I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1556: sudden loud noise

   Chapter 1556 Sudden loud noise

   "Silver Armor Corpse?"

   "Well, according to the descriptions of those people, the size of the Shining Armor Corpse Tide should be around 200,000."

   "Are there high-level silver armored corpses?"

   "Yes, there are at least three silver armored corpses of the eighth rank or above responsible for leading the corpse tide. They broke through the line of defense formed by the demonic corpse tide and killed one of the followers of Lan O's corpse king, codenamed Malicious."

   "These silver armored corpses didn't attack anyone?"

   "No, if the Shining Armored Corpse attacked people, there wouldn't be so many people alive to come to Dangerous Sanctuary City!"

   "When did this happen?"

   "About five days ago, Yang Xiangfeng sent someone to inspect Yongming, and no silver armor corpse was found."

The atmosphere in the box froze again. Zombies saved people. It sounds exciting, but when you think about it carefully, you can't help but feel chills down your spine. Everything that the Demonic Corpse Tide has done has made a fact ruthless. It was slapped on their faces, and all the things they feared happened. The zombies were indeed raising people in captivity, and they realized the shortage of things! This means that the zombie race may develop into a civilization in the future. At that time, what was the situation of people?

   The status is like the pigs, ducks, cattle and sheep before the end of the world? How does one accept this?

  The box was silent for a while, Ji Jinchan rubbed his hands, looked at Su Sigui, and asked, "Mayor, maybe it's time to prepare for this, time is running out."

Su Sigui let out a sigh of relief. She seemed to be thinking about something just now, but what she was thinking was not the same as that of everyone present. Prouca said that she didn't care, but she was actually preparing herself just now. , try to listen to what people have to say.

   "Don't worry, God has given mankind one last chance. This chance will not exist forever. It will disappear soon. We don't have to use it in vain, but after this chance is used up, human beings can only rely on themselves in the future."


The words that Su Sigui said were confusing. The other people in the box looked at Su Sigui with puzzled eyes. After a while, Ji Jinchan seemed to understand a little, and asked with uncertainty: "Mayor, what do you mean... that someone will wipe our ass?"

"Yes, you should have guessed who it is, but I can't 100% guarantee that the guy will do it. If he does, we still have time to breathe. However, there is no free lunch in the world, any gain will There is a corresponding sacrifice.”

   "Okay, let's put this matter aside for now. I'm here today. In addition to checking the progress of the plan, I have a truth to tell you."

"the truth?"



  Su Sigui's words aroused the curiosity of several people present, but some people frowned. Years of survival experience told them that the truth Su Sigui said would not make people happy.

   Everyone's eyes were all on Su Sigui's face, and he couldn't see any expression, but the hesitation in those eyes made people who thought it was a trivial thing couldn't help but mention it!

"Thank you for everything you have done in the past few days. I believe in your determination. In fact, I have considered and hesitated for a long time about the truth I want to say. As I said before, any gain will have corresponding pay, of course. , there are many forms of acquisition, the key is what we want, and what we are working on now will not allow us to gain any self-interest in the future, our purpose is for the entire human being, for this civilization, but, When we are doing big things, determination doesn't mean everything. The most important thing is courage. I was selfish for a moment and wanted to keep the truth in my heart, but I don't know why, I always felt that there was a big stone pressing on it. In my heart, it makes me feel guilty, a little ridiculous... This should be one of the few confusions in my life..."

"When I tell the truth, I believe that some people will change their minds, because we won't get any benefits, and the final outcome is just a lonely name on the tombstone, and occasionally passers-by see this name I will never have any thoughts in my heart, and I will never know what kind of story is hidden behind the name, this ending is the end of everything, including me..."

"Afterwards... If you regret it, I won't blame anyone, because at this time my choice, you can stop me, or you can be indifferent, but when necessary, I will not let anyone go, this matter After success, everyone ends up the same."

It was very quiet in the box, everyone listened to Su Sigui's words quietly, she paused for a while, the needles could be heard in the box, and then continued: "Okay, I won't say too much, just be careful. Just prepare, you should understand that what we are doing now is for the entire human civilization, so that our descendants can live carefree in this world after thousands of years, I want to clean up all the zombies, and I want to end this apocalypse! But , the main reason for the end of the world is not only zombies, but also..."

Before she finished speaking, Su Sigui stopped again, and everyone could clearly see the hesitation in her eyes.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on her face. This smile had a bit of self-deprecating meaning on her face. She found that she had been struggling with two lives in this apocalypse, but she could never face the so-called worldly sophistication. Her heart is still very fragile. Before this, she had never felt this way. After thinking for a while, she found that the reason for her hesitation was that she did not want to see the expressions of these people after knowing the truth, so she did not dare to go. Overestimate a person's sublime, and dare not believe in a person's sublime.

Taking a deep breath, Su Sigui finally summoned up her courage. She wanted to leave everything to God to decide. No matter what decision the people in the box will make after learning the truth, everything will follow. Its just fine.

However, God seemed to be helping her. When Su Sigui spoke again, her powerful perception immediately noticed something was wrong. She lowered her head and looked at the water cup placed on the table in front of her, but the tea in the cup kept rippling. .

   Soon, the others also looked at the water glass in front of them, and the ripples on the horizontal plane were so obvious!

"This is……"

   Everyone frowned, and just the second after Ji Jinchan uttered a doubt, a loud noise came, and the movement was so loud that all the eighth-order new human powerhouses present felt a little ear ringing!

   Soon, Su Sigui and the others felt the tremor from the ground, and outside, the noisy cries of people were faintly heard!

"How is this going?"

   (end of this chapter)

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