I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1573: strange colleague

   Chapter 1573 Strange colleagues

   "This side, this side, come up and help!"

A huge military truck was carefully backed up, and behind the truck stood many soldiers. On the chests of these soldiers, there was a long knife with a chain hanging on it. This sign is unfamiliar to many people, but it is dangerous for the city of sanctuary. For the residents of the city, this sign is familiar, they are the soldiers of the Dangerous Sanctuary City Frigid Corps, who have successfully resisted numerous large-scale corpse tides, and achieved remarkable results.

And Guitouzai was one of them. In the shouts of the soldiers behind the truck, the huge truck, which seemed to be two or three times bigger than the truck before the end of the world, finally parked in a suitable place. Compared with the huge size of the truck, it was originally wider. The streets are a bit narrow, and when it stopped, the **** of the car easily pushed a wall over, but I didn't care.

   "Hurry up! Go up!"

  After the truck stopped, the non-commissioned officers in special military uniforms waved their hands, and those soldiers climbed onto the truck one after another.




   Work hard!

  Hey! hey! hey!

  Under the command, all the soldiers exhausted their strength and quickly opened the back cover of the truck.

   "Hurry up, hurry up! Move me all!"

   The inside of the truck is a pile of silver-white steel, which can be seen by a blind eye. These are H steels. Judging from the fineness, the smelting grade may not be low, at least they are all above grade seven!

   "Come on, hurry up!"

  Under the irritable urging of the non-commissioned officer, the soldiers did not dare to pause at all, and rushed forward one by one.

   However, these steels were very heavy. Four or five big men rushed up and couldn’t lift a piece of steel even one centimeter up. It was not until a dozen people joined forces that they barely pulled a piece of steel off the car.

Guitou Zai is in it, although the steel has been lifted, its weight is amazing, although there are more than a dozen soldiers like himself working hard, but he feels that all the pressure is on his side, pressing his face. Red, of course, the expressions on the faces of the people around him are exactly the same as his.

   "Isn't it just born? Don't be a man if you have enough strength, go on horseback and make up and be a **** for Laozi!"

Seeing the inefficiency of the crowd, the sergeant cursed and joined in, rubbing his hands together. He forcibly drove one of them away and took his place, but the moment he tried his best, his expression suddenly changed. !


Now there is a sound of "uuuuu", the soldier tried his best to hold back his laughter and almost suffered from internal injuries, but the non-commissioned officer's appearance also shows how heavy this piece of steel is. To be a non-commissioned officer, the minimum standard is also It must be a fourth-order new human being. This non-commissioned officer is at this level, and even the fourth-order new human beings have been eaten up. Can you imagine the weight of this steel?

   But he did not give up, and together with the others, he lifted the steel to the target, and then some engineers began to install it and fix it at the street entrance.

As soon as the steel was put down, the sergeant covered his face with his hands and fled away, and everyone immediately let out a "hahaha" laughter, and the ghost boy couldn't help laughing, but soon, his heart was full of After being desolate, he didn't know if he would laugh with everyone like he did today, this might be the last time he was so relaxed.

   He found that compared to the previous self, the current self became more emotional, and he suddenly couldn't bear everything in the present. However, he didn't have anything important, maybe it was just the memory in his mind that made him miss everything in the past.

Afterwards, the soldiers were divided into three batches, and the steel on the truck was lifted one by one in an orderly manner. It didn't take long for the truck to be empty, but the moment they finished lifting, the previous non-commissioned officers seemed to have no idea at all. What happened, paddling around with tablet in hand.

Guitouzai noticed him. Of course, the people around him also noticed him. Someone trotted to him and reported something. The sergeant nodded. At the same time, there seemed to be some news coming from the tablet. Guitouzai clearly saw the sergeant's face. His expression relaxed for a while, as if he had received some good news.

   Immediately, I saw him put down the tablet, and shouted to the crowd: "Take a rest, and say it again, the gun will not leave the sound, your dog's paw is always on the trigger, can you hear me!"

   "Understood! (name...table

The soldier's words made everyone look at him and replied loudly to him, and Guitouzi did the same, but just after he finished shouting, he didn't know if it was a hallucination, and he heard an unusual voice from the side, "Understood. "The two words were vaguely shouted, and a little stiff.

   As soon as he turned his head, he was standing next to a man who was a little short in height. Unlike other people's smiles, his smile was a little stiff, as if it was forced out by a facial paralysis.

   "What's the matter with you?" Guitou Zai asked.

  The man looked left and right after hearing his voice, and finally set his eyes on him, as if he was only now confirming that he was talking to himself.

   "I... just... just... tired, no... nothing..."

   "So, if you have anything to do with the guy in white, they are all medics. By the way, are you the same as me? Are you new here?"

   "Huh? Yes... yes yes."

   "Are you really okay?" Seeing his stiff movements and expression, Guitou Zai became suspicious.

   "I...I'm fine, thank you."

   "That's fine."

   took another look at this man, Guitouzai stopped paying attention to him, his eyes were on the non-commissioned officer, and he continued:

"Also, don't mess around with Lao Tzu! If you find anything abnormal, even report it to me, especially those newcomers, pay attention to me. After all, they have already lived so far, and it's not a loss to live a little longer, don't do it yourself. die."

"it is good!"

  The soldiers, including Guitouzai, responded to the non-commissioned officer again. He glanced at the man next to him, and his tone was still stiff.

   "Okay, that's it, disband!"

After the sergeant finished speaking, he walked towards the temporary headquarters behind. The soldiers scattered as birds and beasts, but they didn't go far. A few people came to Guitouzi and said, "Guitouzi, how are you? Is it alright? "

   Guitou Zai nodded when he heard the voices of several people. He knew all of them to no surprise.

   "No, go ahead, I'm thinking about something." Guitou Zai said, rejecting a few people.

   Hearing his words, one of the people scratched his head and asked, "What happened to you recently, so sentimental."

   "Nothing, I'm just not in a good mood."

   "Come on, we'll start if you don't go. This may be the last time, and we don't know when the next time will be."

   (end of this chapter)

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