I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1580: crooked neck, broken hands, bald head

   Chapter 1580 Crooked neck, broken hands, bald head

   "My brother, he is a sixth-order new human, and has a very high status for you in the headquarters. He sent me these messages, but he can't stop me from being forced to join the Frigid Legion."

   "Tier six..."

The young man's words startled Guitou Zai. For a person like him, the new human beings above the sixth rank are like the rich men of the past before the end of the world. They are very rare and hard to see. They are far from being everywhere on the Internet. All individuals are seventh and eighth.

   In Dangerous Sanctuary City, Guitouzi also saw a sixth-order new human being in the business district, but he still glanced at it from a distance, and such a character is indeed an existence with hands and eyes to him.

   "You just said cooperation...how do we cooperate?"

"How can we cooperate? The two of us can't even handle the first-order third-order zombies. The tide of demonic corpses is no joke. That's the group of zombies from the corpse king, not to mention third-order zombies. Are there any sixth-order and seventh-order zombies? Little, let's go up. After the energy storage clips are fired, you can basically close your eyes and wait for death. What about us? The highest level I've seen now is a fifth-order one. The tide is not enough, we are like dolls without parents and mothers, no one cares about us, we can do whatever we want."

   Brother Shi said, suddenly lowered his voice, and the words he said just now were like normal small talk.

   "When we arrive at our destination, we both will run away while no one is paying attention. The farther away from the city center, the better."


   Brother Shi's words shocked Guitouzai. He had never seen or experienced the consequences of being caught as a deserter, but at least he had heard of it from others, and he shuddered when he thought about it.

   "You mean, we want to be deserters, do you know the consequences of being deserters?"

   Hearing Guitouzai's words, Brother Shi smiled disdainfully and said, "It's better to be a deserter than to die."

  Guitouzai was stunned for a moment. If a person like him was placed in a feudal society, he would be a commoner, a noble with a careless life, and a slave with no dignity. He was too ordinary to be ordinary.

Of course, he also killed people in this apocalypse. After all, if he wasn't cruel at that time, he would have died. It was also a matter of many years ago. The hostility that had been cultivated in the early stage had long since been wiped out.

   It was still too crazy for him to run for his life, which made him hesitate, but Brother Shi also made sense, it is better to be a deserter than to wait for death!

   "Say...that's right..."

   "That's it, look for a chance to leave the team when you reach your destination."

   "Where are we going then?"

   "Let's escape first."

  Guitou Zai was silent for a while. From the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the three co-workers who were chatting and bragging. After struggling for a while, he asked Brother Shi, "Just the two of us."

   "Sure, the more people...how? You want to bring people in? Let me tell you, the more people there are, the easier it is to be exposed. If you live to this day, you won't still have the Heart of the Virgin, right?"

   "No... Has your brother planned where to go next?"

   "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?... But no..."

   "Then how long do you think the two of us can live?"


This time, Brother Shi is silent. If you are a deserter, you will definitely not be able to go to Dangerous Sanctuary City. Needless to say, it is very difficult for the two of them to survive outside. This is not to say, but think about it. , pull a few more people in, the strength is similar, they are all second-order new humans, it seems that there is no difference...

If you pull a stronger existence than them, it is hard to say whether the other party is willing to bring his own group of oil bottles, so the latter basically gives up, the former pulls a few more people, not to mention more, at least a little sense of security, after all, there are many people Powerful.

  The two did not speak for a while, and after a stalemate, Brother Shi finally asked, "Then who do you want to bring in?"

  Guitouzai heard the words and looked around, his eyes first focused on the three workers, then Yong, who was sitting on the box in a daze.

   "Just the three of them."

   "You all know..."

   "You don't trust me? Don't worry, the things you think won't happen."

   "It's okay, you go and tell them, be careful, don't be noticed by others."

   "I understand that."

  Guitouzai nodded and stood up, but as if thinking of something, he looked back at Brother Shi.

   "Give me your phone."


   "I'm afraid they won't believe me, we're not you, you can't make them believe this kind of thing just by talking about it."

   "Take it."

   Brother Shi didn't talk nonsense afterward. He opened the email on his mobile phone, entered the secondary password, clicked on the email that brother sent to himself, and then handed the mobile phone to Guitouzai.

   Guitou Zai nodded, took Brother Shi's phone and walked in the direction of the three workers.

As soon as he took a step, the three co-workers noticed him, and one of them kept his head tilted, not because he despised the ghost, but because he was hit on the head by a corpse dog a few years ago, which caused his neck injury. That's why he can only lean his head on his shoulders. Like Guitouzai, he has the nickname "crooked neck".

   "Ghost boy, are you bored enough? Are you willing to let us play?"

   "Hahaha! I'm afraid I'm going to abandon you recently."

   "Hey hey hey..."

The three of them each let out a wretched laugh, and Guitouzai shook his head, and a smile appeared on his face, but the smile disappeared quickly, he came to the three of them, lowered his voice and said, "I have something to tell you. "

   The voice fell behind, he looked around, but fortunately no one looked over. The soldiers in the car were like the three people with crooked necks, chatting together.

   "What's the matter, let's talk about it later, let's ask you a question..."

At first, the three of them didn't take Guitou Zai's words seriously. One of them, who had lost his little finger and ring finger on his palm, pulled Gui Tou Zai over. This person was called "Break Hand". He was usually a ruffian. A veteran client, the missing little finger and ring finger were cut off a few years ago, giving him such a nickname.

   Before he finished speaking, he noticed Guitouzai's serious expression, and the expressions on the other people's faces froze.

   "What are you going to say?"

   asked the bald head. They are all people who have lived in the apocalypse for so many years. From the looks on their faces, they all have skills, and the look on Guitouzi's face also tells them that what he wants to say is not easy!

   Guitouzi didn't speak, he took out Brother Shi's phone and handed it to the three of them.

   "It doesn't seem like your hand...I..."

  Bang hands subconsciously wanted to ridicule Guitouzai, but after seeing the content on the phone, it was as if a pair of smelly socks were suddenly stuffed into his mouth, and his voice stopped abruptly!

   (end of this chapter)

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