I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1554: The sun is about to explode

   Chapter 1554 The sun about to explode

This is not an earthquake, but an earthquake in this space. When it took time, the people on the ground were also completely crazy. Their flesh began to dry and cracked, revealing the seriously rotten internal organs inside the body, and some people had a striped road or scales on their faces. , tentacles drilled out from their bodies, and after the flesh and blood were broken, they... now they should be used to describe these people, and their bodies are no longer black and gray like sand scattered in the wind. , but a rotting interior like a zombie!

   Yes, they are zombies! Zombies from the start!

   This crowd turned into a corpse tide almost instantly, and at the same time, they were even crazier than before!

After the death of Fake Tangye, the space that did not exist vibrated violently, and countless zombies below were thrown to and fro by the shaking ground, but they were still in a very short period of time to build a space with their own bodies. The tower, smashed towards Tang Ye who was floating in the air!

   However, when it was halfway tilted, a black light flashed, and the tower that the zombies had just built fell apart at once, and came down with a slam, and the roars belonging to the zombies were ups and downs.

   This space was shaking more and more violently, and those buildings that were still supporting and not collapsing became more and more shaken, and finally led to the final moment, and they fell to the ground one after another.

   After removing the tower that the zombies had just built, Tang Ye turned around and looked behind him. That direction was what the other self had seen before, but he saw nothing.


   let out a doubt, Tang Ye was thinking, what the other self said just now should have been said to Deria, where was Deria hidden just now?

   recalled the details expressed on the face of the other self when he was talking just now. His head seemed to be raised slightly upwards, and the position he was looking at was also above him.

   That direction...

Tang Ye raised his head slightly at an angle, and the dazzling sunlight penetrated into his eyes, making Tang Ye want to look away subconsciously. Although his strength was weakened by most of the previous battle, it was still eighteen. The power of the battles broke out and destroyed Xijiang City in a mess, and the storm that broke out blew the black ashes that flowed from the bodies of the "people" and the dust scattered after the buildings were destroyed. Up to now, the sky is overcast with gray, and dust particles everywhere block the sky, and the blue color that originally belongs to it cannot be seen. However, the sun alone is dazzling, and even if the fog is thick, it cannot completely cover its body!

   Speaking of which, when Tang Ye came here, he seemed to have never seen weather other than sunny days. Every day was sunny, whether it was Camberlite or Xijiang City.

Tang Ye narrowed his eyes, waiting for the dazzling sunlight to look at the sun, as if he wanted to see the true face of the sun, but soon, the dense tide of corpses crowded together again, forming a huge wave. Tang Ye rushes!

   "I don't have time to play with you guys... wait..."

He was about to get rid of these annoying fellows, and he didn't know if it was an illusion. He saw that there seemed to be some filamentous objects on the body of the sun, closed his eyes, adjusted the discomfort from his eyes for a while, and restarted again. Looking at the past, this time he seemed to see a little more clearly. The "sun" didn't seem to be a thread, but a crack. It should not be an illusion. While this space was shaking, it seemed that the sun was also going on. struggle.

   On the ground, the roars from the corpse tide came one after another. If you didn't pay attention, it was like the cheers of the people who saw the wonderful performance in the performance hall!

   In the mad cries, a huge wave composed of countless zombies pressed towards Tang Ye!

   Countless pairs of corpse claws were waving, trying to catch Tang Ye. At the same time, a large amount of black mist spilled out of his body, quickly condensed, and turned into a black beam of light that smashed towards the wave!


   An indescribable loud noise erupted violently in this completely ruined city of Xijiang, rolling up dust all over the ground, and in the black light, the bodies of countless zombies annihilated and turned into fly ash and scattered with the gust of wind!

  The huge wave of corpses was instantly smashed into two halves, and a large number of corpses fell. Tang Ye seemed to speed up the progress of something, causing the entire space to shake more violently!

He stopped, grabbed the zombie that was rushing towards him and planted its head low on the ground, and looked up at the sun in the sky. Just like this space, the sun was shaking violently, but in comparison just now, The "sun" doesn't seem to be high anymore, it's much lower, and its state is becoming more and more unstable, just like a chandelier hanging from the ceiling in the living room.

"What happened?"

Tang Ye now firmly believes that everything he sees is not his illusion, but what is really in front of him. The cracks on the "sun" are getting more and more dense, like a spider web, and it is still going on. More and more, in the end, the body of "Sun" seemed to be unable to accommodate these cracks, and it extended to the outside of the body, which was so obvious in the gray-blue sky!

The    crack spread faster and faster, Tang Ye focused on it, his brows furrowed, and he didn't seem to notice the zombies around him like the rising tide of the sea!

   After a while, the cracks extending from the "sun" took up a lot of the sky, appearing in a semicircle and covering Xijiang City!

   "Go away!"

With a random wave of his hand, he instantly emptied the zombies that had already rushed to his side. Tang Ye continued to observe the situation above. After a while, a scream rang out in his ear. This voice was very strange and came from a far away place. In general, if you taste it carefully, it seems to be ringing in your mind.

   was a bit familiar, Tang Ye immediately realized that this was Deria's scream, she seemed to be injured by something!

The next second, a female voice also rang out in his mind. It was as ethereal as the scream before, but it had a strong exhaustion. It seemed that the dying person had an unfinished wish, and he felt as if he was dying. People were whispering in their ears.

   "Take me...out...bring me to her...thank you..."

   This was Lu Xiaojie's voice, but Tang Ye was a little confused. She asked herself to take her out. He understood, but he didn't understand what method to use?

   "How to take you out? You said so!"

   He shouted to the sky, but no one answered. In his eyes, he saw that the "sun" was becoming more and more unstable, and it might explode into countless pieces at any time!

   (end of this chapter)

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