I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1628: This is not Su Xiujun

   Chapter 1628 This is not Su Xiujun

   The other party's sudden movement made Brother Shi and Guitouzai's faces turn white with a "swoosh". It was almost an instinctive movement, and the two of them rolled out in different directions!

   And at the moment when the two made a dodging action, the major-general-level sergeant also pressed the launch button, and the thick laser beam spurted out!

The scorching high temperature caused the skin on the two of them to wrinkle in an instant, and the impact force generated by the air being severely squeezed flew them out on the spot. After falling to the ground, Brother Shi and Guitou Zai only felt their skin was hot, but it did not cause life danger. They looked towards Yong, and the major general's target was him!

   "Forever! Be careful!"

Brother Shi, who had just escaped, didn't have time to take care of the burning sensation on his face. Before he got up, he shouted to Yong over there, but his response was too slow. Just when he opened his mouth, the sturdy laser beam was about to die. The location is directly covered!

  The beam of light blasted forward like a long dragon, and everything it touched disappeared in an instant! After a while, the beam of light disappeared, but a straight passage appeared in front of it. No matter whether it was wood, glass, cement or steel bars, none of them could escape the erosion of the laser!


Guitouzai opened his mouth and shouted, but he didn't get an answer, and the major general's face was as indifferent as before. After the beam of light disappeared, he took the laser weapon in his hand and walked towards the place where Yongqian stood. And just as he had just walked about six or seven steps, he turned around abruptly, pointed the muzzle in the direction of his right side, and pressed the launch button without hesitation!

   The dark red light blooms like the sun burst! The building in front was directly swept away in the next second!

   Brother Shi and Guitou Zai kept retreating, trying to stay away from this madman, but they can't control what this madman is doing now! Soon, the commotion here finally caught the attention of General Yan. I saw that in front of the entrance door of the courtyard, he first glanced suspiciously, then frowned, and looked at the major general who was shooting indiscriminately with a laser weapon.

   "Su Xiujun! What are you doing!"

He roared at the major general, and the other ghost head boy breathed a sigh of relief after seeing General Yan appear. I have to say that a seventh-order new human being in the same lineup with himself will bring great benefits. A sense of security, and the next thing can only be left to him!

Yan put a lot of effort into this roar, and I am afraid that his voice could be heard within two or three kilometers. The two thought that Yan's appearance would stop the madman-like major general, but who knew that the other party had no idea. Ignore it, the laser weapon in my hand continuously shoots thick lasers, blasting the building complex in front of it!

   This major general's behavior was a bit strange, the two of them noticed it, and General Yan could of course feel it, his eyes narrowed, and his expression immediately became a little dignified.

   "Su Xiujun?"

He tentatively called the major general's name again, but still didn't answer. Then, as if confirming something, General Yan raised his hand to touch the back of his shoulder and pressed the shrink bag of the exoskeleton suit. With the sound of the card slot closing, Yan wrapped his entire body in a black and red exoskeleton suit!

His fists were slowly clenched, and there was a crisp sound from the friction between the bones, and the aura emanating from Yan Jiang's body also became fierce. Bend your knees down!


After a loud bang, a circular pit appeared where Yan Jiang was standing, and the cracks were densely packed like a spider web. In Guitouzai's eyes, Yan Jiang's figure just swayed, and then, he appeared. Beside that major general named Su Xiujun!

   The other party remembered that he hadn't noticed General Yan, his eyes were fixed on the front, and the laser weapon in his hand kept shooting, without even looking at General Yan!

   "This Su Xiujun..."

Brother Shi, who found a bunker and hid at random, seemed to notice something and looked puzzled. This Su Xiujun had the same temperament as Yong, and was dumb. Of course, he also knew Su Xiujun from his brother's mouth. Luo Zhenfeng's view of him is nothing more than a person who values ​​love and righteousness, is easy to get along with, and is a little serious towards his subordinates.

But these are just Luo Zhenfeng's views on him. The relationship between the two should be good, so the image of each other is good. As for what kind of person Su Xiujun is, I won't mention it for the time being, but Shi Ge is not a lot of people. From what I understand, it is absolutely impossible for Su Xiujun to be such a dumb person!

   Judging from his behavior, he seems to want to kill Yong?

why is that?

   may be thinking of some uneasy things in his heart. He only felt that the entire Dangerous Sanctuary City was shrouded in an invisible black fog.

   "Stop me!"

  Su Xiujun was still shooting, and one after another sturdy laser blasted the city into full of holes! He seemed to be possessed by a demon. Even though the murderous General Yan was standing next to him, he didn't pay any attention. It was not until the next second when General Yan raised his head and slammed his fist in the face, which stopped him. Actions!


   Another bang! The laser weapon in Su Xiujun's hand suddenly burst into countless pieces, and the light energy condensate in the energy storage magazine was scattered everywhere, and Su Xiujun flew out a distance of 100 meters, directly penetrating several buildings!

The power of this punch can be described as amazing, which makes Guitou Zai and Brother Shi yearn for it, and they don't know when they will have the strength of Yan Jiang. With one punch, a sixth-order rookie is thrown like a sandbag. so far!

   However, Yan Jiang seemed to be very dissatisfied with the power he had burst out. He looked at his hand with a look of astonishment on his face.

   "You are not Su Xiujun!"


   Yan's sentence directly confused Brother Shi who was watching from a distance. Who would he be if he wasn't Su Xiujun? It's impossible for Yan Jiang to admit the wrong person, right?

   Brother Shi's doubts were ignored, Yan Jiang looked forward solemnly, with awe-inspiring eyes, staring at the ruins knocked out by "Su Xiujun".

"what happened?"

Guitouzai was also very confused about the situation in front of him, so he could not help but ask Brother Shi. Before he could answer, the other side of the ruins where "Su Xiujun" was buried was torn open in the next second, and a hand stretched out from it. came out, and "Su Xiujun" staggered and crawled out from the inside. His expression was dull, and he raised his hand subconsciously, but he quickly realized that the laser weapon in his hand had been destroyed!

   He remembered something, it seems that hatred was pulled over by Yan Jiang, his dull eyes focused on Yan Jiang's expression, revealing the same bloodthirsty as zombies!

   (end of this chapter)

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