I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1442: semi-suitable accommodation

   Chapter 1442 Semi-suitable accommodation

   Tang Ye's words made the man start to ponder.

   "Aren't you all curious?"

The words    seemed to make him fall into deep confusion. Yes, they should be curious, but how are they curious? Why is it so unfamiliar?

   His body trembled slightly, and the movements were very slight, but Tang Ye was still caught by him. The man in his thirties suddenly trembled, causing his brows to wrinkle.

   "What does this mean?"

However, the sudden abnormality of the man only lasted for less than a second, and soon, he seemed to be no longer entangled in this problem, and then he asked Tang Ye: "Then why are you looking for me, need help? "

   "Uh...no need, I just see what happens to others after violating the rules of the line, what if I'm the only one who violates the rules?"

   "This...then you mean that if you leave, I will have an accident?" The man's face became frightened.

   "That's right, but if that's the case, there's no point in staying here, so what's your phone number?"


   The man said his phone number, Tang Ye took out his phone, and because there was no screen, he clicked on the phone, entered the phone number the man said, and dialed it out.

   The next second, the man's phone rang.

"In this way, this is my number, set it as a quick dial, I'm leaving, if anything happens to you after I leave, call me the first time, don't say anything, as long as I see I'll come over at this number as soon as possible."

   "Then... that's fine." The man nodded and looked at the number on the phone dial record.

"Well, good night." Tang Ye raised his head and walked to the door. Before closing the door, he tore off a few of his hair and threw it into the bathroom. The hair that fell on the ground began to get tangled together, and then formed into a small eye. The grown limbs climbed to the ceiling and watched the man's every move.

Tang Ye returned to the first floor, glanced at the street outside the door again, and turned to look at the man. After he left, the man turned off the light and started to sleep, but it might be because of his influence on him, he I slept with my eyes closed for a while, but when I couldn't fall asleep, I turned on my phone and started a joke.

The posts that flashed quickly under the swipe of his finger showed that the man was not at peace at the moment. After a while, he saw him open Baidu and enter a sentence in the search box: [violation of the regulations will happen whats the matter? 】

When typing these words, he turned his head from time to time to look around, as if he was worried that something would suddenly appear in front of him without noticing, but fortunately, like Tang Ye, nothing strange happened. , and the search results on Baidu are similar to the answers displayed by Tang Ye.

  Everything about the dark night and the regulations can't be found on any browser.

  The man looked at the interface displayed on the phone and remained silent, as if he had begun to doubt his life.

The hotel's door to the outside world has been locked at this time, but these can't stop Tang Ye. After making sure that there will be no accident on the man's side, he came to the door and pressed close to the door. "liquefaction"!

   After a while, the entire reception hall of the hotel was flooded with a large amount of black sand and dust, which gave the feeling of being liquidized during the process of decomposing from Tang Ye's body.

   Countless sands drilled out through the cracks in the door, and soon, all the sands formed a new Tangye outside, those men who wore very irregular suits and had seductive faces. Xijiang City in the dark night is really like a wasteland city that has been abandoned by others, and everything you see is desolate.

  Under the night sky, only the hotel building where he turned on the lights in the corridors of all floors radiated light, illuminating the darkness in front of the door, but in the deeper darkness, the light seemed so weak.

  Article 12 of the Permission Regulations: [After the ban, please try to find a suitable place to stay and sleep. 】

  【If you can't find a suitable place to stay before the ban, please choose a cemetery to spend the night. Note that it is easy not to choose a cemetery that cannot be determined. It is recommended to choose a martyr's cemetery first, which can better protect your life. 】

Before dark, Tang Ye seemed to see a lot of people leaving in dejection because they didn't grab the room, not only the hotel where he was staying, but also hotels in other places. It looked like that, even if he walked three times in Jiangnei. You can meet a family in a few steps, and the number is terrifying, but the passenger flow is seriously overflowing.

Here, Tang Ye doesn't know whether it is reasonable or unreasonable. This world was created by the Nightmare Corpse King, and when it created this world, it was created according to its own cognition, so the Huaxia here inherited the real world before the end of the world. In China, the housing price is very high, and it is about half times higher than that in China before the real apocalypse. Even if many people cannot find a place to live before the ban time, the housing price is still high.

  People simply can’t afford to put them out, and they often have to choose places such as hotels and hotels to stay temporarily after the travel ban time.

This seems very unreasonable, but another point to say is that hotels here can be seen everywhere, and no matter what kind of hotel or hotel, there is no shortage of guests. People's financial ability cannot support such great economic pressure, and before buying a house, at least the first 25 yuan earned from daily work should be used to solve the problem of housing that day.

   It seems reasonable to think about it this way, but when I look back on it, I feel that something is not right.

In the perception of people in this world, people who do not find suitable accommodation after the ban time will encounter some terrible things, which directly threaten their life safety, and if they want to have a suitable accommodation, they either have a suite of their own, or they can only Looking for hotels to stay in, but these places need money, and people work hard for money in order to stay there. In this case, it is impossible to lie flat.

   Before Tang Ye booked a room at the hotel, he didn't seem to see anyone booking for a few days at a time. Except for himself, the most he saw was booking for three days at a time.

  So, the people here gave him a very poor feeling, not only that, but everything he saw seemed to make him smell a smell called distortion.

Having said that, if what you think is similar to the truth, then those who cannot live in before the arrival of the ban on the day will have one more place to go out, that is, Article 12 of the Regulations, which is the other half of the hotel and the hotel. suitable temporary residence.

   (end of this chapter)

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