I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1588: nice job

   Chapter 1588 Well done

   Following the words of breaking hands, the others looked at Brother Shi and then at him, but no one said a word. As for what they were thinking, they had no idea.

   But Brother Shi is not used to breaking hands, so he replied rudely: "You can go back if you regret it, no one can stop you."

   But with the words of Brother Shi, he broke his hand and immediately replied.

   "Hey, what's the matter? I've seen you unhappy since the beginning. Your brother is a new sixth-order human, isn't it? Why haven't I seen him open the back door for you?"

   "Are you finding fault?"

   "Yo, you're not convinced? Shall we fight?"

Wushou was not afraid, he stood up suddenly, showing unkindness to Brother Shi, and looked at them in a contemplative manner from the side, there was no emotion in his eyes, this is, Wushou took a step forward, pushed Yong with his feet, he Without saying anything, Dia came to Brother Shi, but what he didn't notice was that at the moment when his foot touched Yong's body, a touch of silver suddenly appeared on the skin on the back of his hand, but the silver appeared so fast that it disappeared. faster.

   Seeing the smell of gunpowder between the two, Guitouzai quickly stopped between the two and said, "Don't be angry, talk to me if you have anything."

   "This kid has been using others before, does he really treat himself like a scallion?"

   "Oh, you can go now if you want. It's not that I asked you to be a deserter with me. Who do you think you are?"

   "Okay, stop arguing on horseback, fight if you want, whoever interferes is my son!"

   Seeing that the emotions on both sides were getting more and more excited, Guitouzai simply waved his hand, didn't stop it, and withdrew from between the two.

   looked at the bald head on the other side, the other party was indifferent, and the crooked neck may be something in his heart, he looked at the scrapped car in front of him in a daze, and didn't notice this side at all.

The two were deadlocked like this for less than a minute. In the end, they both snorted coldly and left one after another. At this moment, the bald head said, "Everyone calm down, it's not good for anyone to break up. Go to that gas station first."

   "There are zombies there too." The man who seemed to be still in a fit of rage turned his hand back.

   And the bald head swept around and said, "At least it's better than the previous repair shop."

   "Isn't it the same?"

   "There are no buildings around, at least at night, you are not afraid of zombies coming out of nooks and crannies."

Occasionally, the eyes of breaking hands and Brother Shi looked at each other. They approached, and halfway there, their footsteps stopped.

   Everyone looked at each other with a solemn look on their faces, because in their sight, a big guy appeared!

"It's a little troublesome." Guitou Zai said while rubbing his head, and in the gas station in front of them, several zombies were wandering around shaking their heads, and the clothes on their bodies were so dirty that their original color could not be seen at all. From the details above , this should be the uniform of the gas station staff before the end of the world.

Among these zombies, there is a zombie that is more than three meters tall. Its tall figure is so eye-catching among its peers. It is extremely swollen, it can be said that there is no neck at all, and its hair is completely mixed into a mass of horny, attached to the scalp like a hat.

  Due to evolution, the flesh and blood that grows out either squeezes the clothes on his body out of the thread, and the remaining part of the fabric and the flesh and blood that evolves are twisted together.

The bone spurs growing from its back are like the spines on a porcupine, long and visible, but unlike a porcupine, this guy walks on two feet like a human, without taking a step, the bone spurs on his back drag on the ground and the ground friction There will be a "zillazla" sound, which is a little harsh.

After living in the apocalypse for so many years, although they are not those who often come into contact with zombies, several people can still tell that this zombie is a fourth-order zombie, and they are only second-order new human beings, even if they have Top-level equipment, but to deal with such a big guy, several people couldn't help but feel anxious.

   Of course, some of them have seen Tier 4 zombies, but they haven’t confronted zombies of this level much, and their responses are generally only the word “escape”.

   "Still... Still going? It doesn't look like it's going to be easy to deal with?" Seeing this scene, Breaking Hand was the first to back off and said hesitantly.

The bald head looked at the sky. It would take more than ten minutes at most, and the sky would be completely dark. The night outside was the most dangerous. No one knew when something would pass by, and it was impossible for them to go. Sleeping on the street.

   "Go ahead, if you miss this village, you won't have this store."

   "Then... that's fine, let's do it."

Several people quickly turned on the exoskeleton suits on their bodies, opened the skylight insurance, and approached the gas station little by little, and when they were still a hundred meters away from the gas station, the fourth-order zombie took a deep breath. Letting out a dull roar, the huge body suddenly turned around and faced the ghost head boy!

   It found them!

   "Not good, do it!"

He opened the bow and didn't turn his head, only to hear a loud roar from the fourth-order zombie, and the other zombies also knew the existence of Guitouzai and his group through it. A pair of pale eyes looked over, and several people quickly raised their guns. , and the fourth-order zombies on the opposite side also rushed in with great strides!

   That sense of oppression came immediately! However, before a few people pulled the trigger, they let out a squeak. Behind them, someone fired the first shot. The orange-red laser slashed through the air at a high speed. In the next second, a dark yellow liquid suddenly shot out of the back of the head of the fourth-order zombie, and sputtered out several meters away.


   The fourth-order zombie let out a low roar, but this time the sound was much smaller than before. After the roar, it fell to the ground with a "bang", and there was a very clear hole on the back of its head!

  Guitouzai and the others were stunned for a moment, then they reacted and looked at Yong who was at the back, only to see Tianguang raised in his hand, and everyone saw that he was taking the action of closing the gun.

   "You did it?" Shigon asked sternly.

  Yong didn't answer directly, his tone was the same as before, and he slowly replied: "My... marksmanship is very good..."

   "Uh... still... okay..."

   Everyone turned their heads and looked at each other tacitly. This is never bragging, not to mention the top marksmanship, but at least it is dozens of times better than them. This is to find a master!

   "Nice job!"

   (end of this chapter)

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