I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1591: different situation

   Chapter 1591 Different situation

After confirming it several times, Brother Shi was finally sure that this was the place where they escaped. The opening of the video was about lightning strikes, and there were no soldiers in military uniforms, exoskeleton suits shrinking, and "Sky Light" in their hands. It's full of corpses!

This piece of flesh and blood is blurred, all corpses, all zombie corpses, all kinds of rotten tissues and internal organs can be seen everywhere, the truck that carried them to this place has already turned into a pile of rotten iron, on those corpses, and Several zombies stumbled and wandered, and behind, there was a dark red corpse tide completely composed of zombies!

  They are still going!

  The drone hovered high in the sky, the rotor blades turned, and the sound of "woo woo woo" was accompanied by the heavy voice of the commentator.

[Yesterday at 2:00 noon, more than 2,000 soldiers voluntarily joined the cemetery plan, traps, more than 2,000 soldiers have died heroically, the corpse tide covered the cemetery, and they are advancing towards the defense line of the second area. The Dangerous Sanctuary City held a meeting overnight. , all the fifth-order to sixth-order new humans rushed to the second area to carry out the corpse tide defense operation. 】

[The last batch of strategic materials in the Chenyang United Administrative Region will be delivered to the Dangerous Sanctuary City. I am waiting for everyone in the Dangerous Sanctuary City to express their gratitude to Chenyang. Whether the Dangerous Sanctuary City can survive this disaster has not yet been determined. It is the last obstacle to the corpse tide, can we hold it? 】

  【Excuse me, at this point, do you have any good suggestions for Yunxia Base? 】

   [Sorry, so far Yunxia Base has not made a statement to us. What’s irritating is that they don’t seem to care about this incident. Need to know, their lips are dead and their teeth are cold. 】

   With the sound of the content released by Brother Shi's mobile phone when playing the video, several people next to him were immediately attracted, and they gathered around again. Seeing the content above, they opened their eyes one by one!

   "Fuck! It's true!"

   "Fortunately...fortunately we escaped!"

   "It's completely farting above, and it's voluntary, I bah!"

  Everyone was afraid for a while. Of course, except for Yong, he didn't seem to care about his lucky escape from the "cemetery".

   "Look at this, except for us, the rest...all...all died?"

"of course……"

The eyes of several people were filled with the joy of the rest of their lives. At this moment, that place almost turned into a shadow in their hearts. If they didn't listen to Brother Shi at that time, and chose to join the team in the so-called "cemetery". The so-called mission, when the corpse tide arrives, there is no way to escape, and they can only pick up the weapons in their hands to kill a blood path that almost does not exist. At that time, how desperate should they be in their hearts?

Looking at each other, Guitouzai and the others couldn't help laughing, but except for Yonghe's slanted neck, who had been expressionless, Brother Shi couldn't smile at all. Open another software, this is a software for sending and receiving emails.

   One o'clock, he saw two emails sent to him by his brother, the first one contained only a few words.

   [Brother, did you escape? Reply when you see it! 】

  【I have already received the above order. I will go to the second district to gather at nine o’clock today. I will find a way to escape. If you have escaped, you can go anywhere except Kunlun and Dangerous Sanctuary City. 】

  The two emails were sent after 4:00 in the morning. After seeing it, Brother Shi quickly recovered.

   [Brother, I have already escaped. There are five people beside me. I came out together. I'm fine. Next, let's go back to Bailing. If you escape, come to Bailing. I will wait for you there. 】

   As soon as the email was sent, Brother Shi immediately received a reply from his brother. It seemed that he had been waiting for a reply to his own email.

  【Just escape. 】

   Although there are only five words, Brother Shi seems to be able to feel that the brother over there is relieved. He should be very worried about himself, which also warms Brother Shi's heart.

   Soon, he received the next email from the other party.

  【I will escape, as long as you are fine, live well there, don’t cause trouble everywhere, remember, no matter what happens, you don’t come to Dangerous Sanctuary City! Lots of people here are getting weird, no matter what happens, don't come back! 】

  【Yes, I remember, you must escape! 】

  【That’s it, don’t worry, I will escape. 】

Brother Shi waited for a while, and after seeing that his brother didn't send him any more emails, he also put away his mobile phone. However, he seemed to feel that something was wrong and frowned. He quickly took out his mobile phone and sent a message. email past.

   [Brother, where will I meet you after I arrive at Bai Ling? 】

   After this email, Brother Shi did not get a reply from the other party, which made him feel a little uneasy, but he knew his brother, and he had to say that his brother had also fought in countless battles. He believed him! Since he said he would escape, he would definitely escape. As for those bad things, Brother Shi didn't think about it, and he didn't dare to think about it. He couldn't accept it at all.

   "Let's go, let's speed up our pace." Putting away the phone again, Brother Shi said to the crowd.

   But no one noticed the expression on the crooked neck's face. His mood seemed to be stable. After walking for a while, he suddenly turned around and left in the direction he came from.

   Everyone was stunned for a moment, and Brother Shi hurriedly shouted: "Hey, where are you going?"

   tilted his neck and said without turning his head, "I want to go back!"

   "Where are you going back to?" Brother Shi felt very incomprehensible for the sudden move of crooked neck.

   "I'm going back to Sanctuary City!"

   "You're crazy!"

  The crowd quickly turned around, chasing after the crooked neck, and quickly grabbed him, and the crooked neck's answer also surprised Brother Shi.

   "What are you doing back here! You must be crazy!"

   "Don't stop me! Let me go back!"

Crooked neck ignored the obstruction of several people and kept struggling to walk towards the place where they came. Brother Shi scratched his head: "What the **** is wrong with you? You are a deserter now! When you go back, you are immediately caught and killed. What do you think? No way? Do you want to die?"

The bald head and the crooked hands grabbed their crooked necks, and persuaded them, "Yeah, what do you want to do..." Without speaking, the two of them seemed to think of the reason, and their voices paused. They looked at Brother Shi, wanting to say something. Stop again.

   "What's the situation?" Brother Shi looked at Guitou Zai with a puzzled look, and the other party laughed dryly and replied, "Uh... His situation is a bit different from ours..."

   "What's the difference?" Brother Shi was confused.

   "He has a wife and children in Sanctuary..."


   (end of this chapter)

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