I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1612: no return

   Chapter 1612 There is no return

After getting the evolutionary crystallization of this high-level zombie, several people supported each other and climbed up the road, and walked along the winding road to the distance, but without a car, they moved very slowly, but there is a saying called big It is hard to die, and there must be blessings. The few people did not go far when they saw a relatively intact car on the side of the road.

After checking, it was found that the anti-living material was used as kinetic energy and could be activated. Several people were overjoyed. Looking at the rust on the body, it should have been abandoned here for several months. There are some internal faults. There will be a "zizizi" sound, which seems to be the sound of the dislocation and friction of the metal parts inside. However, at this time, a few people will not care about the failure of the car. Their only requirement is to be able to move.

   couldn't wait to get on the car, but didn't go very far, because it was getting darker and darker, a few people could only temporarily find a farm house, and after cleaning up the zombies inside, they would spend the night here.

It was night, and they had nothing to do. Brother Shi opened the mail receiving software with his mobile phone. There was no new news on it, and his brother didn't reply. He didn't know what happened to him. He wanted to ask, but gave up after hesitating for a while, maybe now only the email message his brother sent him can make him feel that the other party is still alive.

Shaking his head, Brother Shi smiled a little self-deprecatingly. No matter what, his brother is a sixth-order new human being, he is much stronger than himself, and his status in the Dangerous Sanctuary City should not be underestimated. He can escape successfully, not to mention Speaking of his brother, perhaps his worries are unnecessary.

Although I thought this way, I don't know why, Brother Shi always has unease in his heart. This uneasiness comes from nowhere. It seems to come from the joke I saw this morning, and it may also come from the email message my brother sent to me. , but he looked carefully for a while, and he didn't find that his brother had sent him a hidden message for a while. Maybe he was too confused, and he needed a good rest.

   I should be able to receive a message from my brother tomorrow.

Looking at his legs, the resilience possessed by the second-order new humans made him feel that the pain was much weaker than before, and he was relieved, because such injuries only need to start to recover. If not, then Disabled.

He figured that the injury on this leg should be almost better in three days, and the state of tomorrow will be better than the current state. Thinking of this, the anxiety in his heart gradually eased. He quit the mail software and opened the joke, I want to take this to relieve some of the depression.

  Similarly, Guitouzai's anxiety in their hearts also needed to be relieved. Seeing that he opened the entertainment software, they all turned their attention.

Brother Shi wanted to watch some videos or jokes that would make people laugh, but today's situation seems to be very different. The home page interface does not recommend those funny videos, but all the battle reports from Dangerous Sanctuary City. The title, even if it is not clicked, can make people feel the unease that is conveyed from it.

   Humans seem to finally realize that their time is running out, the so-called life will end soon, and people will be forced to participate in the war to defend their species!

The titles above and the covers make people feel sadness at the end of the day. They can escape, they can always escape, they are on the way to escape every moment, but the escape journey has an end after all. , Shenzhou mainland is the only place where human beings can survive. Once Shenzhou falls into the same fate as other continents, where will the escapees go?

  's final end is nothing but destruction.

  In the room with only weak firelight, the four people were silent, watching the videos on the homepage, no one said a word, and their thoughts were churning. Finally, Brother Shi opened one of the videos.

[The failure of the cemetery plan caused the Dangerous Sanctuary City to shift its focus to the defense line of the second area. The scene was a live broadcast of the defense line of the second area. We can see that the scene was a bit chaotic, but many of the audience felt nervous. On my right hand, there is the famous Chongchuan rail-shifting gun of Dangerous Sanctuary City. The tide has made a lot of money. 】

  [Following the camera, in front of us, we can see that there are a lot of soldiers gathered here. As far as I know, two rank eight new human beings have arrived at the scene, and when they come, they say that they will fight to the death with the corpse tide! 】

The laser cannon on the platform in the video made people feel a surge of excitement. Even the three people in front of the screen were greatly surprised. They had lived in Dangerous Sanctuary City for many years, and they never thought that Dangerous Sanctuary City had such a heritage, enough to bombard the city. The super destructive weapon to kill the eighth-order zombies actually took out hundreds of them in one go!

   However, this also confirms that Dangerous Sanctuary City attaches great importance to the success and failure of the second area corpse tide defense battle!

[Experts predict that the corpse tide will advance to the second area in two hours at the latest. When Jie Shi, the work of resisting the corpse tide will be in full swing... dong dong...just two soldiers next to us passing by, the camera follows Let's interview them for their thoughts on the fight... Wait a minute! 】

【Is there a problem? 】

  【Hello, I am the reporter who reported the corpse tide to defend the scene. This interview is to know what you think about this battle? 】

  【I miss Nima, get out of my way! 】

  【What Shabi reporter, you can’t even see the corpse tide, you are interviewing Nima Gobi! 】

  【Don't block, get out! 】

In the middle of the video, the reporter was pushed to the ground by the soldiers. One of the soldiers had scales on his skin, and he was obviously a new human with alien evolution. Their mentality was different from that of the reporters. The ensuing battle has an instinctive shudder, and reporters can leave the battlefield at any time.

After the soldier walked away, the pushed reporter stood up with an embarrassed smile on his face. A few people outside the screen wanted to laugh, but couldn't. Their hearts seemed to have melted into the battlefield, and they could feel it there. The psychology of every soldier, even if there are hundreds of weapons that can kill eighth-order zombies, what is the use?

If you want to hit an eighth-order zombie, it can be said that it is difficult to reach the sky, and the combat power of seventh-order zombies and eighth-order zombies cannot be summed up in one sentence. If eighth-order zombies are so easy to be killed. , the Sanctuary City, which was tied with the Yunxia Base in double S rank before, would not have lost so quickly.

   Every soldier in the video knows that in this battle, they may never return.

   (end of this chapter)

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