I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1647: same guy as yong

   Chapter 1647 The same guy as Yong

   The protective cover was opened, and the unsightly orange cover changed the sky directly, and the annoying corpse roar disappeared immediately. This dangerous shelter city covering 23,000 square kilometers was tightly wrapped!

But even so, the big movements caused by the battles belonging to the high-level powerhouses outside can still be transmitted through the protective cover. From time to time, several figures can be seen flying high into the sky, their fists smashing at the opponent like a rainstorm, every time The attack compresses the air to the extreme, causing an explosion, and the space is almost distorted. After the rising power disappeared, several figures flying into the air fell to the ground and smashed to the ground!


  The ground trembled, and the storm rolled a lot of gravel onto the shield. Fortunately, the shield blocked the impact!

   The battle outside was so intense that the three of them couldn't even imagine that the ultimate power was erupting, and the mountain collapsed in an instant!

   "This..." Guitouzi was speechless for a while.

   "Don't worry, if the seventh-order and eighth-order big men outside can stop all the zombies above the seventh-order, it will be difficult for the remaining zombies below the sixth-order to break the protective cover."

"But...then the people outside won't be able to get in?" Guitou Zai said worriedly. In the past, he was only afraid of those strong men who were in the Sanctuary City, but he didn't think so in his heart, because they The only difference from ordinary people is that luck is better, but seeing those people rushing into the corpse tide and fighting against high-level zombies without fear of death, he is no longer simply afraid of those people, but has more respect, and now he is not waiting. Is it too chilling for those strong people to open the protective cover when they come in?

   But as soon as these words were said, Guitouzi heard the soldier with the national character snort coldly.

   "Huh, instead of caring about those guys, it's better to care about yourself, you can't get out either..."

   "Uh... well... well..."

Gui Tou Zai looked a little embarrassed. He admitted that he just said something stupid. Compared with the strong people outside the protective shield, they are now equivalent to caged birds, unless someone can cut a hole in the protective shield, or Wait for the corpse tide outside to open a hole, otherwise there is no way to escape!

   As the saying goes, the sky is high and the birds fly. This world is very big. If those new eighth-order humans outside want to escape, they can break through the corpse tide at any time and run far away!

After a while, the three of them ran up to the top floor. After a while, several soldiers rushed up. After seeing the three of them, they were stunned. waiting.

At this time, there were a total of eight soldiers, including the three Guitouzi, on the roof. Time passed minute by minute, and soon through the hole formed by the collapse of the anti-corpse wall, they saw the faces of zombies outside the protective cover. Several people With a tight heart, he quickly raised the weapon in his hand and pointed at the zombies.

They opened their evolved mouths that could no longer be seen, revealing a mouth of black and yellow teeth. Even if people felt that people were not affected through the protective shield, they could still feel the rotten and stench in the mouths of zombies. !

They seemed to be roaring, but unfortunately the people in the protective shield couldn't hear them. Several people saw the zombies outside, baring their teeth and desperately squeezing their heads into the hollow, with their grim faces tilting their heads and looking eagerly at the people inside. Occasionally touching the protective cover was scorched by the scorching high temperature and smoking, but still did not want to give up. This was extremely funny. As for the zombies whose heads could not squeeze in, they smashed the collapsed anti-corpse wall with crazy hammers. This is from The trembling remains of the corpse wall can be seen.

As soon as the zombies appeared, some soldiers controlled the mecha and came forward, but when they saw that the zombies could not get in, they stopped and waited quietly. The ghosts on the roof also relaxed after seeing them, just like The soldier with the national character face just said that as long as the seventh-order and eighth-order powerhouses outside can stop all the zombies above the seventh-order, it is not easy for others to come in.

   put down the gun, although the zombies are only temporarily unable to enter, no one knows when the protective cover will be broken, this rare time soldiers need to hurry up to raise their spirits.

   "Hey, share this with you."

The five soldiers later sat down directly on the ground. There were no non-commissioned officers here. There were only a few of them on the roof, and they were temporarily unable to control them. One of the soldiers even took out a plastic bag, which turned out to be some chocolate chips after opening it. Odd biscuit, this thing is rare in the apocalypse. At first glance, it was produced before the apocalypse. Seeing that this guy is tightly covered with a plastic bag, it is too precious to think about.

  Perhaps he knew that it was impossible to live in this battle, even if the corpse king had not appeared, just divide these things.

   I don't know how long the toy has been kept, it's broken and broken, and a few soldiers didn't care whether it expired or not, as long as it was handed over, it would continue.

   Seeing that the soldier was calling him again, the three Guitouzi glanced at each other, then walked over and took the broken cookies from the soldier's hand.




   "Introduction, my name is Chen Peng, I'm from Y province. This thing has been in my hands for a year. My mother left it for me. It may have expired. Don't mind everyone."

"it's okay no problem."

   "It would be nice to have such a meal before dying. What do you care about, right?"


"My name is……"

   Eight people gathered together. After some introduction, people who didn't know each other had a certain understanding of each other, and Brother Shi and Guitouzai also knew that the name of the soldier with the national character was Wu Zhixiong.

   After the introduction, they started chatting while raising their spirits. However, due to the special circumstances, the content of the chat was all about enjoying the future, such as... surviving this battle!

   "If we survive, we will meet at Xianglan 5th Street in Baiyu, where there is a restaurant with good taste, and have a good meal with all the Yakin on your body, hahaha!"

   Hearing the laughter of the people around him, Guitou Zai shook his head indistinctly. He remembered that he had heard similar words at some point.

   Alas... the premise is to survive first.

I silently read such a sentence in my heart, didn't you say it? Fantasy is beautiful, but reality is always cruel. Even if these people in front of them feel that they have the confidence to live, Guitouzi doesn't think that he can live. Life is like a supporting role to pave the way for the appearance of the protagonist. What's more exaggerated is that you may not even see the protagonist's face, and you can't even play the role!

  With such a life, he didn't have the confidence to think that he was the lucky one to survive this battle.

He looked to the side with no interest, but at this time, he noticed a person, with a dull expression, not talking much, holding the cookies that Chen Peng distributed to him, and still haven't eaten it, I don't know why, ghost The head boy always feels that this guy is the same as Yong!

   (end of this chapter)

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