I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1566: calm down

   Chapter 1566 Peace of mind

   "Boss, are we together?"

   After Ah Fu and the others decided, Huang Quanjiu asked Tang Ye.

   "I won't go, I have something to do."

   "Oh, let's do it." Huang Quanjiu nodded without saying anything, but Li Man asked curiously: "What else? It's hard to come back, why not..."

   He didn't say anything, Yan Jie on the side stretched out his hand and pulled him, as if to remind him not to ask, Li Man only reacted now, and smiled awkwardly at Tang Ye.

After everyone left, a car drove over and stopped in front of Tang Ye. The pale driver looked straight ahead. When he heard the car in front of Tang Ye, he never glanced at Tang Ye. It's like a robot with only programs running.

Tang Ye took out the glass eyeball from his pocket and looked at it. He flipped it in his hand and stuffed it back into a few bags. He opened the door and sat in. After closing the door, the driver immediately stepped on it. The accelerator, drove towards the huge "mountain" in the distance.

The "Sacred Peak" is the most central position in the royal court, and it is also the largest authority in the royal court. The cities on the "Sacred Peak" are the most prosperous areas in the royal court. Many items from outside the royal court will be placed by the merchants on the "Sacred Peak". ”, which led to a lot of traffic in the area of ​​“Sacred Peak” every day, and the entrance to the Sacred Peak area was full every day.

  The vehicle that Tang Ye rode in went through countless torrents of traffic, and finally entered a special passage and successfully reached the "sacred peak".

After the vehicle stopped in a huge palace, Tang Ye opened the door and got out of the car. As he waved, the driver drove the car into the compound, but he hadn't seen anyone getting out of the car, so he went to pay attention to the driver's seat. By then, the driver had disappeared.

The front door of the main hall was not closed. After Tang Ye got out of the car, he turned and walked inside. The main hall was very spacious. Twenty-four pillars that could only be hugged by two people supported the structure of the entire hall. The reliefs on the walls were exquisite. , the sun shines down from the transparent ceiling, so that there is a shimmering light in the hall.

At the end of the hall two hundred meters in front of Tangye, there is a huge golden chair standing on the high platform, as if a carved dragon body is lying around, and on the golden chair, there is a person sitting, take a closer look, It will be found that that person and Tang Ye look exactly the same.

  Tang Ye had just entered the hall, and Tang Ye, who was sitting on the golden chair, asked aloud. His voice echoed in the empty hall, looking extremely majestic.

   "Looks like you've made a decision, then leave the rest to me."

Tang Ye, who entered the door, did not stop. He came all the way to Tang Ye who was sitting on the golden chair. He stretched out his hand towards the other side. Tang Ye who was sitting on the golden chair also stretched out his hand. As soon as it was touched, the standing Tang Ye's body immediately liquefied and turned into a stream of water flowing towards Tang Ye's hand sitting on the golden chair. Soon, the two Tang Ye became one, and the different experiences during this period were also perfect. stitched together.

Tang Ye, who was sitting on the golden chair, was silent, and Tang Ye who entered the hall had disappeared at the moment, leaving only a mobile phone, an eyeball that felt like it was made of glass, and a pink plush but half of it. The charred elastics all fell into the palm of his hand.

   After a long time, Tang Ye murmured, "It's really unsafe, so let's do it."

After saying   , the flesh on his palm wriggled, tearing out a mouth and swallowing the half-scorched pink plush rubber band.

Then put away the phone, Tang Ye looked at the glass-like eyeball. At the same time, in the pit that was blown up by the nuclear bomb in Linshi, the man with Tang Ye's face moved his finger, and a little red standing on it Feather bird fluttered and flew into the small flock of red feather birds in the sky, and his figure disappeared in the next second.

   In the corpse tide in the magic capital, there was also a Tang Ye who walked out of the wreckage of the plane. He looked at the boundless corpse tide in front of him and said to himself, "It's time to stop work."

   Immediately, he turned his head and glanced at the eastern skyline, and the figure disappeared the next moment.

   Tang Ye, who was observing the activities of the Demonic Corpse Tide in a city in Province A, shook his head.

"Okay, I'm going back, it's not safe..." He took out the evolutionary crystals from the corpses of the demonic zombies under his feet, and he threw these evolutionary crystals of different colors into his mouth like a child eating snacks. , and then like the first two Tang Ye, the figure disappeared in place.

   After looking at it for a while, Tang Ye put away the eyeballs in his hand, and then stood up from the golden chair. He stretched out his hand and touched the huge dragon head behind the chair, and said, "Be quiet."

Then, he walked towards the back and came to the garden at the back. Tang Ye walked through the long sightseeing corridor, entered a courtyard, and after passing through the magnificent buildings, Tang Ye came to a dark red hole. Before, he walked in without the slightest hesitation.

There is a **** at the entrance of the cave. As Tang Ye continued to go deeper, the inclination of this long **** became larger and larger. At first, there were ceramics on the ground, but after a while, there were no more ceramics for decoration. It also became the same deep red as the surrounding walls, and only the electric light next to it radiated light and illuminated everything here.

   After a short while, Tang Ye walked along the **** to the middle of the body on the ground of the mother nest, and some warning signs gradually appeared on the wall beside him. 】

A sign like    will appear after six or seven steps, and the blood-red font on it makes people feel chills at first glance.

   But Tang Ye didn't care about this, and continued to walk forward. After a while, two distorted figures appeared in his field of vision. The distance was getting closer and closer, and they turned out to be two silver armored corpses!

At the end of the slope, there was a blood-red wall, and no other way could be seen, and the two zombies stood on both sides of the wall like door gods. After seeing Tang Ye's arrival, the two zombies were stunned. Unmoved.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

   At this moment, Tang Ye clapped his palm, and the sound he made caught the attention of the two silver-armored corpses in front of them, who roared at Tang Ye.


  Tang Ye didn't speak, just raised his hand and swung it back. The two zombies seemed to understand what he meant, walking towards the front with stiff footsteps, passing Tang Ye.

   When he came to the wall at the end, Tang Ye stretched out his hand, bent his middle finger, and knocked on the wall next to him. The next second, the wall at the end was torn open and turned into a door, revealing the space inside!

   (end of this chapter)

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