I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1589: Perfection that doesn't need embellishment.

   Chapter 1589 No need for embellished perfection.

Someone gave Yong a thumbs up, but there was no response on the other side's face. When this fourth-order zombie died, the pressure in everyone's heart dissipated a lot. Among the remaining zombies, except for two second-order zombies and one head and one Except for the rank zombies, the others are all unevolved zombies.

   "Save some energy, you'll be gone after you're done."

   For the remaining zombies, a few people did not choose to use the laser weapons in their hands to deal with them. In addition to the energy storage magazines they are using, they also have two spares around their waists. When they are used up, there is no place to replenish them.

   Everyone took out the cold weapons and rushed towards the zombies. Relying on the top-level equipment on their bodies, it didn't take long for a few people to clean up all the remaining zombies.

   The sky was completely dark at this time. After a few people checked the entire gas station and determined that there were no zombies, they chose to temporarily live in an office on the second floor.

Because zombies are particularly sensitive to light sources at night, the first thing a few people did after determining the room for the night was to seal all the surrounding windows with existing dismantling materials. After doing this, how many talents He began to rest, but, for some unknown reason, Crooked Neck seemed to have been silent, and he became as stunned as Yong.

   But a few people didn't care. When it was almost nine o'clock in the evening, a few people gathered around the bonfire and began to spend the long night.

   After they fell asleep, what Brother Shi didn't know was that the number of clicks on the video he uploaded on the Internet was going up like crazy.

  In Yunxia Base, which is thousands of kilometers away from them, Su Sigui stood silently in front of a huge machine. If Tang Ye was here, he would find that this machine was very familiar.

   "Mayor, now we have entered the testing phase, which is expected to be completed by noon tomorrow."

   At this time, a man in overalls came to Su Sigui, holding a stack of documents in his hand. When facing Su Sigui, his attitude was very respectful.

   "To be precise, I want more than just looks, enough time for you guys to be sure that this machine is free of any flaws."


The    man nodded, but after pondering for a while, he suddenly asked Su Sigui, "Mayor, I have a question, what is this machine we repaired for?"

Su Sigui didn't answer, and her eyes didn't even shift a little. She looked ahead, and after about half a minute, the man seemed to realize that he was asking a question that shouldn't be asked, and quickly said: "Pardon me, if there's nothing wrong, I'll Get busy too."

Su Sigui waved his hand, the man fled away, and she stood there, still looking at this huge machine, not knowing what she was thinking, after a while, she sighed, There was an inescapable sadness in her eyes, and then she turned around and walked towards the elevator at the exit.

This space is very fast. Except for the parts of the machine, which are scattered everywhere like branches, there are basically no people in sight. She walked into the elevator and listened to the sound of the machine from the top of her head. It was so cold and not cold. emotion.

She didn't even reply to the machine voice's inquiry, but even so, the machine created by humans seemed to have guessed what she was thinking, the elevator door slowly closed, began to rise, and then passed the Yunsheng elevator all the way to "Sky Continent" .

She did not return to her residence, but headed towards the edge of the "Sky Continent" until she came to that familiar place, facing the southwest, where she could see the entire Yunxia Base. For a moment, look at everything below, those small dots that not only move in the end, are as insignificant as ants, those black dots are one after another.

The darkness illuminated by the lights makes this city as dazzling as gold, and there are thousands of stars above the head, but they can't bring people a good feeling in this era, they just make the night deeper, blowing from a distance. The wind came with the smell of the last season, and it felt a little bit biting on the skin, but for Su Sigui, she didn't feel it, but the wind seemed to mess up her thoughts.

Here, she had two conversations with that person, but it didn't seem to work. The sense of crisis in her heart was very strong, and she was just as confused about the future as those seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, and twenty-year-old teenagers. measures.

  What effect can what you do now have in the future? She is not a prophet and does not know what the future will look like. It is because of this that she does not even know where the strong sense of crisis comes from. If she has to seek answers, she is probably afraid of failure and the fate of failure. , no one can accept.

   Fenger left her, and at this moment, she suddenly longed for freedom, like the wind, carefree, although she never stopped running, she could go anywhere and would not be bound in place by any trivial matter.

   "Suddenly I envy you a little..."

   After a while, she suddenly said this sentence, but there was no one else around her, and she didn't know who she was speaking to. Of course, no one replied to her after a long time.

   shook her head, she took out her mobile phone, maybe someone can temporarily forget that drinking is entertainment, but unfortunately, she has no wine in her hand, so she can only choose the latter.

As her hand clicked on the joke, she saw a video at first sight, with more than 170,000 likes below, but these are not important, the important thing is that when she sees the dreamlike cover of the video After the sky, I was deeply attracted.

As if her fingers were not under her control, she accidentally clicked on the video. There was no dubbing in it. The sun was about to set, exuding the last light of her day. The dense rays of light penetrated the clouds, and the clouds were golden Red, but the clouds could not completely block the sunlight, scattered light penetrated from the clouds and reflected on the sky, dyeing the sky a light pink. To the east, the pink sky gradually changed to its original color. The color, at first glance, only makes people feel that they are in the world of the second dimension.

   Countless birds soared in the sky, and their existence seemed to be composing a silent tune. Su Sigui looked at the picture in the video with her eyes, her eyes gradually lost focus, and she was fascinated by it.

   In the video, there is no picture of what the ground looks like, and the photographer's skills are also average, but with such a sky, it is enough, it does not need any shooting techniques to embellish it, it is already the most perfect.

   At this moment, she can't describe everything in the video with too beautiful words for the time being. There are only two words, that is beautiful.

  Perhaps, when you calm down, you should also carefully observe the beauty that nature shows at a certain moment. Unfortunately, the so-called leisure time does not know when you can have it, at least not now.

   (end of this chapter)

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