I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1439: whispering in ear

   Chapter 1439 Whispers in the ear

   Just after these words sounded in my heart, suddenly! Tang Ye heard another voice in the quiet environment!

   A person's breathing!

His brows were slightly wrinkled, but they quickly relaxed. The sound of breathing came from upstairs. Gradually, he heard the sound of breathing from the next door. At the same time, a familiar sense of forgetfulness struck him. Think of something but soon forget it!

   And this world actually gave him a deeper sense of reality!

In his ears, he could hear the soft sound of the wind blowing through the dust, and he could hear the various shapes of snowflakes as they fell, and finally melted into water. The world he felt became noisy at this moment, and the feeling of forgetting something came with an extremely strong sense of familiarity like the rising tide of the sea, making him almost crazy and unable to control himself!

   "Mad, what the **** am I thinking about!"

He roared inwardly, but soon forced himself to calm down. Whenever inspiration flashed and he wanted to reach out to grab it, the **** "wall" he described would suddenly appear, ruthlessly blocking it. All the way to go! The zombie's instinct escaped, and the strong desire for destruction made him want to smash everything around him!

His arms turned into ferocious tentacles, and the bed was smashed to pieces, but for him, the solid wood bed, which was more fragile than bean curd, was not enough for him to vent. In countless breaths, he seemed to hear a different sound!


   This sound is very strange. Tang Ye doesn't know what to do to make such a sound. If you have to describe it, it's like you are holding a stick that you don't know what material it is made of and rhythmically hitting the ground?

The appearance of    made Tang Ye feel as if he had taken a reassurance pill. He was about to explode and immediately regained his composure, listening carefully to the strange sound mixed with countless breathing sounds.

"come yet?"

   He could hear clearly, this distinctive voice was getting louder and louder as time passed, what seemed to be approaching him?

  Tang Ye didn't panic, on the contrary, he felt a lot more comfortable. Now that he has something to do, he is much more comfortable than having nothing to do.


   The voice became clearer and clearer, but Tang Ye still couldn't guess how this strange voice was made?

   He withdrew his tentacles and let himself be like an ordinary ordinary person, trying to pretend to sleep in bed to avoid something terrible from happening.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe only a minute, or more than an hour has passed, Tang Ye can hear the sound right outside the door of his room, but at this moment, except for the sound of "ta~ta~ta~", He also seemed to hear someone raving, the voice was very close, as if it was less than ten meters away from him.

   Soon, a third sound also appeared, like an old door being repeatedly opened and closed, making a "crunching" rubbing sound.

The first voice appeared from weak to clear, but then gradually became weaker from clear. It seemed that something was passing by in front of his room, while the second voice was very close. Now, it seems like a person. Putting his mouth close to his ear, he said something, but Tang Ye couldn't understand it anyway, it always felt like Goryeo full of Northeastern flavor...

The babbling sound of    people got closer and closer, the sound that appeared at the beginning and the sound that appeared at the end slowly disappeared, and now only the babbling sound was left in Tang Ye's ears.

   "Looks like he's following me?"

   He recalled the regulations, which seemed to describe how to deal with similar situations. It seemed that no matter what happened, it seemed that if he tried to pretend to be asleep and not break his defenses, nothing would happen?

   But when he thought of this, he suddenly thought of Article 19. This article is in the regulations of any region!

  This is a normal world! ! !

   "Normal fart!"

The air was silent for a while, but suddenly there was a roar from Tang Ye, his eyes suddenly opened, and in this darkness, scarlet eyes flashed, and with this flesh flap, the coffee table next to him was torn to shreds. , making a ping-pong ping-pong sound, Tang Ye who was lying on the bed didn't know when to disappear, but soon, his figure appeared not far from the door.

His eyes turned to the head of the bed, and he was silent for a while, not because there was something strange in that place, but because everything was normal, and nothing appeared, and when he opened his eyes, he heard those The strange sounds disappeared. It seemed that the moment he opened his eyes, these sounds were suddenly cut off by something, lost their source, and disappeared naturally.

   "Nothing? That just now?"

The feeling of forgetting something suddenly appeared, Tang Ye subconsciously touched his left cheek, with doubts in his eyes, this feeling of something suddenly disappearing made him feel a little unreal, and he didn't know why he suddenly opened his mouth just now. Opening his eyes, he seemed to think of something, but now he can't.

  Article 19, is this world real?

   seems to be emphasizing something to make people believe that the world is real?

  Tang Ye only thought of this now, but he was sure that he thought of something deeper a second ago, so he decided to open his eyes.

Looking away from the head of the bed, he swept around. There was nothing unusual in other places, and there was nothing extra. All the arrangements in the room were exactly the same as before he closed his eyes, and no changes were made. This world, It seems to be really normal, but the difference is that, unlike the real world before the end of the world, everything in Tang Ye's eyes outside the window is too dark. Of course, this "too dark" does not mean that light perception is blocked. , in the dark, he can clearly see everything in the dark.

"Too dark" means that he can't see the prosperity that a human city should have shown. The desolate and cold moonlight is scattered on this land, which is completely inconsistent with this city. This city of Xijiang under the night is like In the last days, those wasteland cities that have been abandoned by human beings give people a broken and messy atmosphere.

   And, for some unknown reason, it may be caused by the atmosphere outside, he always felt a strong panic factor in the air, and a feeling of disobedience!

It's as if you pick up the kettle and pour a glass of warm water into the cup, ready to watch the night view of the city, but when you're about to do so, a cockroach suddenly appears and crawled past your eyes, and from then on, you were distracted. Ning, I imagined that there were more cockroaches in places I couldn't see!

   (end of this chapter)

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