I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1445: terrible knife

   Chapter 1445 What a terrible knife

   "What? This...you're really okay?"

   "What can happen? I'm fine."

   "No, how could nothing happen!"

   "You're cursing me? I've been awake, it's the truth, and I haven't come across anything. The regulations may be false, but we can actually disregard the regulations."

   "You're crazy!" Hearing Tang Ye's words, the girl seemed to have seen a ghost. The shout was too loud, and Tang Ye felt that many people had woken up, but he just didn't dare to open his eyes.

Suddenly, he thought of a problem. During the period from the beginning to the end of the forbidden time, opening your eyes is considered a violation of the permitted regulations, and those who were awakened by the nightmare discovered that they violated the permitted regulations during the forbidden time. Nothing will happen, and you will realize that the regulations are a lie, but if you find out that it is a lie, then the Internet should not be so clean!

It seems to be the reason for one's own individual. The power of the individual is too much stronger than that of the powerful, and it can trample all rules and laws, just like those powerful new human beings, treat them, even if the rules and laws should go around them a little, just because the rules and The law can no longer restrain them.

   Similarly, Tang Ye's power made the rules here have to make some special treatment plans for him, so that the things that ordinary people fear can't threaten him, so they can only choose a more troublesome solution.

It's not the case, but Tang Ye didn't plan to correct it, but replied to the girl: "I'm not crazy, I've been through the ban since I was banned, and I even woke others up, living in the same house as me. A passerby in the hotel, he violated the regulations and nothing happened." When he said this, Tang Ye looked at the situation at the hotel, the man had already started to sleep, and nothing strange happened.

   After listening to Tang Ye's words, the girl was completely dumbfounded. Tang Ye thought at first that the girl couldn't believe that the regulations were a lie, but as soon as she opened her mouth, Tang Ye knew that she thought too much.

   "You instigate others to violate the regulations? You...you devil! You are committing a crime! I want to call the police! I must call the police and let the police arrest you!"

   The girl's voice became sharper, Tang Ye saw that many people around him moved, their bodies shrank, they were all awake, and they could hear the conversation.

   "Criminal? Is this a crime?"

   "The state expressly stipulates that instigating others to violate the permissible regulations will undoubtedly directly deprive others of their lives! This is murder! Don't tell me you are illiterate, you don't even know this!"

"I..." Tang Ye was at a loss for words. He also knew that the abnormal night would make the governments of this world make corresponding laws and regulations, but he was not a lawyer either. He lived in China for so many years before the end of the world. He doesn't know how many chapters and how many articles there are in the laws and regulations, so it is possible to carefully understand the hundreds of laws and regulations here?

   But from the girl's tone, he could tell that this was a crime known to everyone, just like people before the end of the world, even if they didn't study the law, at least they knew that murder was a crime.

"Uh... I think I have to tell you first that I violated the regulations, but I didn't have an accident. You said that the person who violated the regulations would be, but I want to ask you, you have really seen someone Did you die in the process of violating the code of conduct?"

   "I have seen it! Why haven't I seen it!"

   Following Tang Ye's words, the girl said affirmatively without thinking, which made Tang Ye stunned.

   "You really saw it."

   "Of course! We..."

   The girl opened her mouth to tell her experience, but Tang Ye, who saw that the situation was wrong, covered her mouth.

   "It's hard to talk here, let's go and talk."


Tang Ye didn't give her a chance to object, and directly carried her clothes to a place where no one was in the distance. The girl wanted to resist, and kept trying to open Tang Ye's hand that was holding her collar. But no matter how hard he tried, his hand was like a steel pliers. He exhausted his strength to suckle, but he couldn't shake it. His body was moving, and it gave her a feeling as if a huge mountain was moving. Your own infinite insignificance.

Tang Ye couldn't feel her resistance at all. He smoothly pulled the girl to a place where others couldn't hear it. It might be his habit. He didn't like being overheard when he was chatting with others. And it was blatant eavesdropping!

   "Tell me, how did you see other people die in violation of the regulations?"

   "You hurt me! Do you know to be gentle with girls, you are not as good as my boyfriend, really..."

After being put down by Tang Ye, the girl started to splash. The sound was loud at first, but the next second the sound became as thin as a mosquito. A blood-colored knife was placed on her fair neck. , the cold light flashing on the blade made her soulless.

   She felt that the air around her was several degrees colder, and she seemed to see a sea of ​​corpses and a sea of ​​blood, countless terrifying monsters with rotting heads and bodies, and their flesh and blood exploded, staring at her!

   She couldn't understand how the knife appeared in this man's hand, like a magician performing magic tricks, he suddenly took out something that was impossible to hide from somewhere.

  This knife is very long, comparable to her height. The blade is as bright red as human blood, as if it was made of flesh and blood. Every inch of the blade seems to be breathing!

   "Okay... what a terrible knife..."

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and say, how did you see others die in violation of the regulations?" Tang Ye took the knife back in his hand, and the girl couldn't help shrinking her neck when she saw his movements, her eyes Unstoppable horror.

   "I...why are you interested in this, you...don't...I said I said I said..."

Seeing that the girl was still talking nonsense, Tang Ye made the action of drawing a knife, which scared her to shut her mouth quickly, and then began to talk about the origins of her and her boyfriend, but just after saying a few words, her boyfriend started from there As he ran over, it seemed that he was very worried about his girlfriend, and ran over in violation of the regulations.

   "What are you doing?"

  As soon as he saw Tang Ye, the young man shouted sharply. From his face, Tang Ye could see the unease in his heart, as if he was afraid that his girlfriend would give him a beautiful green hat.

   As soon as the voice fell, the boy rolled up his sleeves and walked towards Tang Ye.

   "Lu Xin! Don't be impulsive!" Seeing her boyfriend like this, the girl didn't get startled, and hurriedly stopped it.

   But her reminder also made the boy named Lu Xin regain some sanity, and also saw the blood-colored Tang knife in Tang Ye's hand that was longer than a person's height.

   "Uh...that...I have no ill intentions..."

   (end of this chapter)

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