I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1595: It is impossible to sacrifice oneself for others

   Chapter 1595 It is impossible to sacrifice oneself for others

   The bald head holding a bag of nutritional powder took a step back and began to chat with Brother Shi in a low voice.

   "That's it, why don't we go up and search for ourselves?"

   "Look at them and they're not honest, so be it."

   "Wait a minute." Brother Shi called his bald head, and the other party turned his head with a puzzled look.

   He stepped forward, took a look at the survivor team composed of three adults and one child, and suddenly asked, "Where did you come from? Are you from here?"

The three adults on the opposite side glanced at each other, and for the time being did not understand why Shi Ge suddenly asked this sentence, but they are also old fritters in the end of the world. These six people are wearing exoskeleton battle suits only available in Dangerous Sanctuary City, and now they are in danger Sanctuary City is making corresponding deployments for the corpse tide. Even if there is any task to be performed here, the priority may not allow soldiers to come here. In this way, the identities of these six people are very suspicious, or a few lucky ones. I found this equipment, or it is... deserter!

   The third-order new human thought for a while, and finally answered truthfully: "We are not from the nearby survivors gathering place, we came from Wangxing City."

   "Wangxing City?"

Brother Shi took out his mobile phone and clicked on the navigation route for a while. According to the route they were going to take, they would pass through Wangxing City and then arrive at Zhen City. None of the six of them had been to Wangxing City, but there was When the apocalypse broke out, it was one of the areas with the most serious disasters, so there was no survivor base in Wangxing City. The people in Wangxing City are generally small groups of survivors who are not good enough, or a small gathering place for survivors. In short, survivors from Wangxing City are very rare.

At the same time, because there is no survivor base or shelter city, the situation there is not optimistic. The zombies are not consumed, and it is easy to have a corpse tide. The traces of the seventh-order zombies are not uncommon, and there are many eighth-order zombies. people have seen.

   And they have to pass that place, although they are just passing by, they also need to take into account the situation there. After all, there are many high-level zombies, and if they are unlucky, they may directly collide with those high-level zombies!

   Brother Shi thought for a while and asked, "What's the situation in Wangxing City?"

"Ah?" The third-order newcomer who was questioned was stunned for a moment, and he didn't know what he was thinking now, but he didn't show anything on his face. After being stunned for a while, he began to answer. His right index finger and thumb rubbed together, but few people noticed this little movement.

   "There... there's no situation over there, but there are a lot of zombies, as before, are you going to Wangxing City?"

   Brother Shi shook his head: "No, we just want to pass by that place."

   "Just passing by..." This third-order new human looked a little weird, and Brother Shi frowned when he saw it.

   "What's wrong?"

   "Nothing." The other party shook his head quickly, but Brother Shi and the others didn't think about it.

   After glancing at the guy, Brother Shi stretched out his hand to the bald head, and the other party immediately understood the meaning and handed over the bag of nutritional powder in his hand.

   Brother Shi picked up the nutritional powder and carried it to the third-order new human being. Under the suspicious eyes of the other party, he asked: "You really only have such a little food?"

   "Really...really, we really only have so much left."

"you are lying!"

   "You...you don't believe it."

   "Okay, since you guys are not honest, then we'll search for it ourselves."

Brother Shi gave the bald people behind him a look. They immediately understood the meaning and shouted, "Go upstairs!" Then he took the laser weapon and walked towards the second floor. The third-order new human and the other two people looked at Hurry up and stop it!

   "Really no more!"

   "When we are fools aren't we?"

The bald head scolded angrily, stepped forward and kicked the other party, but Brother Shi and his group did not give them any face at all, and threatened the other party with the sky light in their hands, so that they did not dare to move at all, and all the steps went upstairs. , Only Yong Dian was stunned for a few times, his eyes swept over each side, and finally followed Brother Shi and the others to the second floor.

As soon as they went upstairs, except for Yong, the five Guitou Zai rummaged through boxes and cabinets, almost a carpet-like search. After making a mess of the whole room layout, they finally found another piece of food for the survivors in the water tank of the bathroom. In addition to some nutritional powders, there are also some canned protein. Although there are not many, it is enough for the ghosts and the others to not worry about food for three days. If they save a little, they may even last for a week.

They took the food for themselves without hesitation, and the survivors on the opposite knelt down directly to them. They did not ask for the food to be left on themselves and others. The rest of the food was found, let alone food. Now, it depends on luck whether Xiaoming can stay or not. In the last days, killing a person is actually similar to killing a chicken and a dog, especially in such a wasteland city.

   "Several heroes, please spare us, we didn't do it on purpose. Without food, we really can't live! Now that all the food is given to you, let's just let us die!"

When the third-order new humans faced a few second-order new humans wearing A-level exoskeleton suits, they could be said to have no dignity at all, but his appearance also made the ghost-heads feel cool, making the level comparison It is rare for a new human being of his own height to kneel in front of him like this.

Brother Shi snorted coldly, but fortunately, he didn't want to kill the other party, just replied lightly: "Okay, I will spare your life, there should be a gathering place for survivors nearby, you should be able to find it if you look for it. , this Asian gold, I will take pity on you, and it is enough for you to buy some food, our status is a bit special, going there will cause unnecessary trouble, we are not good people, we can't do it by sacrificing ourselves for others."

   He said, threw a gold at the third-order new human, and left with the person.

   And the other party didn't dare to ask for anything more. He quickly picked up the Yajin and said in the most shameless tone: "Okay, thank you!"

Guitouzi and the others ignored it and walked out of this old-fashioned building together, but they didn't know that when their backs were drifting away, the third-order new human raised his head with hatred in his eyes, but soon, he seemed to be Thinking of something, the expression on his face suddenly changed, and he looked at the two adults behind, and then, except for the child, all three showed a gloomy smile.

  What's going on in Wangxing City, the group of people who came here from over there know nothing!

   (end of this chapter)

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