I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1568: big problem

   Chapter 1568 Big problem

   At the moment when Tang Ye shook his head, Lu Xiaojie kicked his legs hard, and the whole person rushed towards Tang Ye with a "swoosh", with a full sense of attack!


The next second, a muffled sound came, and Lu Xiaojie slammed her head against the wall. She originally rushed towards Tang Ye, but after she rushed over, Tang Ye, who was sitting there, has disappeared, not only him, but also him The chair under his **** also disappeared.

   slammed his head into the wall, and Lu Xiaojie didn't seem to feel the pain. Seeing that he was in the air, he turned to look at the side wall, where Tang Ye and his flesh-and-blood chair did not know when they appeared there.

   Without any hesitation, she bent down and rushed towards Tang Ye again! The offensive is ferocious! But before he touched the other side, Tang Ye disappeared with a chair and Lu Xiaojie immediately stopped to avoid hitting his head against the wall again. When he turned around, Tang Ye had already appeared behind him!

  Lu Xiaojie pounced again! Tang Ye disappeared again, and she fluttered again!

This time, she used too much force and slammed her body against the wall. If she was a normal person, she would grin in pain from the hit, but there was no expression on her face, and there was something in her eyes that was not what a person should have. Fierce, turned around, lowered his body, without any pause, he rushed towards Tang Ye again!

   Like the previous few times, before she met Tang Ye, Tang Ye disappeared early, and appeared at another location in the next instant.

   "I will give you this thing. Before that, you need to answer my question. If you don't answer it, it is impossible for you to want this thing."

  Tang Ye said slowly, but Lu Xiaojie still didn't come back. As soon as he turned around, he flew over like a cheetah, his five fingers bent into claws, and he grabbed it according to Tang Ye's head!

   And Tang Ye disappeared again, and appeared in another place with a person and a chair!

This time, Lu Xiaojie finally got anxious. She lay on the ground with her limbs slashed, like a wolf who had been hungry for several days. She raised her head slightly, and those glittering eyes stared at Tang Ye's face. In the end, I saw her throat surging, and finally said a few words.

"give me……"

Her voice was hoarse, and the words she uttered sounded vague. If she didn't listen carefully, she couldn't understand it at all. It was like she had just learned to speak. Tang Ye remembered that when he was in the second rank, he forced his mouth to speak, and the words he said were the same as those he speaks now. Lu Xiaojie is about the same.

   As for her words, Tang Ye just shook his head, his meaning was obvious, that is to refuse.

   With his movements, Lu Xiaojie opened his mouth and let out a low roar, his voice was more hoarse than before, like a vicious beast in a desperate situation, wanting to break the net!


   With this roar, Lu Xiaojie swooped over again, and stabbed her five curved fingers straight towards Tang Ye's neck, but the moment she was about to touch him, her fingers scratched against the wall! Tang Ye moved a short distance to the side, and looked at Lu Xiaojie who looked like a madman in front of him!


   With a low growl, Lu Xiaojie raised her other hand and grabbed it towards Tang Ye's cheek!

   "You're a little annoying."

  Tang Ye seemed to be agitated, he stretched out his hand at will, and precisely grabbed Lu Xiaojie's wrist. With a force, the other party was thrown over, his body smashed against the wall, and then slipped off the wall.

  Lu Xiaojie quickly turned over and lay on the ground, looking at Tang Ye with eyes like a beast, and his mouth kept roaring!


   She roared more and more furiously! Tang Ye sat on the chair and watched her reaction quietly, and there was no extra movement. Soon, something abnormal appeared on Lu Xiaojie's body. The blood vessels on the neck bulged, and it quickly turned from blue to pure black! It's thick, like an earthworm crawling on it.

   Her calves began to bend, the nails on her hands began to grow, and the roar from her mouth gradually became sharp from the hoarseness at the beginning!

   Seeing this scene, Tang Ye raised his head slightly, and seemed to be in a state of energy. In his perception, Lu Xiaojie's aura was constantly changing, and his strength was rapidly increasing! It quickly jumped from the level of ordinary people to the level that is infinitely close to the fourth level.

  Although the fourth rank is not as good as ants for Tang Ye, but an ordinary person can undergo such a change in just a few seconds, even if it is earth-shaking!

   He now has only one doubt, what is the principle?

   Jumping back and forth between ordinary people and new human beings, it is impossible to think about it, how did Lu Xiaojie do it, and what is happening in her body?

   Of course, Tang Ye can also become like an ordinary person, but that is a disguise. In the eyes of others, he is an ordinary person, but his strength is at the level of the ninth order.

   Quickly went through the experience in Deria's world. Lu Xiaojie in it seemed to have said that some things would change according to Deria's mood. Is this Lu Xiaojie also because of the violent ups and downs!

  Ugh! Ugh! Roar! !

  Lu Xiaojie roared loudly, looking heartbreaking! It seems that I want to vent all the anger in my heart!

The breath from her body changed, and finally stopped at the fourth-order level. It seemed that she had reached the end. She felt similar to Tang Ye with a low roar, kicked her legs, and the whole body rose into the air, with sharp nails. His hand was facing Tang Ye's face and covered it fiercely!

  Tang Ye maintained the same sitting position as before, unmoved, Lu Xiaojie seemed to have been taught a few times before, staring at Tang Ye, guarding against any movements that would come at any time, and he had to give him a fatal blow.

But she seemed to guess something wrong. This time Tang Ye didn't dodge and looked at her. Just when her nails were about to touch Tang Ye's face, the wall behind Tang Ye suddenly surged, and a tentacle came out. It wrapped around her neck in an instant and threw it out on the spot!

   "Don't waste your energy, in this place, even if I don't do it, it's a big problem whether you can touch me or not with your strength."

Tang Ye said, stroking the armrest of the chair with one hand. The tentacle that suddenly came out to stop Lu Xiaojie was not his own, but the mother's nest. It was a defensive behavior subconsciously made when its master was about to be hurt. .

   Fortunately, the mother nest understands Tang Ye's thoughts. It didn't use much force just now, otherwise Lu Xiaojie would not be qualified to become a rotten meat!

   The size of the brood is very large. If the size of the brood is accurately described, it may take hundreds of thousands of Ah Fu in a corpse state to be comparable to the size of the brood!

   You must know that Ah Fu is now in a zombie state and at the most violent time, his height can reach a height of nearly 100 meters!

   One can imagine how huge the mother hive is?

   (end of this chapter)

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