I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1416: assimilated

   Chapter 1416 Assimilated Kindreds


   uh... roar~


  The girl covered her ears and ran forward with all her might, but she stumbled to the ground before she could hold on for too long. The magic sound poured into her ears frantically, making her thoughts distorted!

  The needle is aimed at the water glass filled with clear drinking water. With the pressing of the upper hand, a drop of green liquid drips down, and the clear and seemingly sweet water is polluted in an instant! It turned black and red, and various plants grew out of the water, covering the entire water cup, and then spreading along the mouth of the cup, covering the table below, except for a table, a water cup and the water filled in it. The back wall is composed of countless colors, purple, white, black, red, green, pink, purple-black, purple-red, cyan and other colors to form a grotesque world.

  The plants growing out of the water cup are intertwined, and finally combined into a human face. The color of this human face changes, and it has the skin color of a normal person. This is the face of a girl, and this face is her own.

She felt herself walking on this gigantic arm, along the veins in her arm, to the shoulders, through the gigantic head, the whole world turned upside down, and into her eyes, nose, ears, The sky is colorful, and strange dark rays of light penetrated through, obscuring everything she could see. The huge self in front of her, the face became pale, and the two eyes suddenly disappeared, turning into blank eye sockets , she got into the eye socket, came out from the back of her head, everything was magnified wildly, and finally saw a beam of light, and she could see the original world again.


She screamed and found that the high-level demonic zombie that had eaten her younger brother was not far away from her, and the screaming demonic sound that sounded from time to time disappeared for a short time. Body, deep hatred flashed in her eyes, astonishing thoughts flashed past, she turned her head to look left and right, and finally picked up a steel pipe, trembling body step by step towards this demonic zombie.

   Before she could get close, the demonic zombie suddenly roared, its huge body convulsed, and it seemed to be suffering some kind of huge pain!


   There was a constant howl from its mouth, the muscles of the whole body were shaking, and finally a large amount of black juice was spit out in front of the girl, and then fell down again.

   This sudden occurrence made the girl timid, her hand holding the steel pipe trembled, and she dared not take a step forward for a long time.

   She really can't guarantee whether this zombie will get up again, but what state is it in now?

   The abnormality it just showed made the girl feel a little familiar, as if it was a bit like the symptoms of ordinary people infected with the zombie virus.

   Without waiting for her to think more, the dying demonic zombie roared violently and spurted more black juice from its mouth than before, like a fountain, dyeing the ground in front of it black.


   One of the demonic zombies, who didn't seem to be of low level, approached with a low figure. The girl was so frightened that she threw the steel pipe in her hand and wanted to escape.

   The pale eyes of the zombie looked over here, and the girl just felt like she fell into an ice cave in an instant, her body lost all temperature, and she stood there sluggishly.

   She could see the desire for food in the eyes of this zombie.

   "No...don't...don't come here!"


The demonic zombie in front of her slowly stood up, opened her big mouth, revealing the terrifying fangs inside, and a stench came from her nostrils, which directly magnified the fear in her heart several times, and she seemed to have lost everything. Strength, desperately wanted to leave here, but her body was very disobedient, trembling all the time, a sense of powerlessness came from her heart, and that despair swallowed her in an instant!


Her voice became sharp, she controlled her body with all her strength, but the response was only to retreat little by little, but the other party kept approaching, the tentacles wrapped around her thick arm stretched out and approached quickly She, but she herself can't do a little bit of a reaction.

   But at this critical moment, the neck of the zombie in front of him was suddenly wrapped around by a few tentacles with barbs, and he pulled it back with a "swoosh"!

  The girl was stunned for a moment, and she didn't realize what happened, but when she came back to her senses, she saw that it was the zombie that ate her brother before and saved her!


   The demonic zombie, whose neck was wrapped directly by the tentacles of the same kind, let out a roar, as if in doubt, but after this roar, a big mouth bit its neck directly, tearing off a large piece of rotting flesh on the spot!


The victimized Demonic Zombie immediately became angry, roared and opened its mouth to bite at its own kind, and the girl noticed that the zombie that saved her seemed to become crazy, if it had thought about it before. ability, then now, it has completely turned into a high-level zombie that has no consciousness at all like ordinary zombies!

  It only has the instinct of killing, whether it is the person who is its own food or its own kind, it will not hesitate to wield its sharp claws!

  Just like this, the two high-level zombies suddenly fought, but how can the zombies who are completely insane and severely injured are worth the same-level zombies who are in normal state in all aspects?

   After a while, it fell into the downwind, and its huge body was lifted up and thrown out, smashing the ground into a big hole!


Its peers let out a smug laughter, and then looked in the direction of the girl with pale and terrifying eyes, and saw that she was moving away from him, but her speed was too slow, and she was still seen by this high-level demonic zombie. .

   However, it did not chase, because its perception sensed that the same kind had changed, it turned around and looked over, and saw that the place where it fell was shrouded in thick black fog!


  It let out a roar demonstratively, with doubts in its eyes, it really didn't realize what happened, why did its kind become like this, this is no longer a demon zombie?


   There was also a corpse roar in response to it, but the next second, it was a black beam of light that responded to it!


The black beam of light collided with its sturdy arm. In an instant, the black beam of light formed by the extreme compression of the black mist exploded. The thick black mist enveloped its surroundings, and the skin covered with pustules was corroded by these strange black mists. In the pit, a huge figure climbed out again, spitting out black thick juice as he walked.

   It closed its eyes, and when it opened, the pale eyes were gone, replaced by blood red!

   (end of this chapter)

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