I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1594: no more

   Chapter 1594 There are many more gone

The huge impact hit the bald head, which made him unable to control his body at all, and the whole person flew out, directly smashing the car on the street, but he himself was protected by a Grade A exoskeleton suit. , after being hit by the laser, it is only because of the impact that the back hurts, and there is no danger to life at all. As for the place hit by the laser, the exoskeleton suit is only left in darkness, and the skin has not been worn away!

"I go!"

   Despite this, the other people were still startled, and hurriedly hid behind the wall and squatted down to counterattack the people in the building.

Suddenly he was hit by a laser. Although there was nothing wrong, the anger in the bald head was stirred up. The defensive power of the exoskeleton suit was clearly placed in front of him. After he stood up, he rushed into the building fearlessly. , raised the skylight in his hand and shot it indiscriminately. For a while, the fierce battle in the building continued, and large holes were penetrated by lasers in the walls.

This is an unequal battle. Soon, the person on the opposite side can't hold it anymore. Some people take off their white clothes, pick up a broken broomstick next to them, tie their clothes on and stretch them out. came out, signifying their surrender.

   After seeing the "white flag" on the opposite side expressing surrender, Brother Shi and the others stopped attacking, but their battle just now attracted zombies on the street. After cleaning up these unfortunate zombies, Brother Shi took the lead and walked over.

   "All come out!"

   He shouted, and three people ran out of the inner room on the spot, followed by a woman and a child who seemed to be seven or eight years old.

   The third-order new human who took the lead on the opposite side was stunned after seeing the exoskeleton suits on Brother Shi and others, and then asked: "Are you soldiers of the Frigid Corps? Why are you here?"

The exoskeleton suits on Brother Shi and others made this third-order new human face stunned and a little dumbfounded. Before that, he never thought that a few second-order new humans would have such equipment. Didn't you play the trumpet and haven't opened the novice tutorial, so you first made a set of top equipment? Isn't this bullying!

"You don't care where we come from, throw me all the weapons!" Brother Shi shouted, and the people on the opposite side didn't dare to say anything. They glanced at each other and threw the weapons in front of Brother Shi , they know that the chance of successful resistance basically does not exist!

   can only be done according to the request of the other party.

   "Call me your food, we can kill you, and the car outside the door..."

   Brother Shi continued to talk, but halfway through his words, he was pushed away by his bald head. He seemed very upset, and shouted at the five people in front of him: "Just now, who fired the gun first!"

   The five people on the opposite side looked at each other, and they felt uneasy from the tone of their bald heads, as if something bad was going to happen.


   "Someone shot me just after Lao Tzu entered the door. Who fired that shot! Stand up for Lao Tzu!"

   The five people on the opposite side hesitated for a while. Several of them are also old fritters. Once they know that it may be a dead end if they admit it, who wants to die?

Of course I don't want to, but no matter how I don't want it, the person next to me has already betrayed this person. After the bald head asked this sentence, the other four people, including the child, all looked at a man. the one who spoke.


   couldn't help himself, the man stammered to admit it, but he just said a word, only to hear a "squeaky" sound, his bald head raised the sky, and a laser shot out at this man!

The laser passed through the human body without making any sound. When everyone reacted, there was a blood hole in the man's chest that could fit an adult's finger, and bright red blood flowed out. He looked at the bald head who shot at him. He also had the uneasy look just now, but this look didn't even have time to change, and he fell to the ground.

   Three of the other four were shocked, but no one dared to speak. The child cried out with a "wow" and hid behind the woman.

"Let's shoot first!" The bald head cursed at the man's body, subconsciously wanting to spit, but because the mask on the exoskeleton suit blocked the spit, the sputum that came out could not be spit out. He swallowed it back again.

   He put away the weapon in his hand and looked at the others. Following Brother Shi's words, he asked, "Whose car is that outside the door? Take out the key."

   Hearing this, the third-order newcomer's eyes flashed, and he fumbled for a while in his pocket, and finally took out a bunch of keys, unloaded the car keys and handed it to the bald head.

   "That's it." He said cautiously to the bald head, while passing the key in his hand.

   After taking the key, the bald head asked again: "That car burns Yakin, hand me how much Yakin you have on your body, or don't blame me for being rude."

   The four people who were still alive on the opposite side didn't dare to say anything at all, and the third-order new human immediately turned around and said to the person behind: "Look for it quickly and give him all the Yakin on us!"

Soon, the four found them, and finally found more than 20 yajin and handed it to the bald head. He weighed it and smiled. These 20 yajin sounded small, but it should be converted into before the end of the world. The soft sister coins also look like 14,000 or 5,000 yuan. That yajin is at least enough for a car that burns anti-living substances as kinetic energy to run for 80 to 90 kilometers. It can be said that these 20 yajins are placed in the Ordinary people are also considered to be a huge amount of money!

   put away the car keys and Yakin, and asked again with a bald head: "Give me what you eat too!"

   I thought this time would be as smooth as before, but I didn't expect that when I asked this sentence, the faces of the four people on the opposite side were in trouble.

   "Master, you just spare us, we don't have much food on us, we'll starve to death if we take it away!"


   "Shut up!" Before a few people finished complaining, the bald head interrupted them directly.

   "I'll take care of you. Are we going to starve to death? I'm not a good man, hurry up!"

There was no room for concession in the bald-headed tone. The three adults looked at each other. In the end, the third-order new human struggled for a while, but still sighed. on hand.

   He nodded, but the woman had no choice but to let the child go to the second floor. After a while, she walked down with a small bag of nutritional powder.

  The bald head took this bag of nutritional powder and his face was obviously dissatisfied. He turned his head and made eye contact with Brother Shi and the others, and asked the person opposite yin and yang strangely.

   "Just like that?"

   "That's it! There's no more!"

   (end of this chapter)

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