I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1555: Another corpse tide

   Chapter 1555 Another corpse tide

   The cracks extending from its body have now shrouded the entire Xijiang City, and at the same time, the crazy corpse tide surrounded Tang Ye, and they all rushed over without fear of death! With a wave of his hand and a slap, Tang Ye slapped the head of one of the zombies, and a thick fleshy flap grew on his back and smashed into the corpse tide with the momentum of Mount Tai, smashing countless unlucky eggs into the air!

He didn't get an answer for a long time, which made Tang Ye a little annoyed. He then carried a zombie and was about to give it a "big health care". The next second, a very familiar vision came, and the picture was in Freeze now!

   At this moment, he saw that the sun in the sky had split into countless parts, and his ears were filled with a loud noise at this moment!



In the Yunxia Base, in an unremarkable tavern deep in a small alley, although the entrance looks extremely deserted, inside, it is very lively. The dazzling lights move with the shaking of the machine. On the stage, the beautifully dressed dancers wore thin and explicit clothes to show their dancing recklessly. The inside of the tavern was very chaotic, but outside, there was no sound at all.

Some people fell on the sofa in the corner of the tavern with a bottle of wine and swayed, some people quietly watched the dancing girls with thick smoke in their mouths, and some people roared loudly and uttered that sentence in a tone-deaf voice. An unspeakable lyric that has been altered by magic.

   In a private room, the walls blocked all the sound in the hall from the outside.

  Su Sigui waved his hand behind him, and the service staff of the tavern then bent over and stepped out cautiously.

   "Mayor, this is the result of the past few days, please take a look."

   "Is it going well?"

  Su Sigui took a stack of reports handed over by Ji Jinchan. She just glanced at it without looking, but asked directly.

   Ji Jinchan thought for a while before replying: "It's not unusual, but some people don't cooperate very well. In general, it's relatively smooth."

   "Okay, then don't look at it, I believe you."


  Ji Jinchan nodded, the emotions in his eyes fluctuated a little.

   Then, Su Sigui asked Zhang Linglai next to him, "Is there any news about Li Henian over there?"

   Zhang Linglai immediately replied: "Not yet, I have already sent people to touch the surrounding wasteland cities, Li Henian should not be in those places."

   "What's the attitude on Tang Fu's side?" Su Sigui asked again.

  Zhang Linglai touched his nose subconsciously, thinking about how to perfectly express what he wanted to say.

   "I can't figure out what their attitude is, it's a little weird, it gives me a feeling that Li Henian is missing but not completely missing."

   "Huh? Forget it, then put this matter aside for now and let me know if there is any new progress."


Zhang Linglai nodded, and the strong foreigner man with blond hair a seat away from him couldn't wait to say to Su Sigui after he finished speaking: "By the way, Mayor Su, I reported to the people in Dangerous Sanctuary City. There is a piece of news, there is already a large-scale zombie group of the Demonic Royal Family in Huaxi, and it may arrive at Jinchuan in just a few days..."

In a situation like   , there may be some words that are not easy to say, the foreign man stopped halfway, but the first half of the words were enough to show what he wanted to express in his heart.

Lan Ou Corpse King's hand has already reached out, and the dangerous Sanctuary City of the former Huaxi overlord Yang Xiangfeng will be the last obstacle to the advance of the demonic corpse tide. After resisting for a period of time, all the bases in the back can't be used at all, and it is completely to give food rewards to the demonic corpse tide!

After the fall of the Kunlun base, the tide of demonic corpses can be said to be unimpeded all the way. You can directly enter the J province through two identities. After entering the J province, it belongs to the central China area, and the Yunxia base is equivalent to being exposed to the tiger's mouth. Go down, and the consequences will turn into a **** on earth just like the Hidden Dragon Sanctuary City in the United States!

Su Sigui took a deep breath. She felt a little nervous in her heart. Although she had evolved to the ninth order, in her previous life, she had personally watched the man known as the "God of Humanity" being killed in front of the Corpse King. Torn to pieces, even if the new humans and zombies are of the same level, there is still a gap!

   She was thinking, if she were to fight a corpse king for herself, would she be sure to win?

   Following her actions, the atmosphere in the box became heavier. After a while, Su Sigui replied, "Have your people found any trace of the Shining Armor Corpse's activities?"

   "No, but I have a not-so-good thing to say. I received a lot of refugees in the Dangerous Sanctuary City the day before yesterday."

  Prouca's face became weird, and people in his position could deeply understand how much sensation this matter would cause once it was released!

"and then?"

  Su Sigui got serious, she had already noticed that this matter was not simple, but she had already guessed some in her heart.

Seeing her expression, Proka hesitated for a moment, and continued: "There are more than 10,000 refugees in the statistics, not only them, but also a large number of such refugees in other bases, and my people are from those refugees. I learned from their mouths that they all escaped from Yong Ming, but before they came out, the place had already fallen."


   Following Prouca's words, everyone in the box sat up straight, and the survivors base had fallen. There were a large number of survivors alive. Their brains were running fast, and they immediately thought of a very absurd possibility!

The atmosphere in the box suddenly became weird with what Prouka said. Several people sat around and were silent for a while. Su Sigui was the first to break the atmosphere and said to Prouka: "Go on."

"My people learned from those refugees that before they escaped from Yongming, the Yongming base had already fallen, but the Demonic Corpse Tide did not kill too many people after breaking through the defense line, at least some Most of the people survived, the corpse tide was controlled by the high-level demonic zombies and did not kill them, and these high-level zombies also arranged for food to be regularly distributed to the people living in Yongming."

"Some of the refugees also tried to escape from Yongming, but according to what they said, those who went out would be quickly killed by the eyes wandering outside. This kind of eyes seems to be a kind of high-level zombies that can walk away from themselves. External organs are locally called the eyes of the corpse king, and the reason why those refugees were able to escape from Yongming was because another wave of corpses appeared."

   (end of this chapter)

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