I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1629: thicker nerves

   Chapter 1629 Thicker nerves

The surrounding air was a little more rancid. If there was anything there, Brother Shi and Guitouzai couldn't help but sniff hard, but they didn't smell anything. The rancid smell seemed to linger on the nose.

"who are you?"

   Yan will look at "Su Xiujun" and ask in a deep voice, but the other party doesn't answer.

   After a while, I saw a smile on "Su Xiujun"'s face. This smile became more and more presumptuous as time went by. In the end, "Su Xiujun" opened his mouth and let out a "hahaha" laughter!

Yan Jiang also had tense muscles all over his body. When he first saw Su Xiujun, he just thought it was strange and didn't think about it. The reason that really made him sure that the "Su Xiujun" in front of him was not Su Xiujun was that the punch he had just punched on him didn't make him. Did not get the expected effect!

   The punch he just made was murderous, and the power of the seventh-order new human burst out. It stands to reason that this punch hit a sixth-order new human, and it should directly cause the opponent's body to explode!

   What's more, his punch hit Su Xiujun in the face!

   And now, Su Xiujun has nothing to do, it's like two ordinary people fighting, one of them just received the punch.

   This is very strange, he doesn't think Su Xiujun's physical fitness can reach such a level!

  Su Xiujun's laughter lingered on the scene, from "hahaha" at the beginning to "hahaha", and finally to a low "hohoho", this sound is clearly the sound of zombies! Weird!

"What's up with him!"

   Brother Shi immediately understood that nothing good would happen when he heard this sound. He turned on the safety of the laser weapon in his hand and aimed it at Su Xiujun. If the other party had any abnormality, he would immediately shoot the other party!

The ghost head boy on the other side was the same as Brother Shi, the skylight in his hand was aimed at the "Su Xiujun", but after a while, he suddenly saw that a person climbed up from the ruins blasted by the laser in the distance. Taking a closer look, there is a surprised and excited look on Guitou Zai's face!


He shouted, and Brother Shi was also attracted. The moment he saw Yong, the incredible feeling just flashed by. His eyes swept over "Su Xiujun" from Yong. He guessed something, but chose to remain silent. , or that he wasn't sure what he was thinking.


The low and hoarse roar washed everyone's ears, and Yan pulled out a steel rod about twenty centimeters long from his waist. The steel rod was directly stretched and turned into a big sword with the height of a man. The whole body was silver and white, and it exuded a heavy breath!

  Yan will hold the big sword in one hand and walk slowly in the face of "Su Xiujun". As he brews, his murderous aura is getting heavier and heavier!

   About ten seconds passed, and "Su Xiujun" seemed to be laughing enough, and his voice stopped abruptly, but at the same time, something even weirder happened to him!


After a scream, "Su Xiujun" suddenly stepped out of the side-lifting action as if he had turned into a puppet in an instant. Then, his entire body was thrown back, his chest was facing the sky, and his waist was bent to the point of an ordinary person. Unreachable!


   Brother Shi was so nervous, he quickly took his attention away from Yong and put it on "Su Xiujun"! In the next second, the flesh and blood on the "Su Embroidery Army" began to soar, tearing open the clothes one after another, and finally turned into pieces of rotten cloth hanging on the body. The Yan will become more and more dignified!

   The exposed body of "Su Xiujun" grew blisters one by one, and these blisters grew more and more, and suddenly burst when they rubbed against each other, and the pus with the color of cooked cheese flowed down from it! The person who looked good at first suddenly became disoriented. Then, the flesh on "Su Xiujun"'s chest also burst, and a lot of blood sputtered out like watermelon juice that had been smashed by someone. Seeing a blood hole in his chest that could fit an adult's head, what seems to be moving in the blood hole?

"That is……"

   He muttered to himself doubtfully, but just after uttering two words, a large number of scarlet tentacles emerged from the blood hole on "Su Xiujun"'s chest!

   "This Nima..."

  Guitouzai was taken aback, Su Xiujun looks like this, the new human being evolved with aliens can no longer make sense, this is definitely a zombie! But he couldn't figure it out, how could a person suddenly become a zombie? Yan Jiang seemed to have known him, and it seemed that he had known each other for a day or two.

   But it was too late for him to think about these sentences, because in a car next to him, there was a detection sound from an anti-life substance detector.

   [Di... Di ~ 3 o'clock to find a dangerous target, the energy index is 93475.9, the target is extremely dangerous, the level is a seventh-order zombie, and it is less than three meters away from you! Please act quickly! 】


The car was shrouded in red light from the anti-living substance detector, and Guitouzai glanced at it, his scalp numb involuntarily, but fortunately they had also encountered a seventh-order zombie before, and they were still successful with their efforts. Killing the seventh-order zombie, although his efforts can be said to be minimal, but no matter what, it made his nerves thicker and made his heart a little stronger. Now I encounter it again. , he is no longer so weak!


A large number of scarlet tentacles drilled out of his chest, which seemed to make "Su Xiujun" feel some pain. He roared at the sky, and then the two sides of his mouth were torn apart, making the mouth bigger, and the two rows of white teeth followed. It fell off quickly, and the viscous blood dripped down. Because the blisters that grew on his body burst, the skin of "Su Xiujun" had a large area of ​​festering, but these festering skin could not stop the protruding blood vessels. If you don't look carefully , I thought it was a poisonous snake coiled around him!

  The blood vessels changed from cyan to black, the ulcerated skin showed distorted resilience, and the ulcerated skin grew rapidly at an incomprehensible speed. These new skins were whiter, tenderer and smoother than Su Xiujun's original skin! But this skin didn't last long, and soon wrinkles appeared and it started to darken! In a short while, the skin on "Su Xiujun" will be rough and uneven like the bark of an old tree!

   Su Xiujun has undergone earth-shaking changes at this time, and it is difficult to connect him at this time with the previous him, as if he has become a complete zombie!

   (end of this chapter)

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