I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1613: dead in the past

   Chapter 1613 Self who died in the past

   The reporter who stood up again continued to broadcast the scene of the defense line of the second district of Dangerous Sanctuary City, but Brother Shi said that he was not in the mood to continue watching, and he withdrew directly.

  【The battle between Dangerous Sanctuary City and the Royal Zombies is about to start. Can humans win this time? The Dangerous Sanctuary City will be a checkpoint for the corpse tide to enter China. Once the Dangerous Sanctuary City fails, the Demonic Corpse Tide will completely gain a firm foothold in the Shenzhou Continent. Maybe starting tomorrow, the Shenzhou Continent will be the first to have two corpse kings. On the mainland, how long can the luck of human beings be maintained? 】

[During this period of time, multiple survivor bases and Sanctuary City provided a large amount of military supplies to the Dangerous Sanctuary City. Of course, there are also some forces who did not pay attention to this. In their hearts, they may think that the Dangerous Sanctuary City has fallen. It will not affect them. When the royal corpse tide covers the entire Shenzhou Continent, maybe they will regret it, but it is too late to regret by then. 】

  【For the defense line scene of the second district of Dangerous Sanctuary City, I'm sorry that I can't feel the scene because of the distance, which prevents me from paying tribute to every soldier who participated in this battle. May the glory be with you! I believe that the millions of years of human history is not the end of our generation. I believe that we will definitely get through this difficulty, and our civilization will shine again in the rotten world! 】

[There have never been any gods. The so-called miracles are just ordinary people who are just like us. The world will not act because of the will of human beings. All hopes and opportunities need to be created and grasped by human beings. Instead of blindly waiting for others to work hard and enjoy the results, I just want to tell everyone here that our time is running out, and it is time for everyone to stand up. 】

[I know, it’s useless for me to say these things here. This video has no content. I have been doing it all my life in the entire industry. Whether it is before the end of the world or after the end of the world, I was tired of it a long time ago. Before the end times or after the end times, it's all about life. 】

[This may be my last video. After the video, I am no longer the Ling Lingqi you know. I will be myself. For this profession, I will say goodbye to it, and I will see you indefinitely in the future. , I will start a new life, put on an exoskeleton suit, take up arms, and fight for the continuation of human beings in the future! The video is here, those nicknames that I am familiar with, every time I see it, it's like seeing an old friend, it makes me teary-eyed, thank you for your company, this video ends like this, goodbye...]

At the end of the video, the three of them watched in awe, unable to say a word. Brother Shi didn't know what the other two were thinking, and Yong didn't pay attention to this at all. Maybe he didn't understand what the video was talking about. He reflected in his heart, was it correct for them to be deserters?

  Everyone has the right to determine their own life and death. They choose to be deserters and no one has the qualifications to accuse them. He could not forget the sentence [Dangerous Sanctuary City is the last checkpoint for the demonic corpse tide to enter China].

They can escape to Bailing to renew their life, and they can also escape from Bailing to other places. They can keep running and running, but they can run to the end. At that time, where can they escape to? other continents?

  One day, they will also face what they should face!

Thinking like this, a sense of shame rose in Brother Shi's heart, which made his thoughts suddenly become confused, he quickly stopped the thoughts in his heart, and said silently: "If you don't run, you will die, if you don't run, you will die. Everything is important!"

After reading this for a while, he felt a little better. At least the guilt was relieved a lot. He quickly quit this video and clicked on another video. The video was released half an hour ago. , the Dangerous Sanctuary City was dimly lit by the afterglow of the setting sun.

The content in the video is different from the previous two. It is not that some announcers are learning about the situation at the scene, but that more than a dozen soldiers are standing together. A non-commissioned officer standing in the middle holds a selfie in his hand and takes everyone behind him. face is reflected in the video.

  【Well...here...it is the defense line of the second district of Dangerous Sanctuary City. Behind me are my brothers who have been with me for many years. You all live for Lao Tzu, do you hear? When everything is over, I will take you to the karaoke hall to pick up girls and have a big meal! 】

  【Our luck has always been very good, this time alive, it is not a big problem, come on, everyone will laugh, this video will be taken out and hung up in the special multimedia room after the battle is over for three days and three nights! At that time, the roasting basket is full! 】

At the request of the non-commissioned officer, the soldiers behind him all laughed, but their laughter could not make people feel relaxed, but rather heavy, because the smiles on the faces of each soldier looked reluctant. Even the smile on the sergeant's face was very stiff.

This video keeps stirring the hearts of people outside the screen. In the last ten years, they have seen any **** things. After getting used to it, they have become accustomed to it. Although this video does not have any **** scenes, it makes people feel extremely cruel. Still that sentence, everyone involved in this battle is more fortunate than fortune!

Before the video was over, Brother Shi couldn't bear it anymore, so he turned off the video. He looked at Guitouzai and Crooked Neck. There was nothing different on their faces, but their expressions were a little stunned. It seemed that their psychology The activity was the same as his own. Brother Shi sighed. The battery of the mobile phone was still more than 30%. It would be turned off at this time tomorrow. He opened the mailbox and checked the information. It was a pity. The brother didn't send him a message.


   Brother Shi turned off the phone, and said to the two Guitouzi: "Go to sleep, get up early tomorrow."

The two nodded and didn't say anything. Brother Shi leaned his body against the wall and closed his eyes. Among the three, except for Yong looking out the window, he didn't know what he was thinking, and only Guitouzai opened his eyes. Looking at the darkness in front of him, his heart was filled with regrets that could not be eliminated. He felt that he would never see the beauty in his memory again. The flowers and grasses that he had broken, as well as the people who used to be far away from him, the various things of the past have been covered by the sickly greenery of the last days, and the rotten body of the person he once knew is buried in the moist soil.

   The faces of the soldiers in his mind appeared in front of him, and he began to fear. The fear was inexplicable. It was not a zombie, nor the terrifying corpse king, but the fear of himself who had died in the past.

   (end of this chapter)

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