I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1434: Access to Regulations

   Cap 1434 Enforcement Ordinance

Looking at the standard professional style of the front desk lady, Tang Ye remembered seeing the cold appearance of the front desk staff in other hotels. This comparison made him feel familiar and unfamiliar. He had not been in contact with too many hotels, even in the last days There are only a handful of times he has entered the hotel, and he has always fulfilled the principle of not spending too much money if he has no money.

   Sure enough, hotels are very different from ordinary hotels.

   Hearing Tang Ye's words, the lady at the front desk had a bright smile on her face and said, "It's good, sir, wait a moment."

Tang Ye nodded and waited honestly. After a while, the front desk lady in front of her handed the room card from her colleague and handed it to Tang Ye, and said, "Sir, the deluxe single room is charged for one night. One hundred and sixteen, please pay here."

   Just finished speaking, she added: "By the way, long-term housing costs only 2,800 a month, sir, are you interested?"

Tang Ye thought about it and took out the stack of cash from his pocket. Of course he chose the largest denomination when he took the money before, but he didn't count how many, but it was such a thick stack that he put it on himself before the end of the world. , It's easy to be unrestrained for a month.

  "I only have these, you can count them and see if it's enough for a month."

His move shocked many people next to him, not because he was shocked by the money Tang Ye showed, but because he always gave people a strange feeling when he took out such a pile of cash to pay. It seems out of touch with the times.

Tang Ye also knows V letter payment ZF treasure or something, but there is no such software on his mobile phone. When the apocalypse comes, these payment software will be killed immediately. Although software has replaced them in the latter part of the apocalypse, it is no longer used for transactions. , but Yakin.

   The lady at the front desk was also stunned when she saw this scene, but she also reacted quickly. As a result, Tang Ye counted the cash handed over by Tang Ye. After seeing enough, she returned the excess cash to Tang Ye.

   "Enough sir, do you want to do it now?"

"Yes." Tang Ye nodded, and after a while, he heard the lady at the front desk say again, "Sir, your room will expire on the ninth of next month, and you can move in now. The room is in room seven on the third floor. There is a dedicated meal delivery service, if necessary, please dial the four ones from the room landline at a reasonable time."


  Tang Ye nodded again, and was about to walk towards the elevator with his room card, but soon, his pace stopped. The lady at the front desk just said something a little weird?

   "Reasonable time period? When, unreasonable time period will something happen?"

   repeated in his mouth, and he turned his gaze to the wall not far away, and all his eyes were immediately drawn to it.

   "This is what the guy said? You didn't tell me that only hotels have them?"

   He squeezed out the crowd and approached the wall panel, and the entire contents inside appeared in front of his eyes.

   [This is attributed to the Longyuhua management area of ​​Xijiang City, and the following guidelines are also valid for the Longyuhua management area. 】

  【The guidelines are as follows:】

  【One: This area is prohibited after 21:10 pm, please turn off the lights and go to bed before this time. 】

  【2: The head of the bed in each room is leaning against the east window. When sleeping, please turn your head to the east before sleeping. Do not sleep backwards. 】

  【Three: Do not use pillows and quilts to cover your head during the prohibited time period. 】

  【Fourth: The sound insulation effect of the walls of the hotel is not good. If you hear any strange sound, please do not take it seriously, please ignore it, and do not try to hear the content of the sound. 】

  【Five: After the ban, please close your eyes on time, whether you can fall asleep or not, do not open your eyes to look around. 】

[Six: After the ban, in case of three emergencies, you can close your eyes and look for the toilet. The toilet in each room of the hotel is located on the left side of the door after opening the door. In addition, please do not believe and enter any door you do not know. ,Notice! Be sure to close your eyes and look for it. Do not open your eyes to try to check the room layout. If you do not have the above skills, you can solve it on the spot. During the day, there will be hotel staff responsible for this kind of processing. 】

  【Seven: If you see a blurred figure in the room during the non-prohibited period, please leave immediately and find the hotel staff to inform you about it. 】

  【8: There are no public toilets in Xijiang City, please do not enter any public toilets. If you see someone entering or leaving, please do not remind or inform others. It is the best way to treat it as if you did not see it. 】

  【Nine: There is no Western religious church in Huaxia Mirror. If you see it, please do not enter. If you see someone entering or leaving, the handling method is the same as Article 8. 】

  【Ten: Everyone needs to restrain themselves, this is for their own good, and it is also good for others. No matter where you are, don’t throw things arbitrarily. 】

  【Eleventh: When you can’t be sure of where you are going, please don’t turn your head and look back at will. 】

  【Twelve, after the ban, please try to find a suitable place to sleep. 】

  【If you can't find a suitable place to stay before the ban, please choose a cemetery to spend the night. Note that it is easy not to choose a cemetery that cannot be determined. It is recommended to choose a martyr's cemetery first, which can better protect your life. 】

  [Thirteen: Note, crosses, garlic, so-called holy water, portraits of God, amulets, royal guards, black dog blood, "virgin blood", Taoist talismans, consecrated gods, etc. have no effect on exorcism, please don't be superstitious. 】

  【Fourteen: Don't believe in any place that you feel unfamiliar with, such as a place you feel you have seen often but never been before, you need to be more cautious and don't be curious! Don't be curious, please leave now! 】

  【Fifteen: If you encounter a strange-shaped creature and have strong malice towards yourself, please stay rational, do not deal with it privately, and call the police immediately, it is possible that "it" is a normal human being. 】

  【Sixteen: If you see someone half-buried in the ground, don’t leave! do not leave! Please help as soon as possible! 】

  【Seventeen: Obeying traffic rules is good for yourself and others. 】

  【18: Please do not participate in any group activities! Including charity! 】

  【XIX: This is a normal world! ! ! 】

  【Twenty: This is the last and the most important one. No matter where you are, if you encounter school violence, as a third party, please kill the perpetrator immediately! 】

   "Church?" Tang Ye carefully read these regulations one by one. Every one of the above shows that the world is not normal at all, but in Article 19, it is a normal world? There are three exclamation marks after it? Does it need to be so emphasized?

But having said that, he has met the ninth church, and some old men ran into it. I didn't think it was anything before. Now, when I think about it, I feel that the church is full of weirdness, and there are those nuns who shook their heads at him. Tang Ye is a little bit. I can't figure out whether those old men and the nuns in that church are human.

   (end of this chapter)

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