I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1572: when the illusion

   Chapter 1572 The illusion of when

The nickname Guitou Zai didn't make him feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, the nickname still had a deep impression on him, and the nickname also originated from the hairless piece on his head. place.

   He is a very ordinary person, no matter before or in the apocalypse, he is only a second-order new human being.

   As soon as he was born, he was given to his grandparents because his parents were working outside. By the end of the world, he spent most of his life in the countryside with his grandparents.

In my childhood memory, the village was not rich, and even though all kinds of electronic devices were rampant in the city, even in that era, TVs and other things were still a rarity in his village, and there were only a few in the village. households have this high-tech.

When he was still in elementary school, he liked watching a cartoon very much. At that time, for more than a month, he would walk more than ten minutes every night to check in at the Faxiaojia in the west of the village, just because of that time period. There is a cartoon that he likes to watch.

   After more than a month, even if he saw the finale of this cartoon, this habit was retained by him. Going to the small house in the village to watch TV every day was one of the things he had to do.

But one day, an accident happened. After coming to Faxiao's house one night, unfortunately, the TV was occupied by the father of the little friend, so watching the animation was naturally missed. At that time, the smartphone was still in the mother's womb, like them Apart from calling other friends to play hide-and-seek and the police catching thieves, the only entertainment for children who are young is watching TV.

The two were helpless and could only watch the TV series that adults watched. Unfortunately, that day, the little father watched a supernatural horror movie. At first, he was very curious, what kind of ghosts and ghosts are ghosts? He just heard what some older elders said, and he has never seen what it looks like.

  Under the interweaving of fear and thrill-seeking mentality, he finished watching the horror movie!

But when he came home, he had walked countless times on the road before, and those flowers and plants seemed to have become ghosts dancing with claws on TV, which made him scared. He remembered that day when he looked back from time to time, he always felt that something was Following myself, the pictures on the TV also appeared in my mind from time to time.

The night in the countryside is very quiet. Originally, he enjoyed the wind blowing from afar at night, but today, in his heart, the wind that blows from time to time is like a female ghost whispering. Dressed in dark blue clothes, the disheveled female ghost showed her hideous face in front of her.

   The overwhelming sense of fear made him almost suffocate!

When he turned around again, he saw a huge black shadow flashing behind him. At that moment, he almost didn't scare his soul out, so he quickened his pace. Usually it would take more than ten minutes to get back home. Arrived within five minutes, but in a hurry, he fell in the process, his head hit the moss-covered rock wall, and a scalp was wiped off.

After returning home, he fell ill not long afterward. No doubt he was frightened and sick. He had a high fever for several days. In those days, he was in a state of collapse. He had no strength at all, and his consciousness was blurred. The image that arrived flashed in my mind from time to time.

Even after he grew up, the horror movie was still a shadow in his heart, but it was also at that time, when grandpa bought the watch he wanted the most, and the moment he got, that scene, brought joy that was his lifelong joy. Can't forget either.

  It was funny to say, after he recovered from his illness, he heard that the shadow that scared him that day was just a dog from a nearby butcher's house. Because of the good food, he was raised very strong.

No hair grows on the spot where the stone was scratched on the scalp. He will always share his story with others. Although it will cause some people to laugh at it, he doesn't care, because the experience speaks out, in the In this last days, he will always get closer to some people he didn't know before.

   Over time, this story and the place on the head where no hair can grow gave birth to the nickname "Ghost Boy".

   "Come and help, what are you doing there?"

Just as Guitou Zai continued to recall, a soldier not far ahead yelled at him, Gui Tou Zai hurriedly accelerated his pace and walked forward. When he first arrived at the place, the soldier who called him said: "Take the gun. Come out, it's convenient to hold it, don't get stuck on it, there will be battles at any time, and you won't even have a chance to take a look at this thing in case of an accident, understand?"

   "Okay okay, thank you thank you."

  The soldier took off the laser weapon stuck on the backpack and pressed it on the groove on the surface of the battle suit on his shoulder. During the battle, it only took one force to take it off, and a set of actions took less than a second.

  Guitouzai quickly expressed his gratitude to the other party. He didn't dare to neglect anyone here, because an inconspicuous person here may have been born out of life and death.

During this time, he didn't know what happened to him. He would always think of things from the past. He was catching tadpoles in the farmland in the countryside, making scarecrows with his grandmother. He also remembered that he was walking on a muddy road after school and it was raining. After that, I will take off the wild lotus by the roadside to keep out the rain. My favorite female classmate will go home together after school and ask myself what day of the week is her favorite?

He vaguely remembered his answer, it was Monday, but his answer was wrong. The female classmate was the same as himself, it was Friday. The reason was that after school on Friday afternoon, it was already the beginning of Saturday weekend for the children. The next day You don't have to wake up early, you can sleep in late.

  Sometimes, he can even smell the wind from his hometown, which carries the smell of fresh soil. Suddenly, he seems to see cabbage with water droplets, and he misses the meal he ate in his hometown.

   This is an illusion, but when the illusion started, he doesn't know, it seems to have always existed, and it seems to have only appeared recently.

Looking back at the yellow flower, hope flashed in his eyes. Maybe, when everything is over, he can still see this flower. At that time, it should have a majestic vitality to resist the harsh environment around it, but This seems to be all his fantasy, even if it hasn't happened yet, the reality vaguely seems to tell him the answer, and many people will die! And these people, including but not limited to him.

  This yellow flower will grow up, but at that time, his corpse has already rotted and turned into dead bones on the side of the road, or a zombie, drifting with the tide of corpses.

   (end of this chapter)

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