I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1563: "cake"

   Chapter 1563 "Cake"


   Just after lighting this cigarette, Su Sigui, who was next to him, suddenly made a noise.

"What's wrong?"


  Su Sigui held the cigarette in his hand and squeezed the **** lightly with his thumb. Then Tang Ye heard the sound of something breaking.


   "There are explosive beads in it, crush it."

   Hearing that, Tang Ye also learned from her movements and squeezed the contents of the cigarette butts, and said with some interest: "Hey, it's quite novel."

   "Have you ever smoked something similar?"


   "It seems that you learned to smoke after the end of the world."

   "You guessed it right, but it makes the cigarettes easier to smoke, right?"

   "Am I going to say no next, it will be more expensive."


"Try it."

Tang Ye took a sip, and the smell of the smoke in his throat changed. The taste of zombies was different from that of ordinary people. He couldn't feel the smell for a while, but he was a little familiar. You can feel the air moving as it enters the lungs.

   This should not be fruity. After searching for a while in his memory, Tang Ye quickly felt like this moment.



   took another breath, and Tang Ye and Su Sigui fell into silence again, but they were not destined to form a team in this place, and Tang Ye soon broke the silence.

   "Can you stand it?"

"There's nothing I can't stand it. Even I'm not sure what the future will be. All I can do is to finish everything that can be done. It's the same sentence. The worst result is death. It's not that I haven't died. Maybe I can do it all over again, and, in case it succeeds, although I don't deny that it's more likely to fail."

   "What you are most worried about is not the Corpse King, but those people... If I were you, I would kill all those new eighth-order humans first, and brainwash them into a new batch."

Tang Ye rubbed his head and said this sentence, while looking at Su Sigui from time to time, he didn't know whether his guess was right or not. Now people should stop entangled in self-interest and agree to the outside world. There are not many people who can endure it. If they want the same goal, there will definitely be people whose interests will be damaged, and if the interests are not even, there will always be people who make trouble.

  Su Sigui is now a ninth-order new human being. It can be said that it is easy to solve this situation, but Tang Ye didn't understand why she didn't do it. She doesn't look like a virgin, so it's impossible not to do it.

   In front of Tang Ye, Su Sigui suddenly laughed.

   "Hehehe, your thoughts are exactly the same as Ning Tianlang's, but he failed later. I also thought the same at the beginning, but I had a dream when I evolved to the ninth order."

   "What dream?"

   "I won't tell you about this dream. When I woke up, I was thinking, if there is an unbreakable bottom line in people's hearts, would there be a different outcome?"

   "I don't understand what you are talking about. Although Ning Tianlang failed in the end, I think you will only be worse than him."

"Your thoughts are exactly the same as Ning Tianlang, he did do it, but have you ever thought about it, the eighth-order new human beings who were helped up by him are his slaves, and slaves have no dignity, no dignity means no Bottom line, Ning Tianlang has become their backbone and their spiritual support, after Ning Tianlang's defeat, they surrendered without any resistance, and their confidence collapsed the second Ning Tianlang fell!"

   "You have some truth in saying that."

"Thank you for your recognition, in my understanding, the reason for Ning Tianlang's failure is not that he is weak, but... he has been fighting alone from beginning to end, and everything is built by him. Once he dies, he establishes Everything that got up collapsed naturally. If those people continued to resist after his death, there might be a chance, but they gave up, because they had no dignity, no bottom line, like a puppet, by Ning Tian. Lang is in control, they lose their master, and they no longer have the ability to act."

"I hope that even if I fail, their dignity will allow them to continue to fight against powerful enemies, like the hundred eighth-order new human beings in Hidden Dragon Shelter City, their dignity makes them even use their own lives to pile up. In exchange for a slim chance."

   "...This matter is very difficult, I can only wish you success."

   "Are you leaving?"


"the day after tomorrow."

Tang Ye's answer did not cause any emotional fluctuations on Su Sigui's face, she seemed to have expected it, and Tang Ye continued: "I need to think carefully about helping you, after all, this is not necessary for me. What we have to accomplish, we are neutral, I will help you or not, but I will tell you the exact answer with actions that day, and of course I will fulfill your request."

   "It's okay, I didn't ask you to do anything other than that request."

   "Sorry, the reason I said try my best about this request is because I don't know what kind of state of mind I will be in the future."

   "Don't worry about this. If it's your decision, I hope you can restrain it. If it's not you, I hope you can stop it."

   "This shouldn't be difficult..."

   "Generally speaking... Well, that's it for today, I wish you a smooth journey, we will meet again in the future."

   After saying this, Su Sigui pinched the cigarette **** in his hand, threw it into the cigarette holder next to him, and left. Tang Ye still looked at everything below, not knowing what he was thinking.

   After a long time, he threw the cigarette **** in his hand into the cigarette holder next to him, and murmured, "Cake..."

   Then, he also left here.

Time passed quickly without knowing it, and the high-level zombies and the eighth-order new humans who soon came to Yunxia Base from the royal court have packed up their luggage, got on the aircraft from the royal court, and officially left this place. The place called Yunxia Base.

Their departure did not cause any movement, and no one saw them off. People were afraid of them. Their identities made the people here instinctively guarded. They knew the relationship between the prey and the hunter, and no prey would It is easy to approach the hunter who is always in a desperate situation for himself. People know this very well. They are afraid, but they have not paid attention to it.

All the eighth-order zombies and eighth-order new humans from the royal court have all boarded the aircraft and are ready to return home, but Xu Haihui has no plans to go back. So many people have stayed at the Yunxia Base for so long, among them Asia Jin also spent a lot of money, but Xu Haihai was the one who accounted for the most. No one knew what he was doing, and Tang Ye didn't bother to ask.

Speaking of which, Xu Haihai has been very strange recently. Tang Ye has found him, and he has changed a lot. There is something more than when he came. Tang Ye thought about it for a long time before he remembered that the extra thing in Xu Haihui was very interesting. He seemed to have found it. Something only people have.

   (end of this chapter)

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