I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1446: The most important last

   Chapter 1446 The most important last one

   As soon as he saw the knife in Tang Ye's hand, Lu Xin's attitude changed drastically, forcing a smile on his face, but this smile was really no better than crying.

   Tang Ye raised his eyebrows, but the young man's reaction made him feel like he was facing a normal person.

   "I admire you very much. It seems that you are violating the regulations now, don't you?"

As soon as the boy heard the words, the smile that was forced out on his face disappeared immediately, and he suddenly became bitter, but soon, he thought of something, and he spread his hands as if he was not afraid of the lice: "If you violate it, you will violate it. What can I do...that...what are you pulling Xiaoru here for? We don't have any money, otherwise we wouldn't be here..."

   "You're thinking too much, I just asked her to come over and ask some questions."

"what's the situation?"

   "Have you ever seen someone die after breaking the rules?"

   "I have seen it, why haven't I seen it."

   "How to die?"

   "This is a long story..." Lu Xin hesitated, as if he didn't know where to start, but soon the girl asked Tang Ye in a strange tone, "Why do I feel that you are a little strange?"

   "What's weird?"

   "You don't seem to understand the regulations at all, how did you live up to now?"

Turning his head, Tang Ye of course thought about this question and answered like this, and immediately replied: "I lost some memories, I don't remember some things, the only thing I remember is that there were no regulations in my original life, no Prohibited time."

   "This...how is this possible? I'm afraid this is something you imagined yourself?"

   "I suspect you are mentally ill." Lu Xin said beside him.

   "Then do you know if the mentally ill will die after violating the permit?"

   "Ah? This..." Lu Xin couldn't answer for a while. Seeing him like this, Tang Ye's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have found some loopholes.

  Lu Xin and his girlfriend looked at each other and muttered in a voice that did not dare to say: "It seems that the mentally ill will die after violating the prohibition regulations."

   "That's right, people who are diagnosed with mental illness will be euthanized by injection in advance. Some mentally ill patients can't control themselves, but they are not much like death."

   "It's very simple and rude." Tang Ye nodded, suddenly he remembered something, and continued to ask: "By the way, are there any regulations in history?"

   "History? What history?" The two did not respond to Tang Ye's question for a while, but Lu Xin realized that Tang Ye's question might be the history of China, and immediately responded, "Yes, why not?"

   "Yes, why do I feel like you've crossed over, oh... You put your knife away, it's scary!"

   "As you think, I am indeed a transmigrator in a sense."

   "This... I have nothing to say, but I'm looking forward to your world. What would it be like without the regulations?"

   "Then you may not see it."

   "Not necessarily... There is a saying that there is no absolute in the world, anything can happen, what if one day the two of us cross over?" The girl said half-jokingly and half-seriously, and the boy beside her also looked longing.

   But Tang Ye attacked: "Don't think about it, there is no absolute in the world, but these five words are absolute?"

  "You really know how to raise the bar..."

   "Okay, tell me how you saw someone die after violating the rules."

   "This incident happened two days ago, that...you should know the last article of the regulations, right?"

  Tang Ye nodded, and sounded the last clause in the regulations of Xijiang City: [Wherever you encounter school violence, as a third party, please kill the perpetrator immediately! 】

This article is very special. It is not that there is this article in any local regulations, but because this article is the only one that has been emphasized. The most important one is the 19th article that seems to have the most information. Nor can it compare with Article 20.

The girl nodded Tang Ye, then continued: "This one is available everywhere, and it is the most important one. Two days ago, my girlfriends, my boyfriend and his roommate were having dinner outside, and we met the campus. Violence……"

   "You didn't stop it?"

"No... I wanted to stop it, but I didn't react... This kind of thing is rarely encountered, and the regulations allow us to kill the perpetrator, but we have never killed a chicken since we were young, how dare we kill a person what!"

   "Can't stop?"

   "It doesn't work. The regulations say that killing is killing. Stopping is useless."

"Yes, a few of my roommates stopped it, but in the end..." Lu Xin interjected. When he was talking, Tang Ye saw the fear in his eyes, and it seemed that this matter left a lot of shadows in his heart. .

   "School violence, crime does not lead to death... By the way, how do you view this matter legally?"

   "It is stated in the law that, in the event of an accident beyond the control of the parties involved, their own safety should be the priority."

"That's it." Tang Ye nodded. From what the girl said, Tang Ye felt helpless and powerless when the government promulgated this law. The quasi-implementation regulations are no longer something that a country can face, and can threaten Human power is too powerful in the past, so powerful that it makes one feel hopeless to even think about it, and even the laws that bind everyone have to make concessions.

The same is true for the latter part of the apocalypse. Su Sigui wants to end this apocalypse, but ending the apocalypse is far from just killing all the zombies. Zombies are only an external threat to all human beings. The apocalypse of mankind, and the reason for the apocalypse is not only zombies, but also new human beings. These new human beings are beings who can trample on laws at will and cannot be bound by rules!

   The real end of the apocalypse is when all people return to the era when everyone is equal, not because some special people appear, and even the law has to give in. If this is not possible, what is the end of the apocalypse?

   I just don’t know what Su Sigui will do. To end the apocalypse, she also needs to end herself, and the other new humans also need to end themselves, bringing about the real end of the apocalypse!

   "How did they die?"

"We haven't seen the process. When I saw my roommate again, they were buried in the ground, their heads... their heads were smashed to pieces, like a lot of people surrounded them and threw stones hard, and then threw them away. Don't give up until it's smashed into flesh."

   Speaking of this, the faces of the young couple became extremely pale, the girl couldn't help but cover her neck, as if she might spit it out at any time, enough to imagine the misery of the roommates Lu Xin died at that time?

   (end of this chapter)

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