I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1579: all traps 4

   Chapter 1579 All Traps 4

   Beside him, there was also a young man, but he was older than the stunned young man before.

When    first noticed this person, Guitouzai was stunned for a moment, for no reason, because the other party was playing with his mobile phone and was paying attention to something seriously.

   There seems to be no internet cafe here?

  Guitouzai is not sure, the current GPG is only available in the Survivor Base. If it is not in the Survivor Base or the Sanctuary City, the mobile phone in hand is similar to the brick, but it has more functions than the brick.

After the apocalypse broke out, he also searched for substances with other people in the early and middle stages. The first reaction he made when he encountered a zombie was to run away and not let the zombies notice him. Four years after the apocalypse broke out, he was very lucky. He entered a revival factory, and did it until he joined the Frigid Mercenary Group.

   Therefore, in the middle and late stages of the apocalypse, he basically never left the Dangerous Sanctuary City. His schedule was the same as before the apocalypse. He went to work and got off work on time every day, but even so, he knew that outside the Human Sanctuary City, there was absolutely no Internet.

   He took out his mobile phone suspiciously, pressed the switch, the time displayed on it was 13:46, and in the upper right corner, except for the battery display, there was no signal at all.


   Guitouzi suddenly had a question in his heart, what is this guy looking at? Why are you so focused?

   Out of curiosity, Guitou Zai tilted his head slightly and looked at it. This person seemed to be an email message, and what was even more strange was that his mobile phone had a signal!

   At this moment, Guitouzai immediately realized that the identity of this person is not simple. The mobile phone that can still have a signal outside is generally used by the military. How could ordinary people have such a thing? Of course, you can buy Yajin if you have enough money, but buying a mobile phone like this is something that ordinary humans can only buy if they don’t eat or drink. It is enough for two people's usual food and clothing, but this food and clothing is not the level before the end of the world.

In this apocalypse, everything is lacking, and food is the most important. This has led to the fact that food accounts for the majority of per capita consumption. In the past, luxury items, such as diamonds, were thrown to dogs on the roadside and shook their heads. There is only hard currency like gold.

Therefore, most people in the apocalypse only have two meals a day. They can’t guarantee that they are full, but they do not need to starve to death. As for satisfying their vanity, either they are not afraid of death, they are rich, or they are stupid. purchase.

   As for the person in front of him, it is most likely the second type.

Gui Tou Zai tilted his head and narrowed his eyes, trying to see what was on the man's phone, and soon saw a sentence: [Xiao Ping, I have received the news that the dam over the city center has been closed. built. 】

[This place seems to be called a cemetery. It has not been announced yet. I don’t know the direction of the advance of the corpse tide. I can only tell you that you must follow the large army. People will tell you what to do, and you won't know. I don't know what your side will do, but you must follow the side with more people! 】

  【If you are unfortunately selected, find a chance to escape! Otherwise you will die! 】

After seeing the content on the mobile phone, Gui Tou Zai's heart jumped fiercely, and the owner of the mobile phone seemed to be in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking, but he quickly reacted, turned his head sharply, and looked at Gui Tou Zai. look at each other.

   The other party immediately turned off the phone, and the two of them stood still like this. The muscles of Gui Tou Zai were tense, and he saw the murderous intent in the other party's eyes!

   About half a minute later, the other party looked left and right. After confirming that no one was paying attention, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and asked in a low voice, "Did you see it?"

   "See what?"

   "Don't... don't play stupid, how could you not see..."


   "Okay, I'm careless, you can't tell others about this, we two work together."

   The other party whispered, and Guitouzai exhaled, his brain was running fast, and the content on the phone was between the lines, causing a very bad guess to emerge in his mind.

   There are many people and few people, needless to say? There must be fewer people in the van on their side!


   These two characters were originally black, but in his heart, they were as bright red as blood!

   What is going on above? Bai Liang wants to take them to death?

   No, it's not that simple! Maybe even Bai Liang didn't know, and even the fifth-order new human who talked to Bai Liang before was kept in the dark!

The    cemetery is the cemetery where countless zombies will be buried, and it is also the cemetery where they will be buried!

Now the Frigid Legion is very short of people, which can be known from the mouth of the old member before, then this will definitely not die under the muzzle of the same kind of gun, there is only one reason, the corpse tide, the magic sound corpse tide !

   For Dangerous Sanctuary, this wasteland city is the bottom line! Once the zombies break through, the Dangerous Sanctuary City is just fish and meat on the chopping board, let people slaughter it!

After they rushed to the "cemetery", when they saw a wave of zombies, they couldn't escape, and they couldn't escape. The only thing they could do was to wait for death, or to pick up the weapons in their hands and block their luck and kill them. Make a **** way!

   And before they die, their contribution is to kill one more zombie!

   This is a trap! These are all traps, and the three brigades of Lin Han are in this trap! The Cold Cold Mercenary Group has never been a bargaining chip! The Cold Cold Legion is like a deck of cards that lacks JQK, and is discarded by the **** Yang Xiangfeng at will. As for how many zombies this deck of cards can kill, it all depends on Yang Xiangfeng's luck!

   They are the victims, just the reason to die first.

  Guitouzai's heart beat violently, and the fear of death instinct almost swallowed him.

"say something!"

   The anxious urging sound of the person next to him made Guitou Zai come back to his senses, and he looked at the other side blankly.


"What's your name?"

   "You can just call me Ghost Boy."


   "Count my half name..."

   "In that case, you can just call me Brother Shi, everyone else calls me that."

   "Oh... well... ah?"

Guitou Zai is still in the midst of a haunted soul. He is still thinking about when his life will end, but after reacting, he looks at the young man in front of him who calls him Brother Shi. He looks older than this guy. At about ten years old, how could he be so embarrassed?

   "Ah what? Be quiet!"

"I know, I know."

   "You don't want to tell me your real name, so it's alright to call me by a nickname? You bastard, it's a miracle that you are alive until now."


   "But what?"

   "You just saw who sent it to you?"

   (end of this chapter)

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