I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1433: What did you just think about?

   Chapter 1433 What were you thinking just now?

A staff member who was playing jokes with a mobile phone said something to a colleague next to him in a joking tone, and then caused the people around him to laugh. After a change, he hurriedly ran in that direction!

   "Not good! Something happened!"

In the cage, a fierce tiger's face couldn't make a scream, and the tiger's head was twisted off by a hand. The remaining one didn't know what happened. Not a drop of blood flowed down. In the park not far away, all the bears there fell down, their heads were twisted to one side, their mouths bleed, and the mane on its neck was stained.

   The tiger, whose tentacles passed through its abdomen, wanted to struggle, but it seemed as if its strength was drained in an instant. The front legs shook twice, and the entire tiger body was paralyzed, and then quickly shriveled.

"Is this true or false?" Tang Ye murmured, looking at his hand, the outstretched tentacles retracted from the tiger's body and turned into his own index finger, thus swallowing an ordinary tiger, Tang Ye could clearly feel it I feel that every inch of my body is cheering because of the vitality replenishment. Although I haven't replenished myself with much vitality, there is still some replenishment, which shows that I can get replenishment by eating living things.

  It is different from directly using evolutionary crystals or evolutionary crystals to supplement, and the feeling of directly swallowing living creatures is completely different. The two cannot be compared at all, which is why zombies are so eager for flesh and blood.

   Low-level zombies only know what’s good and what’s not. Like a child, they choose what they like to eat. In contrast, high-level zombies are like adults, and they know what nutrition is.

   But Tang Ye didn't have time to feel it for a long time, and the sound from the side immediately attracted him.

   "Hey, this is the first time I hear a peacock chirping."

   Tang Ye, who was about to pack up and leave, was forced to work overtime. The hand that had just returned to normal again became five tentacles that stretched infinitely, heading towards the peacocks that were screaming.

Perhaps feeling the crisis, these peacocks screamed even more mournfully, and began to flutter wildly, but before holding the clock, those tentacles got into the field where they were, and soon, the feathers of those peacocks gradually lost their luster. , the eyes lost their agility, turned into mummified corpses, and fell to the ground!

   quickly destroyed the brain structure of the surrounding corpses, and Tang Ye left here. After a while, the staff arrived late, watching the corpses of animals that died abnormally in confusion.

   "Fa...what happened?"

The dry and wrinkled animal carcasses made them feel that the surrounding air had dropped several degrees. They passed by here countless times every day. A few hours ago, even less than half an hour ago, these tigers, bears, and peacocks still Okay, but why has it become like this now?

  Like the kind of corpse that has been dead for years and dried! The strangest thing is that around the field where they are located, there is no damage to the protective fence. Except for a few bloodstains in the bear area, no other animals can see any blood!

No one dared to step forward to check what happened. After a stalemate for a while, one person turned around and ran away. The people around reacted and followed them and fled outside. They intuitively told them that there seemed to be something in the zoo. It's not safe to stay here any longer!

On the other side, Tang Ye looked at the hotel front desk that was already full of people not far in front of him and didn't know what to think. Just now, the feeling of forgetting something once again made him unable to stop thinking about whether he was just now. What is there to do?

   "This world is not without danger. The danger comes from the night. Is the night dangerous to you?"

Tang Ye is a ninth-order zombie. Although he is not a real corpse king, he is still one-third of a corpse king. It seems that there is no need to think too much about whether it is a threat to human beings at night. ?

   But there is a problem, Tang Ye couldn't be sure whether the Nightmare Corpse King was specifically targeting him?

If it is specifically aimed at oneself, the purpose of drawing oneself closer to this false but very real world is of course to kill oneself. Of course, it is also possible that the Nightmare Corpse King simply wants to control himself, but if he is not stupid, he should not I choose to do this because...

"Huh? What did I just think of?" At this moment, the strange feeling came again, which made Tang Ye puzzled for a while, but he was not annoyed by it. In some special cases, something like this made people feel Feeling very bad often indicates that the luck is not good. If you forget that you will occasionally feel this way at a certain period of time, this is the most terrifying!

   The thoughts just now were interrupted, and Tang Ye could only continue to think in the previous state.

In short, it is impossible to just trap yourself, because once the other party uses such a method, it means that the other party cannot kill you, which means that you have a lot of time to break through the false world and return to the real reality. .

   As for the deeper reason, there is! Tang Ye is very sure! But I can't remember it myself!

   There is no danger during the day, only some oddities, such as people's unreasonable reactions when dealing with some events.

   It cannot be ruled out that there will be danger during the day, but at least Tang Ye has not found it now, and according to the rules here, the opportunity to kill himself is most likely in the dark.

  Thinking of this, Tang Ye hesitated for a while, and the thought of seeing what would happen after dark dissipated a little.

This may be a trap of the Nightmare Corpse King, waiting for him to enter the darkness. Of course, the trap may not be at night, but somewhere else. On the contrary, the night is not only no threat to him, but also may allow him to get out of this trap. A false world, and the information that people around you are inadvertently telling them is equivalent to an indirect warning to the other party.

   Fortunately, Tang Ye has time to find the loopholes in this world, and he is not afraid to waste one night.

Thinking like this, Tang Ye walked towards the hotel in front of him. It was almost four o'clock now. These street-side hotels and hotels also attracted a peak passenger flow, and people kept pouring in, resulting in a crowd of people at the front desk. .

   However, in terms of crowding, people have not been able to crowd Tang Ye. It didn't take long for Tang Ye to squeeze to the front. The front desk staff hurriedly handed over the room card of the previous guest, and then looked at Tang Ye with a smile.

   "Sir, what style do you need?"

  Tang Ye glanced at the room style display table next to him, then touched the thick pile of cash in his pocket, and said casually, "Deluxe single room."

   (end of this chapter)

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