I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1414: silver corpse tide

   Chapter 1414 Silver Corpse Tide

The anti-corpse wall standing in the distance can see mottled bloodstains. As the girl moves, the surrounding buildings become scarce. They have been pushed down by people, and there is no concrete or asphalt floor in sight. Now, there is only black soil, some places are covered with a layer of film, and seeds are buried in it, and some plants that have grown new shoots can be seen on the ground not far away.

   There are also people pouring a strange pale green liquid on the ground with kettles.

Some tentacles climbed on the anti-corpse wall, and strange-looking flowers grew on it. On this anti-corpse wall, you can see many gaps that were knocked out, and even part of the wall had collapsed. From the gap in the corpse wall, you can see a strange purplish-red meat mass outside, from which forked tentacles protrude from time to time, not knowing what to grab.

She could see a lot of people climbing on the corpse wall, as if they were discussing how to leave, but the high-level zombies who had ruled this place didn't care about them. It seemed that the purple flesh was just to prevent someone from escaping, but now , she also hadn't heard who really left here.

The further you go, the more you can see the huge wounds that ripped out the earth after the battle of the eighth-order powerhouses. This survivor base does not have eighth-order new humans, but the Wanxing Sanctuary City, which is a little east, sent to help. Their eighth-order new human beings, but only three eighth-order new human beings are of no use at all. In the end, all three eighth-order new human beings were killed, and the corpse tide defense operation of this survivor base still failed completely!

   There is no fall here, but the result is even more chilling than falling!

The girl climbed up the anti-corpse wall and looked at everything outside. There were many people here besides her. Some people sighed in abandonment and walked down the anti-corpse wall. There were also people who walked up to the anti-corpse wall and watched The eyes of everything outside are full of hope, and they are talking boldly with those around them about how to get out of here.

  The zombies gave people the most absolute freedom when they ruled here. They won't care what people talk about, but they won't let people leave here easily. If someone leaves, there is only one punishment for being caught, which is to be eaten in advance!

Outside the anti-corpse wall, there are many huge purple-red meat balls. The function of these meat **** is to capture those who escaped here. Unless they are new human beings of the eighth order, otherwise, no one can stretch out the tentacles from this meat ball. Escape, but even an eighth-order new human can't guarantee that he can escape 100%, because outside, in addition to the followers of the corpse king, there is also the eye of the corpse king!

This is one of the abilities of Lan O's Nightmare Corpse King, which can cause serious hallucinations, but no one knows exactly what it feels like, because after trying it, they all become food in the belly or one of the zombies. .

   She looked at those flesh **** with some confusion in her eyes. She was an ordinary person, how could she escape, but her soul was so excited that she couldn't wait to get out, she had to get out! Can't stay longer than a moment!

   This strange impulse and the fear of the consequences of failure made her almost collapse!

She looked left and right, and in the very center of the survivor base was a building that had been occupied by a large number of tentacles. She didn't know what that building was, but it was definitely not a good place. She had heard others say that Inside lived a follower of the corpse king named Malice.

There is a black line in the sky outside the anti-corpse wall. This scene is somewhat similar to the one we saw a week ago, but because of the current situation in this survivor base, people don't think about that, and look at the black line. The lines became thicker little by little, and as time passed, the sense of oppression that came from nowhere became clearer and clearer.

The    girl glanced to the side, there were many people around, and she could see several new human beings of the fifth level, but no one dared to jump under the anti-corpse wall, hesitating and finally giving up.

   "A-Ming...I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

   Her own brother sounded in her mind. He was still by her side not long ago, but he still disappeared at this moment. Thinking of his face, the girl felt more and more sad and painful, and the strong impulse became stronger and stronger.

Under the double torture, she continued to want to commit suicide, but her instinctive fear of death prevented her from taking that step. In the end, she could only close her eyes and want to fight to let her continue to live here. She could no longer accept it. She just wants to get out of here!

  If she can't leave, perhaps death is the best ending for her!

   The things in front of her are shrouded in darkness, she keeps hinting to herself, slide down! Then run as hard as you can! success or not!

   But just when she felt like she was about to take that step, she heard someone next to her say something in an unbelievable voice that shocked everyone!

   "What is that? Is... a corpse tide?"

   "The corpse tide?"

   "How come there is a corpse tide?"

   "I can see clearly, it's a corpse tide! A silver corpse tide!"

"is that a lie?"

Everyone's eyes are looking towards the distance, the black line that was not noticed by people seems to be getting thicker and thicker as the distance becomes shorter, there are only a few fifth-order new humans here, and the rest People don't have the eyesight of these fifth-order new humans, and they can see very blurry, but they can still faintly see a little dark silver that becomes obvious.

   "Impossible, right? How could there be a corpse tide?"

"who knows!"

   Those fifth-order new humans opened their eyes wide, wanting to see more details, but as time passed, they became more and more certain that it was the corpse tide, there were countless zombies, silver zombies!

   The extreme sense of oppression struck, making people almost stop breathing, the strong bloodthirsty meaning, let people know that the corpse tide that is coming here is definitely not good!

   But what's going on here? This is the survivor base that has been ruled by zombies. How can there be a corpse tide coming here?

  People couldn't figure it out, but they also realized that they and others shouldn't be here anymore. As the first person ran down the corpse wall, people followed one after another, heading for the city.

  The girl was stunned for a while, but she suddenly grasped a key point.

   Corpse tide? Silver zombies?

   This seems to be another kind of royal zombies besides the magic sound zombies?

   Their corpse king is the white-haired corpse king who has disappeared for a long time...

She looked around and saw that people were starting to leave the corpse wall. She suppressed her thoughts and walked with them. No matter what the situation was, it seemed that no one should be involved. This survivor The base has long since become a breeding ground for the magic sound zombies, so let them handle all the troubles.

   (end of this chapter)

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