I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1567: This is the deal, understand?

   Chapter 1567 This is a deal, understand?

   This is a room, but there is no horizontal decoration in this room, the floor and ceiling and the surrounding walls have the texture of flesh and blood.

There are many stones scattered on the uneven floor of flesh and blood. In addition to the stones, there are also some paper and some plastic fragments. These things are piled up randomly, making this flesh and blood space look very messy, and in this mess, There was a man crawling in the corner, his right hand sometimes raised and then dropped, making a "bang bang bang" sound, as if the person was smashing something.

   The other party didn't seem to notice the opened "door" and Tang Ye who appeared outside the door.

This person is Lu Xiaojie, but compared to Lu Xiaojie in Deria's world, this Lu Xiaojie has disheveled hair, his hair is long enough to touch his knees, and his neck is dark with a thick layer of mud that rises and falls from time to time. The lines on the back of his right hand were also filled with sludge! If no one knew her, she wouldn't be associated with Lu Xiaojie in Deria's world at all.

But what she looks like now is actually not Tang Ye's intention. After he settled down in the royal court, he once sent Ah Fu and the eighth-order zombies Diu and Song Muyuan who were the first to surrender to him in the royal court. The Liantong District has searched for people who are still alive. Because Dai Changhao is missing, the same is true for Ah Fu and the others to return to the royal court. However, Dai Changhao was not found, but was found in the heavily polluted Liantong District. Lu Xiaojie, not only has she not been assimilated by the pollutants inside, on the contrary her body has undergone some changes. People she touches will become distorted until they die, and even some low-level zombies will be affected. The two twisted silver armored corpses were shaped by her influence.

Within three days after Lu Xiaojie was picked up by Ah Fu Bar, a large number of casualties occurred in Wang Tingzhong. As a last resort, Tang Ye could only lock her in this place. The area of ​​the space where she was located was only about ten square meters. In the space, other people have already gone crazy and been swallowed up by the two beasts of loneliness and darkness! But she has lived here for more than two years!

This is also due to the fact that this Lu Xiaojie is not a normal person. She is more like a beast who is always in a state of injury. She is vigilant of everything around her. If anyone looks at her for even a second, she will be mad at her. attack!

   She has no sense of loneliness, and she is not afraid of the dark. In such an environment, she seems to be more at ease?

As for the stones, paper and shredded plastic on the ground, they are her toys. When she is free, she likes to use one thing to smash another thing, and some stone chips on the ground are her toys. her masterpiece.

   After Tang Ye walked in, he waved at the air, and the flesh and blood on the wall behind him began to wriggle. Soon, the place where Tang Ye came in changed back to a wall again.

After the    door disappeared, the small space fell into darkness, but the next second, the surrounding walls, including the sky guard and the ground, emitted a red shimmer, easily illuminating everything inside.

  Lu Xiaojie continued to carry out her own activities without paying any attention to Tang Ye.

   "You should know me, I think, I should have a deep impression on you."

Tang Ye said aloud to Lu Xiaojie, who had his back turned to him, but the other party still ignored his plan, but he didn't wait for Lu Xiaojie's answer, and walked to the next wall, where the dark red flesh was wriggling and growing. A piece of shredded meat came out, and these shredded meat were intertwined to form a chair with a good shape. Tang Ye sat up on it, crossed his legs and put his hands and fingers in front of his abdomen, looking at the person not far away. Lu Xiaojie.

He didn't wait for her to return to what he just said, and continued: "You can hear and understand what I said just now, it doesn't matter if you don't answer, I thought your reaction when meeting you would be the same as I imagined. , how should I put it, the contrast is a bit big, but then again, I seem to have an important question that I haven't asked, you know, in a place you've never been to... No, you should be there, I don't know if you have In this memory, there is another you, her name is the same as yours, Lu Xiaojie, and she looks exactly like you."

  While talking, Tang Ye also observed Lu Xiaojie's reaction. In the second he finished speaking, he only heard a "click", as if something had shattered.

   Tang Ye's eyes narrowed, can he think this is the other party's reaction?

However, Lu Xiaojie didn't seem to respond. She held a stone in her right hand and kept smashing and smashing it, and finally smashed what she was smashing. Her movements did not stop at all. The other hand swept the ground, and the broken pieces The stone was swept away by her, and then she picked up an intact stone and continued the behavior just now.

   "Well, it looks like you don't know."

At this moment, Tang Ye put his hands apart, put his right hand into his trousers pocket and fished it out, and quickly took out the glass-like eyeball. At the same time, Lu Xiaojie seemed to sense something, and his lowered head tilted to the side. , a shimmering eye looked over!

   In the depths of her pupils, a scarlet flashed in that instant!

   Tang Ye saw this scene clearly, he seemed to be interested, and said in his mouth: "Huh, it's interesting to know this thing, how about it?"

Lu Xiaojie didn't answer, she stood up slowly, her dirty face was placed in front of Tang Ye like this, her face was very familiar to Tang Ye, but compared with that Lu Xiaojie in Deria's world, this Lu Xiaojie's face Shang's expression was very unfamiliar to Tang Ye, as if he knew this person on the first day.

   Standing up, Lu Xiaojie stretched out his hand, as if he was saying, let Tang Ye give her this eyeball.

   "Want me to give it to you? Okay, but you need to answer me a few questions, this is a deal, understand?"

  Lu Xiaojie still didn't speak, she just stood in front of Tang Ye like this, with her right palm facing up to Tang Ye, the meaning was very clear.

   "Okay, since you don't speak, then I'll take it as your agreement, there won't be too many questions, the first question, where did you come from?"

  Lu Xiaojie still didn't answer, but Tang Ye's questioning behavior seemed to be regarded by her as not giving her eyeballs, and she saw her body slowly crouch down, like a cheetah finding its prey.

Tang Ye smiled and didn't say anything, so he calmed down like this, and Lu Xiaojie, who was in an attacking stance, stretched out his right hand again and asked for the eyeball in Tang Ye's hand, but Tang Ye shook his head at her and refused again took her.

   (end of this chapter)

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