I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1587: Beautiful moments preserved

   Chapter 1587 The beautiful moments preserved

Listening to the bald head, Guitou Zai raised his head and glanced at the sky, it was already five or six o'clock in the afternoon, there was a rotten red glow in the west, and flocks of birds flew over the sky, making Guitou Zai. The picture in the eyes looks so... Wait, how can there be birds?

Guitouzai was stunned for a while. He hadn't seen a bird flying in the sky for a long time. Usually, he was in the Dangerous Sanctuary City. When he saw a flock of birds, almost no one dared to go outside. The birds you see are generally corpse birds, and the group of zombie birds is even more terrifying!

   He panicked, but soon, he calmed down, he noticed that these birds were a little strange, they didn't seem to be zombie birds, and when he took a closer look, these birds turned out to be red, how rare is this for him?

   However, he knew this kind of bird, and its whole body was bright red. Isn't this a red feather bird?


This kind of bird did not exist before the end of the world. It may be that some birds have genetic mutations after the end of the world, causing their feathers to turn red. He remembered that this type of bird would not appear in this place, generally in South China and Central China. There will be, other than that, it is basically invisible in other areas.

   After discovering that it was a red feather bird, the panic in Guitouzhu quickly disappeared, and his eyes gradually became intoxicated, and he seemed to have found the feeling he wanted.

The afterglow of the sun illuminates the clouds in the sky bright red, the dense light makes the sky dreamlike, and flocks of red-feathered birds hover in the sky, giving this completely ruined city a shocking feeling. The epic feeling, even though the surrounding is silent, but the wind blows, he seems to be able to hear the unknown person playing the flute in his hand, and there are pure chants in the sound of the flute, which brings a feeling of vastness and shock.

   "Hey, look over there."

Guitouzai took a deep breath. This "journey" was getting better and better for him. What he saw in front of him was no less than the pictures he remembered as a child, and even more than that. And, he almost wants to integrate everything about himself into the picture he sees.

   At the same time, he couldn't wait to share what he saw with others.

   Hearing his voice, Brother Shi and others on the other side raised their heads and looked at the place where Guitouzai was looking.

   "Those birds are... red-feathered birds..."

"What a nice view……"

   "Aren't you surprised? Why do we have red feather birds here?"

   "Never mind, I heard that red feather bird feathers can be eaten, but I don't know if it's true."

   "Would you like to try it?"

It happened that a few red-feathered birds flew over their heads, their wings fluttered, and a few feathers slowly fell down. The ghost head walked to the place where the feathers were about to fall, stretched out his hand, and borrowed one of them, hesitating. After a while, he put it out of his mouth, and the people next to him quickly surrounded him, looked at Guitouzi curiously, and asked, "What does it taste like?"

Gui Tou Zai pursed his lips, and the feathers he put into his mouth soon began to melt. The taste... It's a little hard to say. If you have to describe it, it is a capsule that removes the powder inside and eats the skin. There is no taste, but If the number is large, it is still possible to satisfy hunger.

   He told others how he felt, and Brother Shi and the others couldn't wait to taste it, and they felt the same as Guitouzai.

   "Okay, brothers, this is really beautiful, let's get out of here first."

   "Then where do you want to spend the night?"

   "I didn't think about it, but I think, it's better to stay as far away from here as possible. Now Bai Liang must have found out that we are not there. Who knows if he will send someone to chase here?"

   "Yes, let's go, it's getting dark."

   Everyone packed up their things, and Brother Shi glanced at the extremely beautiful scenery there and said, "You guys wait a moment."

   "What are you doing?"

   "I took pictures of these."

Saying that, Brother Shi took out his mobile phone, and no one objected to everyone. For them, everything they see now must be kept. No one knows whether they will see this in the future. view.

Brother Shi turned on the camera function of the mobile phone, took a picture of the beautiful scenery, and then saved it. The video lasted for 11 seconds. Even without any BGM, the screen can make people feel imaginary. He is very happy. Interestingly, I didn't take pictures of the city on the ground, I just took pictures of the sky and birds, but that's it, if I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't think that this is a role that can be played on the earth today.

  Guitou Zai came over and admired this perfect piece of work with Brother Shi. Later, he saw Brother Shi open a certain entertainment software.

"Let more people see what we've seen." Maybe it was something in his mind, Brother Shi was a little emotional, maybe this scene also made his depression disappear a lot, and there is more beauty for the future. yearning.

Without any editing and dubbing, after sending the video, Brother Shi and the others packed up their things, and a group of six started to walk towards the entrance of the expressway. They encountered a few zombies along the way, but it was not a big deal for them. They have B-level exoskeleton suits on their bodies. As long as they don't encounter sixth-order zombies, they also have "Sky Light" walking at the forefront of technology in the dangerous Sanctuary City!

   As far as their equipment is concerned, it can be said that as long as they do not encounter zombies above the sixth rank, and their luck is not too bad, it is difficult to die suddenly.

   After all, none of those survivor teams have equipment like theirs.

The six people kept advancing on the highway, the road was full of potholes, and there were also many rusted vehicles on the side of the road. Along the way, several people checked these abandoned cars, trying to find a car that could barely travel, but every time they walked. The results obtained were disappointing.

   Occasionally, a zombie jumped out, but most of them were first-order and ordinary un-evolved zombies, and they were killed by six people with a laser as soon as they got up.

   "Don't look at it, this car is scrapped, and the engine has been dismantled."

   Crooked Neck After checking a car, he shook his head and patted the bald head next to him. A few people silently stopped their work.

   Brother Shi looked at the sky, the sky was getting darker and darker, and the eastern skyline was completely darkened. In the end times, the night will always bring strong anxiety to people.

   "It seems that we have no choice. Let's go to the gas station in front of us for the night."

A few people in front can vaguely see the gas station covered by various plants in front of them. Even if they are separated by a few hundred meters, a few people can see the dilapidated gas station and a few swaying figures inside. What are those figures? Things, people's mind is more like a mirror.

   After walking on his feet for so long, even though a few of them are second-order new humans, they feel a little tired, and one of them is even more complaining: I regret escaping, and Mad can't even eat now. "

   (end of this chapter)

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