I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1564: What color will the ninth order be?

   Chapter 1564 What color will the ninth order be?

   He chose to stay in Yunxiaji to protect what he got. It is a mystery when he will go back, but Tang Ye did not stop it.

As the aircraft rose into the air, Tang Ye saw Su Sigui standing on a building in the distance through the window. She looked at her side, wondering if she noticed that her eyes were on her. Holding his weapon in his arms, he stood quietly in that place, and that knife and sword seemed to herald something.


  Tang Ye said goodbye to her in his heart, and he didn't know if it was an illusion. He felt that the two words that meant parting also flashed in the other's heart.

  The speed of the aircraft is very fast. Not long after it took off, the huge Yunxia base below was pulled away and reduced in size almost in an instant!

   "Can't it be simpler..."

Tang Ye, who was sitting in the seat, murmured, and the look in his eyes showed what he was thinking about at the moment. Everything he saw on the screen was lingering in his heart at this moment, and his mind kept flashing. over that sentence.

  【Extending his minions to our Lano Corpse King will only be the beginning... 】

   His fingers kept tapping on the small table in front of him, and the sentence that kept lingering in his mind kept shortening into two words, that is "cake"!

   The Shenzhou Continent at this time is just a piece of cake!

He underestimated the difficulty of a corpse king, not because he didn't have the confidence to defeat the opponent, but because Tang Ye had no clue about the opponent's means, he didn't know if he was running away, the so-called trouble made him not like To deal with these things, he just wants to lie down, and he has no responsibility to stop the other party. His identity and his own strength obviously do not conform to the so-called ability. The greater the responsibility, the greater the responsibility.

  After the aircraft left the management area of ​​Yunxia Base, Ah Fu and others in the cabin fell into a carnival. The players playing cards and those who were drinking alcohol on the horizontal bar were also very noisy, and all kinds of voices filled the space.

   "Khan, do you want a beef salad!"

   At this moment, Blanche's voice sounded outside, Tang Ye waved at him, and the other party brought up a plate of raw beef.

   "Let's go first."

After placing the raw beef salad on the table in front of Tang Ye, Blanche said this, Tang Ye nodded, and soon the other party ran out, looking at this bright red raw beef salad, maybe every foodie They all have the same character. When he saw the food, Tang Ye temporarily forgot his troubles, took out his mobile phone, and ate the plate of raw beef salad in front of him while brushing the jokes.

[Next, human beings should go and follow. Recently, the invasion of the corpse king of Lan Ou has become more and more intense. The zombies of the next generation of the corpse king have begun to raise humans in captivity. In the future, we don’t know, the status of human beings on the earth. Like the chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep before the end of the world? 】

  【The magic sound corpse group has raised humans in captivity, and now it has attracted the attention of many forces...]

  【Light of Despair Kamutos crossed the Atlantic Ocean to the Yansha Continent. Is his goal the Shenzhou Continent? 】

   [Recently, does the continuous flow of unmanned passenger planes from the North American continent mean that the Radiant Corpse King Lier covets the Chinese mainland? 】

  【What are those eighth-order new humans doing? Fools can see the current situation clearly! Are they still acting stupid? 】

  [A huge deep pit appeared in Xijiang City. According to insiders, it was caused by the battle between two ninth-order zombies. 】

  【The so-called virus serum is a rumor, don't believe it! 】

  【Dangerous Sanctuary City, the eighth-order newcomer Yu Chengyao committed suicide at home, and his body showed corpse features in many places. 】

  【Don't come to Dangerous Sanctuary City! Never come to Dangerous Sanctuary City! This is no longer a shelter for humans! 】

  【There are several zombie kings in zombies. Why haven't we humans appeared in the ninth order of new humans? How difficult is it to jump from the eighth order to the ninth order? 】

On the mobile phone, the jokes of the past have not been seen in the past. Those streamers who live broadcast in the wasteland city searching for substances do not know where they have gone. In the end of the world, the greatest pleasure may be watching those streamers outside seeking excitement. , escaped danger time and time again, and fought with high-ranking people. When these people are gone, the feeling of lightheartedness and joy has disappeared, and there is a strong sense of seriousness in its place. All the jokes are recent events. Not to mention new human beings, even ordinary people feel nervous!

   Extinction is getting closer and closer. This is people's intuition, but they don't know when the human race will enter that state. Everyone is afraid, and the sense of urgency is quietly entering everyone's heart.

   Tang Ye looked at the titles on the phone interface, his arms kept bending and tapping on the table, and he had never moved the beef salad on the plate in front of him.

   "Would you like to help you in the end, Lan O's Corpse King, can your evolutionary crystallization allow Ah Fu to evolve to the ninth order..."

Tang Ye thought about the conflict with Lan O's corpse king at first, but soon he was like everything he could get after defeating Lan O's corpse queen. He had countless 8th-order zombies under his hands, and among them, it was most likely to successfully evolve to nine. There should be only Xu Haihui in the order. It stands to reason that Xu Haihui should be given priority, but Tang Ye did not choose this, because compared to Ah Fu's carefree personality, Xu Haihui obviously hides many secrets in his heart, even if he has known each other for so many years, His secret is still hidden in his heart.

Moreover, sometimes Tang Ye couldn't guess what he was thinking, which caused Tang Ye to have the most basic precautions against him. Even if the silver-armored corpse had the power to control the next generation, it still could not be eliminated. On the other hand, Ah Fu, from a certain In this sense, Ah Fu has regarded Tang Ye as a relative, because since he had his own consciousness, what he knew was Tang Ye, and Tang Ye trusted him more than anyone else.

The society of zombies is not as simple as that of human beings. When they have enough strength, zombies will not consider the consequences of betrayal. Once they have the idea of ​​resistance, they will not think about the price they will have to pay after failure. Do it now!

   Of course, the idea of ​​betrayal by low-level zombies in the face of high-level zombies will not appear.

Tang Ye must seriously consider that the eighth-order zombies under his hands will not have any thoughts of betrayal after they evolve to ninth-order, and only A Fu is suitable for this candidate. There are also many parts of the evolutionary crystals that entered A'Fu's mouth, but he could not see that A'Fu had evolved to the ninth order. Among them, the evolutionary crystals of the eighth-order zombies Tang Ye had fed a lot, and it was the ninth order... He didn't think about it. Yes, never seen.

  White, yellow, orange, red, green, blue, cyan, and purple correspond to the first to eighth-order evolutionary crystals or evolutionary nuclei. What will the ninth-order look like? It seems that the previous eight colors have basically occupied all possible colors...

   (end of this chapter)

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