I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1590: failed cemetery project

   Chapter 1590 Failed Cemetery Project

   She completely forgot that she was in this city called Yunxia Base, as if she was where the photographer was, but she borrowed his eyes to see everything he saw.

But she is not completely lost in it, she maintains a certain clarity, because she knows that there cannot be absolutely perfect things in this world, and under this dream-like sky, the things that exist are very likely to be different from the sky. It's a good match, otherwise the photographer wouldn't be shooting just the sky.

I flipped through the comments, and most of the comments were praising how attractive the content in this video was, while the top comment was a BGM version. Su Sigui opened it involuntarily, and the ethereal prelude sounded with The sky in the video is blended together, and it is like that. Su Sigui vaguely remembers this song. It is pure music. He heard it before the end of the world. It seems to be called "Burying Flower"?

   After a while, she broke away from the beauty in the video and re-looked at the whole picture of the Yunxia Base below. No matter how beautiful the dream was, after the dream ended, she still needed to accept the reality anyway.

   The music on the phone continued, and Su Sigui, who was looking at the city below, murmured, "Red Feather Bird..."

Recalling some previous details in his mind, Su Sigui clicked on the publisher of this video and checked the basic information of the other party. Fortunately, the other party did not refuse the software to query the user's location information. It showed that the publisher of the video was in Dangerous Sanctuary City.

   tapped the railing with her finger, and Su Sigui turned around and walked towards the distance. This time, the place she went to was still not her residence, but in the direction of the Yunsheng elevator.

  Night always goes by quickly, but this is for someone who is already asleep.

The next day, Guitou Zai woke up leisurely. He glanced at the bonfire next to him. After a night of time, the flames on the bonfire had been extinguished, and next to him was his companion. It seemed that nothing untoward had happened. He stood up, The others also woke up. They were vigilant and observed their surroundings. After confirming that there was no accident, they breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Ghost boy, when did you wake up?"

   "Just now."


Guitou Zai walked to the window, lifted off a piece of iron that they had fixed on the window frame yesterday, and looked at the side. He didn't see any zombies. The gas station was full of lush plants and zombies that were seriously rotting. after the corpse.

   But no new zombies appeared, which means they were right to choose this place to spend the night.

   Released the iron sheet, and Guitouzai returned to the place where he slept and put on his clothes, but after sweeping around, he found that they seemed to be missing someone.

   "Hey, where's that person?"

   "Who... Yong?"

   "Never gone?"

   "Where did he go?"

  Everyone was stunned for a moment, then quickly looked at the others. There were only five people left from the original six.

   "Go out and look for it." Guitou Zai said and ran out, but as soon as he opened the door, he found Yong sitting at the door. After watching him come out, Yong raised his head and looked at him.

   "Oh, I'm going!" The moment he saw Yong, Guitou Zai was taken aback, and he immediately relaxed after confirming that it was Yong.

   "Why are you here and when did you wake up?" Guitouzai asked aloud, while the others ran out and looked at Yong in confusion.

  Yong's eyes swept across the faces of several people, his eyes were as dull as yesterday, and he could have very few emotions, or even none.

   After a while, he said in a slow tone, "I... can't sleep..."

   "Huh?" Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and finally Brother Shi asked, "You haven't slept all night?"

"Really?" Yong replied hesitantly, looking at him like this, he may not even know whether he slept or not, but everyone wasted too much time on this matter, Yong is obviously not a normal person, maybe they also It should not be viewed from a normal human perspective.

"Pack up, we should go." Brother Shi said this to Yong, but the other party didn't answer. He stood up and walked towards the room, while Brother Shi took out his mobile phone, opened the navigation and looked at it, then stretched out Pointing to the direction of the expressway, he said, "Go ahead for about 23 or 4 kilometers. There is Changxin Town. We should be careful when we get there. We may encounter some corpses."

   "Then let's go."

   "Let's be careful on the road, don't run around."

"I know, I know." A few people packed up their things and went in the direction that Brother Shi pointed. On the way, Brother Shi opened yesterday's software. When he opened it, he was shocked by the one sent yesterday. The video received more than 700,000 likes in one night!

"Damn it!" He couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration. Others thought that Brother Shi saw some serious news, and they came over one after another, but after seeing the video that Brother Shi sent yesterday, they were all stunned. Come on, so many likes, this is not common.

   Brother Shi opened the works he posted in the past, and when the two sides were compared, the gap came out. Except for this video, the most he posted in the past was only about 1,200 likes.

This made Brother Shi couldn't help but appreciate his work again. In addition to the likes, the number of clicks has exceeded 2 million. Maybe last night, I don't know how many people saw this video at that moment. , The mood resonated with him, which made Brother Shi have a sense of accomplishment in his heart, and he let people know that there is such a beautiful moment in the cruel apocalypse.

Brother Shi admired it for a while while walking. After a while, he shook his head. When he was about to exit, he saw a top video on the homepage. He didn't pay attention at first until he pressed the back button. After pressing the prompt to exit the interface once, his attention was attracted by the title.

  [At 2:22 in the morning today, Dangerous Sanctuary City said that the [Cemetery Project] failed! 】

   "The Cemetery Project?" He murmured, moved his finger from the back button, and clicked on the content of this video. As soon as it opened, it was a familiar bird's-eye view.

This is the center of a city, in which all the dense buildings were flattened. The huge "dykes" built by people encircled a large area. A lot of blood or flesh and blood tissue fragments are attached to many forts, and the places surrounded by "dykes" are the corpses of zombies. They cover the ground and can't see the ground at all, and there are even raging fires in some places. burning.

   Isn't this the place they escaped from yesterday?

   (end of this chapter)

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