I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1415: Corpse Tide War?

   Chapter 1415 Corpse Tide War?

   "What happened to the top? Why did you all come down?"

   "Go up and see for yourself!"


   "The corpse tide! Is there a corpse tide outside?"

   "Corpse tide, are you kidding me?"

   "If you don't believe me, go up and see for yourself, we'll go first."

"what the hell?"

The people who were on the anti-corpse wall before all ran down, and the people who were going to go up were stunned when they saw this scene, and some of them still ran up until they saw the boundless silver corpse. After the tide, he was so frightened that he hurriedly ran down the anti-corpse wall.

  People ran all the way to the city, and when they saw people, they shouted that a corpse wave was approaching outside.

  When people who were demolishing buildings heard the news, they couldn't believe it. This place has now become the ruled area of ​​zombies. How could there be a corpse tide?

   Therefore, people's first reaction was that the group of demonic zombies was preparing to start a feast, and was so frightened that they quickly gave up their work and ran into the building.

   But when they heard that the zombies in the corpse tide were not magic sound zombies, but silver armored zombies, they were all stunned.

The girl followed the people all the way to the place where she was just now. Looking at the place where her younger brother died before, tears could not be contained in her eyes, and the people around were also panicked, and some people's faces were covered with despair. , During the battle with the corpse tide a week ago, people's hearts were already shrouded in shadow, and now hearing the word corpse tide makes them almost instinctively start to fear.

After learning the news, everyone ran in the same direction. That place, a week ago, was a factory specializing in the production of blocking agents. A week ago, the corpse wave attacked and led to the loss of this survivor base. At the same time, people have learned a lot.

   In front of high-level zombies, it is useless to hide, their noses will clearly capture their own smell! In their perception, no one can escape safely, they have nowhere to hide in the world they feel!

   And to escape the noses of the zombies or their perception, you can only remove the breath from yourself!

   So everyone is running to where the blockers are, and the girls are no exception.

   But not long after people acted, they saw a large number of demonic zombies appear from the city center, they roared, disgusting pus yellow liquid flowed from them, and the air was suddenly filled with a stench!

  Suddenly, someone saw something in their sharp eyes, stretched out their fingers and shouted, "What is that?"

When people heard the sound, they looked up and saw a huge figure rushing towards the sky and then falling towards the ground. Some people also discovered that it was a zombie with a demonic sound, and it was also a high-level zombie who had previously prevented a fourth-order zombie from eating privately. !

But at this time, it has lost the previous breeze, and there are traces of being bitten all over its body. One arm has disappeared because it was torn. After its severed arm was removed, the associated flesh and blood had been removed. It was pulled into a long strip and dragged weakly.


   There was a loud noise on the ground, the zombie smashed to the ground like a meteor, and dense cracks were formed. People stepped back several steps, and someone looked down from the top of the building, and they were stunned.


The demonic zombie crawled from the ground and roared in the direction of the anti-corpse wall. The sound was very sharp, and the decibel of the scream kept increasing. Gradually, the sound from this zombie's mouth had distorted the air and formed a The shocking sound waves, many of the people present are ordinary people, after this and the sharp voice sounded, some people bleed from the seven orifices and fell directly to the ground!

  The remaining houses were destroyed by this terrifying sound wave, and the dust on the ground was rolled up, forming a small sandstorm.

   But at the same time, a conspicuous black light also appeared in the distance, fell down and flew straight towards this demonic zombie!


The black light was precisely inserted into the throat of this demonic zombie, and the sound it made came to an abrupt end. This black light took all its strength away, and it just stood up weakly as the ground, its huge head facing the sky, and it kept making a low roar.

The demonic zombies from the city center have already rushed over. People no longer have time to think about what happened. There is only one thought in their hearts, and that is to leave this place as soon as possible. Zombies may find it okay, because they know what it means to fatten up and then kill, but low-level zombies don't do this. They only have one reaction when they see a living thing, and that is to eat!

People no longer care about running to their predetermined places, and headed for a place where they can stay away from the zombies like headless flies, but this group of demonic zombies seemed to be under control and did not attack people. There are more and more zombies, and gradually they see a large corpse tide, running towards the anti-corpse wall like a trend.

   It was only then that people vaguely guessed something.

   "This... Corpse Tide War?"

   "Are the corpses outside the Shining Armored Corpse?"

   "So it seems to be a Shining Armor Corpse?"

  People communicated for a while, and then heard a series of harsh voices from a distance, their ears started to itch involuntarily, and the whole head was numb, as if one by one insects were stirring in their own brains.

  Someone didn't run far before being tortured by the countless harsh voices and kneeling on the ground, roaring up to the sky, his face flushed red, and even some high-level newcomers heard their eyes bulge out, with a look of pain on their faces!

Not long after, there were countless roars that belonged to the silver armored corpse from the anti-corpse wall, and a large amount of black mist rose, covering half of the sky in just a while, and some people saw it attached to the anti-corpse wall. The tentacles on the top were violently torn apart, revealing one after another of huge silver figures, like a demon, rushing into the group of demonic corpses, and behind them, there is an endless silver sea!

   And the half-dead high-level demonic zombie that was stabbed by the black light before, its huge body suddenly trembled, its huge head was raised again, and it began to cough continuously, and a large amount of black liquid mixed with pus and yellow was spit out.


The shrill roar was accompanied by the screams from the demonic zombies in the distance, making people go crazy a few times, but it finally eased up a little, and a layer of storm was set off from the anti-corpse wall, blowing many people into the air, cracks. It spread wildly on the ground, and the buildings that were demolished in half were uprooted by the strong wind. As for the soft soil, they couldn't resist it at all, and they were swept into the air together, adding a little dark brown to the wind.

   (end of this chapter)

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