace.

In the inner room, Su Sigui's slight movement in her hand drove the instrument connected to her palm. She just lifted it up quickly but was unable to put it down. Shadows covered her, and she felt again and again watching her body transform from a third perspective. The gentle wind disappeared in front of her eyes. She couldn't feel her breath, but she knew that she was alive. Her eyes didn't know whether it was in reality or in imagination. It was half-truth and half-false in her own imagination or real vision. among.

There was a blank space around, and I saw something five meters away. A glass marble popped up from the platform with complex stripes, rolled forward with a grunt, and then slammed into another glass marble with a "slap". The thrust is that the glass marbles move forward, hit the wall, and finally bounce back and roll back, falling into the cliff that appeared at an unknown time.

The cliff may have an end, but the surrounding things are so blurry that the end of the cliff cannot be seen. The glass marbles pass through the thick fog below and see a city. The marbles fall on the rails, run over by the train and disappear completely. In the distance is the blue sky and a strip of cloud, floating alone, and the shape just now will disappear at any time due to the wind.

A pen was picked up by a small hand, and the tip of the pen wrote a few words on the powdered wall. The man next to him held a cigarette and pressed the water button. He exhaled a puff of smoke and looked out the window. There was a strange laugh in his ears. , All the things in front of you are like fallen leaves blown by the wind, flying very fast, and thinking about the clouds in the sky, and you will not see the previous shape after a while.

The pen fell on the ground, the parts fell all over the floor, the refill flew out, and the ink inside splashed all over the floor, as if she saw a back, with a person's name written on the wall next to it, outside the window. There is a canvas shoe that has been washed clean but has been exposed to the sun for many days and nights and has been glued.

The man turned around, turned his head, his perspective was quickly zoomed in, and inside the man's eyes, there was a white fog and nothing could be seen. In a trance, the marbles fell to the ground, and a strange laughter sounded in his ears, and the white fog suddenly unfolded. The mountains and rivers are exposed, shimmering, the sky is dim and yellow, and two different colors of torrents collide, such as being in two different spaces, meteorites break through the clouds and fall to the ground, and the tall walls are penetrated by colorful things. , Then, the water flowed back, the light filled the whole world, blocking everything, the screams like a ghost were juxtaposed with the laughter full of joy, the darkness or the light suddenly opened a pair of eyes, blood-red pupils , pierced through all invisible obstacles and stared straight at yourself!

  Boom! Click!

   (end of this chapter)

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