I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1646: war madman

   Chapter 1646 War Madman


I haven't been able to see the collision between the eighth-order new humans and the eighth-order zombies, and the air exploded under high pressure. The white smoke like a waterfall covered everything, as if the shock wave after the nuclear bomb exploded, and the soldiers felt the ground they were stepping on. There was a tremor, and the ground was tearing. This time, the anti-corpse wall could not withstand such destruction. The anti-corpse wall in the east collapsed in an instant, and a large piece collapsed, and this collapse caused a chain reaction, and the cracks "crackled". Extending all the way to the feet of Guitouzai, and the non-commissioned officer also found that it was not good, and immediately shouted: "Retreat!"

   With a little roar, all the soldiers reacted and jumped towards the ground at the fastest speed in their lives, no one dared to hesitate.


   shouted to Brother Shi, but he didn't need to remind himself, as soon as he opened his mouth, Brother Shi already ran to the wall and jumped down with his knees!


With a muffled sound, the ghost-headed boy who slammed into the ground grimaced and fell from a distance of tens of meters. Even if he was a second-order rookie, he couldn't bear it, and he almost choked to death in one breath. Just when he was about to slow down, the voice of a soldier with a national character beside him sounded: "Run!"

   Hearing this sound, Guitou Zai quickly turned his head and looked behind him. The huge anti-corpse wall had begun to collapse, and large pieces of cement wrapped in H steel smashed down towards his head!

   Seeing this, Guitouzi didn't care about the severe pain, and quickly got up from the ground and ran towards the front.

"hurry up!"

Brother Shi, who reacted quickly, waved at Guitou Zai as he ran. With a loud "bang", the debris of the collapsed anti-corpse wall hit the ground, causing the two to subconsciously rush forward. A lot of bloodshed disasters can be avoided.


   "Ouch I'm going!"

After confirming that he was not in danger, Guitouzai took a deep breath. Between his legs, within a centimeter of his crotch, there was a needle stuck straight on the ground. No guarantee!

   But before he could fully recover, a non-commissioned officer trotted past, waving his hand and shouting, "Hurry up, gather at District 11, and turn on the mecha as quickly as possible!"

   The non-commissioned officer's voice fell, and the surrounding soldiers echoed repeatedly, and they didn't dare to rest at all. Even if they were injured, they had to run hard. Time waits for no one. Whoever is one step behind will die first!

With the help of Brother Shi, Guitou Zai reluctantly stood up. About 400 to 500 meters in front, they saw the square where the mechas were parked, and each mecha was over five meters in size. , The extremely bloated image also makes it look powerful! This is War Madman - T300! This is a mecha exclusively for Sanctuary City, and its combat power is only comparable to Yunxia Base!

   The two of them looked at the busy comrades around them and felt a little overwhelmed. According to the non-commissioned officer, the next step was to deal with the next battle, but why did all the other soldiers around run towards the mecha? Does anyone open it?

   "Uh...which...I can't drive..."

  Mecha, not to mention ghosts, even Shi Ge, a crony who has a high-level new human brother, has never been in contact with him. How can this be done?

   But they won't drive, what are they going to do?

  Guitouzai didn't say anything, but the next second he was kicked **** his butt, and when he turned his head, it was the soldier with the national character.

"What's wrong?"

   He asked the other person suspiciously, but the soldier with the national character face didn't answer. He just winked and shook his head again. The meaning couldn't be more obvious, and Guitouzi also understood the meaning in an instant.

The mecha is limited. Looking at the steel structure inside the mecha that reflects the gloss and looks very hard, it is obvious that the inside of the mecha is far safer than the outside. First!


Realizing this, the three did not dare to delay and ran forward desperately, but they were still a step late. When they arrived, all the mechas in the square were seated with people. It can accommodate five people, including the No. 1 and No. 2 driving positions of the cannon, the main driving position for mobile control and melee combat, the observation position of the battle situation, and the logistics auxiliary position.

  The five people become a whole in the mecha, and can play a stronger combat effectiveness in the battle! As there were only four or three people on some mechas, but the ghost-headed boy Shige and the soldiers with the national character were not embarrassed to give up. It was full of people and had no choice but to give up.

   "Fuck, it's too late!"

With the closing of the hatch, the fully-staffed mecha, the tall steel body began to have blue light flowing, and the rotation of the spinning engine made an unignorable noise. Watching this scene, the ghost boy endured He couldn't stop scolding, and at this time, another non-commissioned officer held a horn and shuttled among the mechas, shouting: "Others, within five minutes, occupy the commanding heights and welcome the next battle!"

   Hearing this, Brother Shi and Guitouzai looked at the soldier with the national character face, and the other side was indeed a veteran. Without thinking, they pointed directly to the nearest building and said, "Go to the top."


The three of them acted immediately and ran towards the top floor of the building. In the stairs, Brother Shi glanced at the collapsed anti-corpse wall. The dust floating in the air made his vision a little blurred. He realized something and quickly asked the soldier with the national character: "Oh , the wall has collapsed, we are all here, can the seventh or eighth-order new humans outside be able to stop it?"

   "I can't stop it." The soldier who didn't know the national character and face didn't listen carefully, so he replied casually.

"This... that corpse tide will not rush in in a while? We are going to fight the corpse tide in the city?" Guitou Zai was also a little worried, fighting with the corpse tide in the street is very bad for people, even if it occupies the commanding heights, it will not Gives a sense of security.

   But when Guitouzai's voice fell, he hadn't received a reply from the soldier with the national character face. As if in response to his words, there was a huge movement from the center of Sanctuary City!


   The sound is very dull, like a huge machine suddenly started at this moment!

   The three of them accelerated their pace, came to the stairwell and looked at the center of Sanctuary City, and then they saw a very spectacular scene!

   A blue-medium-reddish, incomparably sturdy beam of light shot straight into the sky. It seemed that someone was controlling a laser cannon at that place to shoot at the sky, but this was obviously not the case.

The beam of light rushed all the way to the top of the cloud layer, but the purity of the beam of light did not decrease until the head could not be seen. This is not a scene that can be used by the laser cannon. After more than ten seconds, sure enough, the thick beam of light began to split and turned into hundreds of rays of light. The soft boiled dry noodles hang down and are precisely connected to the light energy connection points behind the anti-corpse wall, and then form an orange semi-circular transparent dome, covering the entire Sanctuary City!

   (end of this chapter)

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