I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1565: Rarely easy

   Chapter 1565 Rare ease

   No, besides these colors, there seems to be another one, and that is black!

But it is impossible to think about it. Whether it is a zombie or a human being evolved again and again, the anti-life substances in the body are constantly undergoing qualitative changes, washing away the original dirt, so after the zombie or living creature evolves to the first stage, The evolutionary crystals other than corpse creatures will look yellow because the density of anti-life matter is relatively compact. After the first step of evolution, the evolutionary crystal cores of living creatures are spotless and transparent.

In those dead bodies that have not evolved, their anti-life matter is the most primitive form, without any qualitative change, it is black and red. When the end of the world comes, the rain that covers the whole world is black. To say that the evolution of black Crystals, that should also be found in ordinary zombies. If the evolutionary crystals appear on the ninth-order zombies, it may be very cheap.

   Having said that, it looks like the black color of primitive anti-life matter. I don’t know why, Tang Ye feels a little familiar.

   At this moment, Tang Ye's eyes flashed. If black is excluded, it is very likely to be the color that has never been seen before. If you don't see it, you can't imagine it!

The frequency of finger tapping on the table suddenly became frequent. According to Tang Ye's idea, it is not difficult to evolve from the eighth to the ninth. The most difficult thing is the color, but I want to see or recognize this color. It is the most difficult part in the process of evolving from the eighth order to the ninth order!

   In short, to evolve from the eighth level to the ninth level, you only need to recognize a color that you have never seen before, it's that simple.

   And if the evolutionary crystallization of the ninth-order zombies is that new color, doesn’t that mean that he can mass-produce ninth-order zombies?

Thinking of this, Tang Ye became excited, but quickly calmed down. It is indeed tempting to produce ninth-order zombies and ninth-order new human beings in batches, but if the ninth-order powerful beings created cannot be controlled by himself, then it is better not to have Woolen cloth.

   The finger that tapped on the table was retracted, and Tang Ye returned to the previous question, does he need to be that good person?

The titles on the paragraphs on the mobile phone interface seemed to be vaguely referring. In a trance, Tang Ye thought of Su Sigui. He seemed to remember that the other party was actually a woman, and this woman was not as strong as she appeared on the outside. She He also seems to be unable to ask for help in time, and the difference between him and her is that he can stand by without any psychological burden and watch things develop in front of his eyes, just because he accepted the identity of a zombie, But Su Sigui is a human being, and while she has strengths that are beyond the reach of ordinary people, she also has responsibilities that ordinary people cannot imagine.

  Like what she said, the sky is falling, and there will always be tall people to lift it, and among those tall people, Su Sigui is one of them.

She sees a lot of things clearly. In fact, like Tang Ye, she can stand on the sidelines as if she didn't see it, and then live her own life, but she understands that this "tall" status will not allow her to escape for a lifetime, the sky is falling After coming down, there will always be a day when it will fall on her shoulders!

  So, if you can't escape, then try your best to defeat it!

   But why does she think so? Maybe it was because of the identity of "human" that she had to work hard for this race, and Tang Ye was a zombie, but he also had an identity, called Li Henian, this Li Henian was a human!

   Moreover, he was also a normal human once!

  Tap, tick, tick, tick...

The    finger tapping on the table made that sound again, and the word "cake" sounded again in his mind.

That day, at the encouragement of Su Sigui, he flew into the space, and the unusual black fog he saw when he fell, was familiar with the unfamiliarity that he saw for the first time, that day at the Yunxia Base from afar The perception range circle that spread over, the range circle was quickly withdrawn after touching his perception, the group of demonic corpses that marched towards the Lan'o continent, and Kamutos who suddenly had the behavior of crossing the sea, all of which are indicative of the current Shenzhou The continent is a huge cake!

What he has to face will come one day, and Tang Ye will eventually have to take on his own responsibility. As for the responsibility, Tang Ye does not know, but he knows that in people's cognition, this Shenzhou Continent is His corpse king's territory!

   And this "big cake" should also belong to you!

   Determined the right of ownership. Of course, the handling of this "big cake" is determined by his own mentality. He can choose not to eat it and let this "cake" go mouldy and deteriorate, but anyway, this cake still belongs to him!

  If you don’t eat it yourself, it doesn’t mean that others can reach out and grab it!

  Ta, ta, ta... bang!

   As Tang Ye's finger fell for the last time, a hole was poked out of the table top, revealing the wooden material inside, Tang Ye seemed to have made a decision and narrowed his eyes.

Soon, Tang Ye's expression relaxed a little, with a little helplessness. He picked up a piece of raw beef with chopsticks. It should be said that the most suitable food for zombies may be the raw beef in front of him. Of course, this need fresh.

   "Well, if you win, it's better to help you. After all, this is my territory."

   said to himself, Tang Ye put this piece of fresh raw beef into his mouth.

In more than an hour, the aircraft carrying more than 100 royal court experts finally traveled thousands of kilometers to the royal court. The moment the hatch opened, Ah Fu and the others rushed out excitedly. Breathing in the air from this prairie through his nose, he seemed to get a rare relaxation.

After stretching his hands and feet, Geertauer waited a few times before making a scene. Tang Ye looked at this scene with a smile on his face, but the smile disappeared quickly. At a certain moment just now, his heart reconciled with Su Sigui had a little resonance. He wondered if the current scene would never happen again in the future because of one of his actions.

   "Brothers, why don't you wait for a while?"

   "That's for sure!"

   "Go to that one and choose."

   "Longlan's, it tastes good."

   "How expensive is that one."

   "Don't forget me, count me in."

   "You still owe me more than two hundred, so what?"

   "If you change the Nubuat, I will eat **** upside down!"

   "You're right, I'll pay it back now, and I'll find someone to pull it out for you later."

   "Don't make a fuss, let's go to Longlan's."

"I'll go as well!"

   "Don't join in the fun, little brat!"

   "What are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf, I may be older than you!"

   "Statistics, go to Longlan's side, Yuan'e pays."

   "No money, get out!"

   (end of this chapter)

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