I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1441: Wouldn't you all be curious?

   Chapter 1441 Wouldn't you be curious?

  Thinking of this, Tang Ye got up from his chair and went upstairs to start his own door-knocking service.

   The time is now seven or eight minutes past eleven o'clock. During this time, all the people living in the hotel have fallen asleep. Tang Ye knocked on the door of several rooms in a row, but no one inside made any movement.

   dong dong dong.

   "Hello, is there anyone?" When he came to the second floor, Tang Ye knocked on the door of Room 1, but there was no reply. The sound of breathing that came to his ears was very well-proportioned, and it sounded like a woman.

   "I fell asleep." Shaking his head, Tang Ye came to the door of Room 2, and mechanically repeated the action just like the workers in the assembly line factory.

  dong dong dong~

  The sound of Tang Ye's knuckles knocking on the door sounded again, and before Tang Ye could send a polite greeting, he heard the breathing from the second room become rapid!

   "Hey, it looks like someone didn't sleep."

   A smile appeared on his face, and he continued to knock on the door. The sound of "dong dong dong" echoed in the corridor, and the echo made it deep.

   "People inside, open the door."

   He asked the people in the room, but no one replied, but the breathing from inside became more rapid, and he heard two words from the undulating breathing, that is nervous!

   However, this person is very observant of the rules of the line, and he did not respond to any strange things. He may not even open his eyes, trying to pretend to be asleep.

   "Open the door, the one inside, I know you are awake, don't blame me for breaking the door if you don't open it again!"

  Tang Ye threatened, but no one in the room responded to him. In desperation, he could only say: "I'm a normal person. If you don't believe me, open the door and see?"


   "Okay, since that's the case, I'm welcome."

With a sigh, Tang Ye grabbed the door handle with one hand and gently pulled it. The door lock was pulled down with a large amount of sawdust. The door lock with the rotten wood block was thrown aside by Tang Ye at will, and then opened. At the door, I saw a man in his thirties lying on the bed at first sight.

   In the darkness, Tang Ye could see very clearly. Although the man closed his eyes, his brows became pure Sichuan characters! Can you imagine the tension in this person's heart at the moment?

  Tang Ye was not polite, he walked to the bedside and patted the man on the cheek.

   "Hey man, wake up!"

   When his hand touched the opponent's skin, the man directly fought a cold war, but he didn't dare to move. This scene made Tang Ye want to laugh inexplicably.

   "Stop pretending, I know you're pretending to be asleep, and you say I'm a normal person, why don't you believe me?"

With that said, Tang Ye patted the man, as if he felt that there was no malice in Tang Ye's figure, the man's frown slightly smoothed out, and after a while, he slowly opened his eyes, but this tiny Actions appear to be cautious.

   Tang Ye turned on the light, and the sudden light startled the man again, but it also instantly dispelled most of the fear in his heart and let him see Tang Ye's face.

   "You..." The man said a word, his face was incredible, Tang Ye knew that this might be the first time this man opened his eyes to see the world in the middle of the night.

   "It's a normal person, but you still don't believe it." Tang Ye said to him dissatisfiedly, but who knows, the man suddenly panicked: "You're a normal person? Then why did you come to me..."

   It seems that the man's words have not been finished yet, while Tang Ye is a little speechless. Are all the human brain circuits in this world like this? But it's not so strange to think that this may have been created by zombies.

Tang Ye noticed that when the man was talking, his eyes were on the lamp, with some curiosity in his eyes, which verified some of Tang Ye's speculations. The abnormal dark night existed from the beginning, and in the abnormal dark night It hasn't been like this before, it's always been like this, because they haven't seen a normal night, so normal people think it's a normal night.

   "After looking for a circle, you are awake, no one is looking for you."

   Tang Ye's voice made the man look away from the chandelier, and then he asked another question.

   "Then how did you know I was awake?"

"My own way is to listen to the breath to know whether others are asleep, those who are asleep are not disturbed, you who are not sleeping don't ask you to find anyone, and, not only can I hear whether a person is asleep or not Now, you can still hear if something is human!"

   The man was startled, almost jumped up from the bed, and shouted, "Don't scare me!"

   "Are you frightened for the first time?"

   "Uh..." The man was stunned for a moment, then said: "However, you are the first to dare to violate the regulations, you... have you always been so brave?"

"What?... Well, I also opened my eyes after the first ban. I think we may have been deceived. In fact, it will be fine if we don't obey any regulations at night." Tang Ye said, he said this Actually don't care.

  The man seemed a little dumbfounded, and then retorted: "How is it possible!"

  Tang Ye spread his hands and replied, "Look, I'm fine, isn't it still fine?"

   "Impossible, I've seen others die in violation of the regulations!"

   "Can you die if you don't follow the rules?"

   "Of course, you haven't seen it before?"


"Then..." The man was speechless for a moment. He looked at Tang Ye with a look of monsters, and he couldn't believe it. Now he seemed to wonder if the guy in front of him had just been born. Tang Ye was indeed "born" on the first day.

   "You've seen those who died in violation of the rules, so have you seen them in the process of violating the rules?"

"This...I haven't seen it, but...but..." The man hesitated for a long time, and didn't know what words to use to refute Tang Ye's words. Speaking of which, he did not see a person who violated the standards. During the process of enforcing the regulations, for a while, his face became confused and looked a little overwhelmed.

   Tang Ye himself was a little disappointed, the man did not reveal more information, but at the same time he also put the possibility that nothing would happen if he violated the regulations.

  The air was silent for a while, and the man asked Tang Ye dully: "Could it be that the regulations are all false?"

"I can't guarantee this. I just wanted to see what would happen if I violated the regulations. As you can see, I'm fine. There's nothing wrong." Tang Ye pointed to himself, and then pointed to the victim in front of him. The corridor as bright as day, at this moment, Tang Ye still didn't find anything strange.

   "Look at those lights, I turned them on. In fact, I am also quite puzzled. What will happen if you violate the regulations, won't you all be curious?"

   (end of this chapter)

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