I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1593: worthy of existence

   Chapter 1593 The existence that can be provoked

Several people looked at each other, and they didn't need to cover up their thoughts. The car stopped in front of an old-fashioned building. It seemed that there were survivors inside. They observed the windows of the building and did not deal with them. It is certain that the survivors in the old building should have been repaired there, at least temporarily.

"How do you say? Do you want to do it?" Guitou Zai asked Brother Shi, they are going to the Bailing base, it is impossible to walk on these feet all the time, they have no food on them, but they have no physical strength to replenish. , having a car is the best thing.

Brother Shi did not speak, and the people next to him were all looking at the car and thinking about something. They also had their own concerns. Considering that they had no food and no car, there was an opportunity in front of them and others. With that, maybe the food problem can also be solved.

But they were not sure what kind of existence the people in that old-fashioned building were like. In case it was some members of the mercenary group or those very powerful and favorite lone bounty hunters, they rushed in there. Maybe directly Barbie Q!

  There are so many things to consider to survive in the apocalypse, and I don’t know how to die when I am a fool.

The few people looked at each other, and Brother Shi said, "To be safe, let's not panic, we will send someone over to inquire about the truth, and say that he has been hungry for a long time and asked for some food, and his acting skills must be good. We can handle it, just…”

   Brother Shi said that he pressed his hand down at the end, which means obviously, if you can deal with it, you can do it directly. If you can't deal with it, at least there is room for manoeuvre.

"Then who will go?" Brother Shi asked with a bald head as soon as he spoke. There is no doubt that people who run over to inquire about the truth are undoubtedly the most dangerous, but the degree of danger is not large. The key depends on the temperament of the people over there. Good or strong.

When the bald head asked Wan Wan, Guitou Zai immediately raised his hand and said, "I'll go."

   "...Well, take off everything on your body, and don't wear military uniforms."

  Guitou Zai nodded, took off his exoskeleton suit, skylight, and military uniform. When he was about to go, Brother Shi stopped him.

"Wait a moment."

"What's wrong?"

   Brother Shi walked forward, tore a few holes in the memory on Guitouzai's body, then grabbed a handful of soil from the side and wiped it on, knowing that Guitouzai looked like a beggar before he stopped.

   "Okay, let's go."

Gui Tou Zai made a sound of "um" and walked towards the building with his bare hands. He avoided the scattered zombies on the street and came to the entrance of the building smoothly. He glanced at the big bicycle next to him, There is a chimney-like device on the roof of the car. He knows a little about it. He doesn't understand the principle. He only knows that if there is such a thing on a car, it means that it is using anti-living matter as kinetic energy. of.

Standing in front of the door, he hesitated for a while, because he heard the footsteps of someone inside, and it was getting closer and closer, someone was standing behind the door now, needless to say, the survivors inside already felt the new human beings in themselves. Bleeding.

   Carefully checked the outfit on his body, and after confirming that it was correct, the ghost boy finally knocked on the door.

   tuk tuk tuk~

His hand knocked on the door three times, but no one responded from behind the door. After a long silence, Guitou waited patiently, taking a deep breath through his nose from time to time, feeling a lot more at ease. It seems that the person is not very strong, he only feels the blood of a third-order new human being, and the others are second-order and first-order.

   This is a level they can deal with.

   And the next step is to check if they have any powerful weapons on them.

   After a while, only a "click" was heard, and the door was opened a crack. I thought that no one had repaired it for many years. The rust on the door caused the door to rub against the iron sheet on the door frame every time it was opened, making a harsh sound.

  After the door opened, Guitouzai saw one eye, and that eye was looking at himself, it should be a man, of course, he also saw Guitouzai.

"Who are you?"

What came from behind the door was indeed a man's voice. After hearing it, Guitou Zai quickly responded: "Don't worry, I have no ill intentions. I have been hungry for several days. I saw a car here and guessed that there would be people living in it. , so come over and ask for some food..."


  Guitouzai didn't finish his words, and the man refused rudely. Even though the blood on Guitouzai's body indicated that he was only a second-order new human being, the man did not let his guard down.

   And Guitou Zai didn't give up, he said quickly: "Don't worry about what I will do to you, I'm really just here to ask for something to eat, don't worry, just give me some food and I'll leave right away."

   "I said no! Hurry up and get out!"

  The man was rude and refused again. This time, he didn't wait for the ghost to say yes, he just closed the door and locked it to death!

Guitouzai narrowed his eyes. He saw the weapon in the woman's hand when the man closed the door. It was a laser weapon produced several years ago. Judging from qi and blood, there are five people in this building, and one of them seems to be an ordinary person, even a child!

A combination like    is definitely something they can afford!

He didn't say anything, just turned around and walked behind another building. This was to avoid being shot in the back by the survivors in the building. He found Brother Shi and the others, and stretched out a hand to them with an OK gesture. , Brother Shi and the others saw a smile on their faces. Although what they were going to do next was immoral, in order to solve their own survival problems, they could not care about the lives of others.

   "Go!" Bangshou shouted first, with excitement on his face. Once the food and the car were settled, they basically had no worries!

   Several people quickly came to Guitou Zai, handed him his exoskeleton suit and weapon, and then walked towards the building.

   "If they cooperate, they will leave if they get what we want. If they don't cooperate, they will be killed."

   Everyone quickly turned on the exoskeleton suits on their bodies, held the skylight, strode to the front of the old-fashioned building, and the bald head walking at the front couldn't wait to kick the broken security door directly open!

   But in the next second, there was a sudden flash of light inside, and a blue laser slammed directly on the unsuspecting bald head!

   It turned out that after Guitouzai left, the survivors in the building did not relax their vigilance. They kept guarding the door with weapons in hand. When the bald head kicked the door open, the survivors in the building directly attacked!

   (end of this chapter)

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