I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1440: stay up champion

   Chapter 1440 The Champion of Staying Up Late

This kind of description obviously cannot fully express Tang Ye's real feelings now. There is another one. For example, after you think about it, you will make yourself feel more and more that this room is full of cockroaches. It's a nightmare for those who feel sick! But when you think about it, you want to end it, but when you look down, a cockroach dies in your glass!

The pairs of fine-haired cockroach legs and the disgustingly wrinkled belly were waving and wriggling at you. You were startled, and accidentally knocked the cup over. The water splashed all over the place, and when you looked down and looked down, you didn't see where the dead cockroach was.

   It is this picture that seems real but there is uncertainty about whether it is true or false, which makes you panic more and more, and at a certain moment, the same picture as just now appears, and it is real!

Tang Ye stood on the spot and observed the surroundings for a long time, and suddenly thought of something. Dia walked into the bathroom, and without hesitation, he directly reached out and pressed the light. The dark environment was filled with light, and the surrounding atmosphere gradually made Tang Ye feel some truth again. But nothing strange happened. He had wondered whether turning on the lights after the ban would directly cause something horrible to happen, but it turned out that it didn't. What was it before, what is it now? .

His eyes looked outside again. In this world, he could only see that there was such a light in his room that was shining brightly. The strange things he thought might happen did not appear. Everything he saw was only two words. , that is normal.

   After a while, Tang Ye walked out of the bathroom, opened the door and walked out. The corridor was also shrouded in darkness. Only the door of his room was emitting light, forming a light and shadow on the floor, which also reflected his own figure.

   All he could hear was the sound of sleeping snores coming from other rooms, but these sounds gave him a strange feeling, as if he hadn't experienced anything.

   After thinking for a while, he thought about walking to the right side of the corridor, while paying attention to the wall on his left for a while, there was no painting on it, and it was the same as what he saw before dark.

As he moved, the sound of his footsteps echoed in the corridor. This sound made the environment here more silent. Everything was normal. It seemed that nothing would happen after the forbidden time or after dark. This People in the world are deceived by lies, blindly believing what will happen in this world at certain times, and follow the code of conduct.

He came to the stairs step by step, and part of his body had begun to corpse, ready to deal with some emergencies at any time, but he walked all the way up the stairs, and nothing happened during the same period, and all he smelled was living people. Breath, and did not smell the breath of non-human creatures.

Soon, Tang Ye came to the fourth floor and walked through the corridor on the fourth floor. The situation was the same as before. Then he ran up to the fifth floor. Nothing happened. After reaching the sixth floor, he accidentally found the head of the corridor lighting. After the switch was turned on, the darkness in the corridor on the sixth floor was dispelled by the light, but everything was still normal.

But at the same time, he thought of something. According to the previous speculation, people seemed to believe from the beginning that some terrifying things would happen after dark and the time of the ban, and these terrifying things would threaten people's lives, and they wanted to live. Going down, you need to act according to the instructions in the regulations to ensure your safety to the greatest extent, and no matter what area, the regulations have instructions to turn off the lights and sleep on time after the ban time. During the forbidden time period, it is allowed to open the eyes, and it also explains from the side that opening the eyes during the forbidden time period will encounter some things that endanger one's own safety.

Before this abnormal night did not exist, everyone's perception was like this, so they didn't know that before the real apocalypse, in the cities of human civilization, the night was safe, people had nightlife, and they could indulge in alcohol and sex. Then treat abnormal nights as normal nights!

   If this is the case, the lights in the corridor will exist, and they all say that existence is reasonable, so what is the reason for the existence of the lights that are never turned on?

What Tang Ye can be sure of is that this world is fictional, and the creator is his neighbor in the end times, the corpse king who is closest to him. It is creating a human society, but it has not really observed human society. I just created it according to my own understanding of human civilization and the cities built by people, so there are so many unreasonable places, but these unreasonable places can help Tang Ye not be affected by unknown factors, his own "Bad habits" will not be corrected, nor assimilated...

  The entire hotel building has a total of nine floors. It may be because of the desire for destruction in his heart that he wants to break the rules here, and after he opened his eyes, nothing happened, which made him more courageous and began to test further.

   He ran all the way to the top floor of the hotel building, turned on the lights in all corridors down from the first floor to the first floor, and when he came to the first floor, nothing happened.

Then he ran back to his room, closed the door, turned off the lights, put the pillow on the bedside, fell asleep on the bed with his eyes open, and played with his mobile phone. He used Shunlai's mobile phone to connect to the hotel's WiFi to download the content that has not been uninstalled. In my hometown, I randomly found a post and posted it in the comment area in the middle of the night: [I am the champion of staying up late! 】

  After about five or six minutes of writing the joke, Tang Yeyou left his room and came to the first floor, looking at the desolate street outside because it was in the dark and there was no light.

   "What the **** are you doing?"

Tang Ye, who came to the first floor, sat on the front desk seat with no one, and began to think. He can't understand the operation of the Nightmare Corpse King now. Did he pull himself to this place to let himself experience the pre-apocalypse? world?

   But its works are a bit unqualified?

   He has now begun to expect that something strange will really happen to him. He has basically trampled the rules of the regulations, but there is no hair. If it continues, what's the point?

But soon, Tang Ye thought of another possibility. Maybe it was because of his own reasons that he was too powerful, so no strange things dared to trouble him, so everything he saw was normal, and he would not forget to be honest in himself. Some voices heard while following the code of conduct.

   So he guessed that after the forbidden time, only ordinary people would violate the rules and then strange things would happen?

   (end of this chapter)

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