I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1444: I didn't sleep at all

   Chapter 1444 I didn't sleep at all

While Tang Ye was observing the old man, the other party stood up tremblingly from the sofa and walked towards the cabinet not far away, where there was a teapot, but it was only less than five or six meters away. The distance seems to be very difficult for this old man, and every step is very heavy.

   However, the other party dared to walk around freely during the forbidden time period, which is enough to show that this old man is not an ordinary person.

   "The regulations are all fake..." Tang Ye thought of this, but he was soon confused again. He seemed to think of something just now, but the feeling came again.

   "Is this world normal?"

  Inexplicably, he remembered the content of Article 19 of the Regulations and shook his head. Tang Ye knew that if he persisted, he would only waste his time, so he gave up decisively.

When    came to the door of the house, he knocked on the door and called out knowingly, "Hello? Is there anyone inside?"

The sound of    finger tapping on the door of the room echoed for a long time under this silent night sky, Tang Ye also waited for a while, but there was no response from inside, not to mention that the door in front of him was opened.

   "Huh? Didn't hear?" Frowning, Tang Ye thought that the old man inside didn't hear the knock on the door and his own voice, and then knocked again.

   tuk tuk tuk~

   "Is there anyone inside? Can you open the door?"

After a while, the door was still not opened. Tang Ye was a little annoyed. He went to the window to look inside. The lights inside were not turned off. Open and closed, looking sleepy.

   He didn't fall asleep, but someone knocked on the door, at least answer it? It's a matter of courtesy!

  Tang Ye raised his hand and tapped on the window glass, but the old man inside was still in the same state as before, drowsily watching the TV.

   ignored the sound coming from the window glass.

  Tang Ye frowned and said secretly: "Is he a deaf man?" Thinking, he knocked on the window glass twice, and observed the expression on the old man's face, there was no change, it seemed that he was really deaf.

It may be more than that, and it may be blind and deaf. Of course, Tang Ye didn't mean to scold the old man, but because the window was not too small. Although it was blocked by the TV, a big man stood in front of the window and as long as Anyone who can see it will notice that there is such a figure. Although the other party's sleepy appearance makes his eyes look a little small when he opens it, Tang Ye can see the turbidity in the old man's eyes.

Seeing that the old man still didn't respond, Tang Ye gave up, but looking at the situation, there is indeed something in this quasi-government regulation. It is very likely that nothing will happen, and people have been deceived, but if nothing will happen, What is the meaning of that? How the Nightmare Corpse King should deal with himself, this made Tang Ye feel a little troublesome.

   This kind of thing, nothing is more terrifying than being direct. There is a saying, don't be afraid of the enemy who confronts you head-on, but be afraid of the smiling tiger who stabs you in the back.

   In this false world, Tang Ye felt that the Nightmare Corpse King was such an enemy.

   looked at the people who were lying next to the tombstones overnight, Tang Ye wanted to leave, but suddenly, he saw some of them sitting up, which immediately caught his attention!

   The girl who had already fallen asleep safely seemed to be awakened by a nightmare, with cold sweat on her forehead. She sat up suddenly and looked around, her face became even more frightened than before.


   tilted his head, this girl, Tang Ye, seemed to know him, and he soon remembered that it was the couple he met at the zoo during the day, and next to this girl was her boyfriend.

He shifted his perspective and looked at the man in the hotel. The man seemed to be unable to sleep after seeing him, constantly swiping his phone, and looking around vigilantly from time to time, but everything was normal, and there was nothing more or less there. something.

The girl who had just woken up looked left and right, and finally looked at her boyfriend, as if she was thinking about whether to wake him up, but before she made a decision, she saw a man walking towards her. , her heart suddenly raised in her throat, the other party was wearing a black suit, walking in the dark as if the whole body was integrated into the surrounding environment, those eyes seemed to exude a strange red glow, as if choosing someone to bite. Fierce beasts in general.

"You...you are..." The girl asked in horror to the man who was walking towards her, but before she could finish speaking, she could see clearly what the man looked like, and the memory in her mind passed a little, she Then I remembered that I met that strange man at the zoo today, isn't that Tang Ye?

   "Don't go... It's you? Why are you here? You follow us? You... don't mess around! My boyfriend is narrating! No..."

   "Who is following you? I just passed by and saw that you woke up and wanted to come over and ask about the situation." Tang Ye looked at the girl silently, what was the matter with the expression of anticipation in this panic? But who would have the serious illness to follow her two little lovers?

   It was an accident to meet here.


   "You didn't find a place to live? Did you come here too?" The girl glanced at her boyfriend, and she seemed to have come to her senses now, and then asked.

   "I have a place to stay, and I booked a room in a hotel for a month."

   "By the way, what time is it?" the girl asked, but before Tang Ye could answer, she took out her mobile phone and looked at it, but the expression on her face immediately turned desperate after seeing the time of 1:32.

   "What's wrong?" Tang Ye asked with narrowed eyes.

   "I opened my eyes during the forbidden time, I'm finished!"

   "It's over? What's the way to end it?"

   "Die! Will die!"

   "Will it die? It's just that simple... When will the forbidden time end?"

   "From 9:10pm to 6:00am the next day."

   "Then if you wake up suddenly after falling asleep, it's still a violation of the forbidden time?"

"Yes." The girl replied mechanically, her eyes were dull, and she didn't seem to dare to believe the truth. From her eyes, Tang Ye saw the fear of death, how real it was, this expression was the most perfect in this world Yes, and the most prolific, Nightmare Corpse seems to know a lot about people's emotions when faced with death.

"Wait...you have a place to live? Then...then why did you appear in this place? Could it be that you have nightmares too?" After more than ten seconds, the girl seemed to have completely recovered, but in Tang Ye's eyes The expression on the woman's face seemed a little strange.

   And Tang Ye replied: "No, to be honest, I didn't sleep at all, I just wanted to see what would happen if I violated the regulations."

   (end of this chapter)

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