I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1553: you are not me anymore

   Chapter 1553 You are no longer me

  In an instant, it seemed like a breeze was blowing slowly, and the entire Xijiang City fell into a brief silence!

   The expressions on the faces of the people gathered under the fake Tangye stiffened for a while, and soon, the gentle breeze turned into a violent wind! Where Tang Ye and "A Fu" collided, a thick white fog appeared out of thin air, and it dispersed towards the Quartet in the next second!

  The air is twisted instantly! With Tang Ye and "A'Fu" in the center, the violent shock wave swept away the surrounding black and ashes at once! The ground was cleaned up, revealing the countless cracks left by the battle!

After the shock wave, which appeared to be a perfect circle collision, spread, there was another loud noise. At this moment, the entire Xijiang City seemed to have been dropped by a nuclear bomb. Countless buildings and trees were pulled up, and many underground parking lots were exposed. Come out, countless paper pages, furniture, sawdust, door panels, and various electronic products such as computers were rolled up into the air by the strong wind!

  This storm came and went quickly. After it dissipated, the place where Tang Ye and "A Fu" were standing was within a radius of 50 kilometers from the center, and was almost razed to the ground! And fifty kilometers away, the ruins of buildings piled up into a mountain so high!

  Tang Ye stood in front of "A Fu" with his hands hanging down naturally, looking at the big man in front of him calmly, while "A Fu" kept his punching posture, his fist and Tang Ye's forehead were almost stuck together!

Soon, cracks appeared on the scalp of "A'Fu". These cracks spread rapidly. After a while, they spread all over the whole head of "A-Fu". His head exploded, and a large amount of black ashes spewed out of it, but after being scattered on the ground, Tang Ye's figure had disappeared.

On the other side, Tang Ye walked towards the other self, and the other party became calm, as if to accept the reality, but the fear in his eyes indicated that when he didn't want to, the thick black fog that was circling around him was not at all at this time. Stay, all got into Tang Ye's body, fake Tang Ye, turned into an ordinary person!

   He is like a puppet, being carried by his master in mid-air, he can't get down or get up!

   "Haha..." Tang Ye let out two laughs, his body floated up, level with the other self, and he looked at each other jokingly.

   Fake Tang Ye was silent, his face struggled, as if he was thinking about something embarrassing.

   It didn't take long before he finally spoke, and the first sentence he said was: "I want to live!"

  Tang Ye thought for a while, then laughed: "Hehehe..."

   "What the **** do you mean?"

   Hearing his laughter, Fake Tang Ye's face became nervous, and Tang Ye immediately replied, "You make it difficult for me?"

   "What's so hard about this?"

   "Before this, I never thought that I would betray myself. How can I put it, this feeling is amazing, maybe the main body should think about not using the clone indiscriminately in the future."

   "This has nothing to do with the ontology, I was differentiated by you."

   "But we are one."

   "Then what do you want to do now?"

   "You don't even know yourself? No way? No way?"

Fake Tang Ye listened to Tang Ye's sarcastic words, and was silent for a while, and finally said: "But if you kill yourself, it won't do you any good, I am a part of you, if you kill me, you will be thrown away. part of you."

"Oh no, I've already got some things here. Although it's not much, I'm still happy to have a meal for free. Also, I have to remind you that you're not me anymore. I beg for mercy, this feeling is a bit strange."

With the sneer on Tang Ye's face, he slowly raised his hand. This fake Tang Ye is not someone else. Like himself, he is also Tang Ye, and it is also true. Just now, he remembered that he had separated from Lu Xiaojie before. Everything that I have experienced, I have differentiated myself into another self in order to deal with the spider monster, and this self has disappeared in the end.

At this time, he is in front of him, but in a sense, this Tang Ye is no longer himself. After the seventh order, every cell in Tang Ye's body has its own consciousness, and these consciousnesses are related to Tang Ye himself. All the thinking is the same, they will always consider their own interests, there are countless people, and they are the same person, just like an organization, everyone in this organization has the same goal!

The only difference from human beings is that there is no decision-making ability in each consciousness, and the direction of progress is determined by Tang Ye's main consciousness, and the fake Tang Ye in front of him is one of countless Tang Ye, but at a certain time. Duan, he experienced some things, and these things made his mind not revolve around Tangye's subject consciousness, he had other Tangye without the ability to make decisions, so he had betrayal.

   And the betrayal he made was placed in front of Tang Ye like this, which gave Tang Ye a feeling that was difficult to explain. It was absurd, right?

Seeing Tang Ye raised his hand, and the obvious killing intent in his eyes, Fake Tang Ye became frightened. With the ability to make decisions, he was afraid of death. His life was not counted from the moment he was born. , but it started when he had a sense of decision, so it was only a few days!

   Born in such a short time, he didn't have enough time to enjoy what he has now, so he has to leave without a care? how can that be?

   In panic, he could no longer care about other things, and tried his best to grab the straw that could save him!

He raised his head and looked at the sky, as if there was something in the sky, and soon, he only heard him shouting: "You have figured it out! If I die, you will have no helper! The other one will sacrifice you. Give it to me! Help me!"

   As soon as his voice fell, Tang Ye's hand fell and pressed it on top of "Tang Ye"!


He just uttered the syllables of a word. This word seemed to speak to Tang Ye, but it was not. His eyes were not on Tang Ye at all, but in the sky. I can't believe that my collaborator just gave up on him!

Tang Ye pressed his head on top of his head, and a large amount of black mist began to overflow. The next moment, the fake Tang Ye began to shrink at a very fast speed, and his skin became black, as if the moisture in it was sucked dry. Exposed bones!

About two or three seconds later, the fake Tang Ye in front of Tang Ye's palm had turned into a mummified corpse, and he was thrown into the crowd below. As soon as the fake Tang Ye died, Tang Ye obviously felt a strong shock. I thought it was an earthquake, but I quickly realized that I was floating in the air, even if there was an earthquake, it would not affect me!

   (end of this chapter)

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